OUTLINE Your labs Hydrologic processes Hydrology in GRID
Labs automate.aml vs. valley_fill.aml fill%i% = con(dem > %i%,dem,%i%) automate.aml vs. valley_fill.aml Discuss function and workings of macros Do and write your lab simultaneously
Hydrology water flows down hill (and payday is on Friday) many processes increase as Slope & Area surface erosion stream power landsliding
Doing Hydrology in GRID Flow Direction depends on local slope Flow is accumulated at each point along with everything it carries Streams require minimum flow The watershed is the cells upslope Stream Order is a measure of accumulation Delivery to streams decreases with distance We can convert stream cells into arcs
Flow Direction (hint: downhill) The steepest downhill gradient.
Flow Accumulation
Accumulating Stuff Weight grid 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 1 1 1 12 1 1 12 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 1 1 1 12 1 1 12 1 1 1 1 6 18 Weight grid
Streams Minimum Contributing Area Minimum Stream Power stream = con(flowaccumulation > min_area) Minimum Stream Power stream = con(fa * slope(dem) > min_sp)
Sinks Sinks are commonly viewed as errors Sinks can be an artifact of the gridding process Sinks are filled with the FILL command
Watershed (anti-accumulation)
Stream Order An old version of Flow Accumulation Shreve counts headwaters Strahler counts in a log fashion.
Flow Distance Filtering effects increase with distance
Linearizing Stream Networks