Topics addressed by SDCs governance Division decentralization democratization Gender Human Rights; access to justice Economic governance
Division priorities n Access to political systems; decentralization processes n Access to the justice system; human rights n Access to public services; fight against corruption n Access to information n Access to economic markets n Gender and governance as crosscutting issues
Objectives of Decentralization Processes n improving relationships between the state and its people n Political legitimacy of the state n enhanced participation of the local population (civil society as counterbalance) n improving effectiveness of governmental services n principle of subsidiarity-services responding to local needs n more effective use of resources-distribution of responsibilities n promoting local development n context adapted development programmes n greater utilization of local development potentials (ownership, local know how) n improved economic balance between center and periphery
Principles for SDC action n no blue print n SDC does not promote on specific decentralisation model, but advocates the forms of decentralisation which function and improve governance in a given context n Support based on careful analysis of local context n SDC try to ensure that supported decentralization processes pay adequate attention to local conditions and social dynamics in the partner state n SDC seeks to strengthen element ensuring the independant functioning of decentralized units n legal security of existence; clear regulation of competencies; transfer of financial resources; local human capacity; adequate supervision by central authorities
SDCs approaches to decentralisation n 1. Support to formal decentralisation processes: Nepal n support to official transfer of decision-making competencies from central government to regional or local community levels n 2. reinforcement of good governance at the local level : Bulgaria n support to adequate articulation between public, private and civil society organisation allowing a good management of public affairs and a efficient delivery of public services n 3. Support to civil society initiatives at local level : Niger n reinforcement of local initiatives of the civil society taking on tasks of public interest, spontaneously or through formal delegation from public authorities.
How can SDC support decentralization processes ? n Adapting its policies to the local context n Promoting concertation between local public and private driving forces n Strengthening capacities to cope with new roles (for local elected people) n Ensuring that governance principles are applied (political lobbying/awareness building) n Coordinating with other agencies.
SDCs Role and lines of actions in Nepal n training of local elected people n partner: Nepali civil society organisation). Focus on desadvantaged and women n advocacy at central level & watchdog n public awareness (..etc) n partner: Nepali civil society organisation. Focus on public hearing and radio programmes (listeners clubs) n Fight against corruption at local level n Transparency International (Integrity Pacts at municipal level = monitoring system for improved transparency & accountability) n support to umbrella organisation of local authorities planned n publication of Handbooks & information
SDCs Role and lines of actions in Nepal (II) n Decentralisation through support to sector project n District Road support programme/bridge building programmes n community forest programmes (forest management devolved by HMG to user groups) n empowerment of local communities through inclusion of local authorities & civil society/private sector in planning, implementing and monitoring of projet activities
SDCsupports to governance at local level n Good Governance on the local level means fostering good governance in a local context through reinforcement of participative and transparent service-delivery organisations. n In practice, SDC mostly try to fulfil this objective through fostering the creation of public-private partnerships (such as forums including representatives both of local authorities and civil societys association) aimed at managing development projects in the public sector.
2. Bulgaria: Stara planina community forums n public meeting of citizen to discuss at local level important questions of mutual interest n ad hoc composition: depends on issue with concerned stakeholders (40-70 participants linked to the communitiy) n include local administration &politics n organisation: Benches/codes of conduct n duration: until questions are solved and recommendation for action approved by consensus and sent to competent authority (1-11/2 years)
SDCs support to civil society initiatives at local level n Support to local initiatives without partnerships with local authorities n Focus on creation of forums with representatives of civil society (management of public sector programmes at local level). Ex: Niger n Focus on the development of a living democratic culture n strengthening participation:human rights education and awareness- building, access to infirmation, action-research on local democratic traditions,...