How to fill a Cargo Movement Request (CMR):
Organisation Write the name of your organisation
Sender Information Fill in sender contact information
Consignee Information Fill in consignee contact information: This is the organisation who will receive the cargo.
Destination and Date Fill in destination: either final destination for full truck loads - or by default final hub) Write the date the cargo is ready to move Please use only one form for each destination
For Logistics Cluster use Do not fill this in – for Logistics Cluster use only
Cargo Information Please write information as accurately as you can. If you need to request cargo movement for more than 14 lines of Commodities please use another form. Do not add lines to this spreadsheet Please write information as accurately as you can. This will help us to move your cargo ASAP
any special information about the cargo see example: Cargo Special Information Please let us know any special information about the cargo see example:
Signature/Name (electronic): Agency/Organisation authorised person CMR Signature Don’t forget to sign! Signature/Name (electronic): Agency/Organisation authorised person and date
The completed CMR should be sent back to the Logistics Cluster: By E-mail:
For Information: If you have any questions on the CMR forms please contact the Logistics Cluster