Oxide Heterostructure Shuhua Liang UTK Physics Dept.
Perovskite Stucture ABO3
LCMO (magnetic material) La0.67Ca0.33MnO3
High Tc Superconductor Lattice LSCO (High Tc Sc) (La1-xSrxCuO3 )
YBCO High Tc Sc YBa2Cu3O7-x CuO2 Plane More layers Higher Tc Distance Carriers in CuO2 Plane
Metallic Interfaces between Insulators LaTiO3 layers (bright) of varying thickness spaced by 5 layers of SrTiO3
LaTiO3 La 3+ one more e Ti 3+ Mott insulator A=0.397nm SrTiO3 Sr 2+ Ti 4+ Band insulator A=0.391nm
Charge leakage the Ti3+ signal is considerably wider than that of the La “Ti3+”~extra electron The ‘tail’ of Ti3+ have a decay length of 1nm as an order of screening length!
Metallic Structure Fraction of Ti3+ is a function of the number of LaTiO3 unit cells. Conductivity is a function of the thickness of LaTi3 and SrTi3
CMR Colossal magnetoresistance
Double-exchange mechanism Ca 2+ cause electron free to move.
Oxide heterostructure interface
Ferromagnetic/Sc oxide interface Sc: YBa2Cu3O7-x FM: La0.67Ca0.33MnO3
Electrons transfer
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