Introduction to Implementing the New CTE TEKS Teaching With the Student in Mind
Objectives Participants will: Gain awareness of the CTE TEKS Gain awareness of Coherent Sequences Gain awareness of the key parts of the CTE TEKS Learn steps for unpacking the CTE TEKS
3 Things I know about the NEW CTE TEKS 3-2-1 3 Things I know about the NEW CTE TEKS 2 Questions I have about the NEW CTE TEKS 1 Personal Learning Goal related to the NEW CTE TEKS
“To begin with the end in mind means to start with a clear understanding of your destination. It means to know where you are going so that you better understand where you are now and so that the steps you take are always in the right direction. -Steven Covey The seven habits of highly effective people
Reflection: Rise and Shine! You will RISE when I ask you to do so You will walk at least 10 steps in any direction – North, South, East or West You will find a partner you have not yet spoken to today and SHINE as you collaborate and share your responses to the question I give you…
Reflection: Rise and Shine! Question 1: Rise and Shine Do you agree or disagree with the central idea of this quotation?
“To begin with the end in mind means to start with a clear understanding of your destination. It means to know where you are going so that you better understand where you are now and so that the steps you take are always in the right direction. -Steven Covey The seven habits of highly effective people
Reflection: Rise and Shine! Sit down in the chair nearest to you You will RISE when I ask you to do so You will walk at least 10 steps in any direction – North, South, East or West You will find a partner you have not yet spoken to today and SHINE as you collaborate and share your responses… as I give you your question…
Reflection: Rise and Shine! Question 2: Rise and Shine What is the relationship between this quotation (The Covey Quote) and the NEW CTE TEKS?
Teaching Inside the Box The Power of Creative Constraint The New CTE TEKS
Thinking Inside the Box: The Power of Creative Constraint
In Texas, TEKS are the Standards Credit to The University of Texas Dana Center
TEKS Development The Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills (TEKS) are the state- mandated curriculum guidelines that establish what every student, from kindergarten to grade 12, should know and be able to do by the end of that grade or course. The TEKS were written by Texas educators. The State Board of Education adopted the TEKS in 1997. The TEKS were first implemented in 1998. The TEKS are the sole source for the STAAR There is a review process for revising and updating the TEKS. Credit to The University of Texas Dana Center
New CTE TEKS as of September 2017!,_Career,_and_Military_Prep/Career_and_Technical_Education/CTE_Texas_Essential_Knowledge_and_Skills_for_2017-2018/ Final copy of new CTE TEKS posted August 28, 2017
The TEKS Do… Reflect what EVERY student should know and be able to do Depict what EVERY student must do to show proficiency in each grade or course Form a foundation for continued education in K-12 and beyond Credit to The University of Texas Dana Center
The TEKS Do NOT… Provide a complete scope and sequence or course outline Indicate ALL the skills and knowledge that students COULD have Dictate the manner and methods by which the STANDARDS are taught Dictate or limit curriculum and instructional choices Credit to The University of Texas Dana Center
The TEKS are NOT Optional Credit to The University of Texas Dana Center
Texas Essential Knowledge & Skills FOUNDATION AREAS English Language Arts and Reading Mathematics Science Social Studies English Language Proficiency Standards ENRICHMENT AREAS Career and Technical Education Fine Arts Health Education Languages other than English Physical Education Technology Applications Religious Literature Credit to The University of Texas Dana Center
TEKS in Texas Administrative Code Title 19: Education Part 2 19 TAC Chapter 127 19 TAC Chapter 130 Career Development Courses Middle School High School Career and Technical Education Courses Agriculture, Food & Natural Resources Arts, AV Technology & Communications Architecture & Construction Business Management & Administration Education & Training Finance Government & Public Administration Health Science Hospitality & Tourism Human Services Information Technology Law, Public Service, Corrections & Security Marketing Manufacturing STEM Transportation, Distribution & Logistics NOTE TO PRESENTERS – Titles / Chapters have live hyperlinks to rules if you want to use them.
New CTE TEKS Implementation What does it mean for teachers? Important to take advantage of professional development related to changes. Will find that revised TEKS match current industry trends and practices. Become more involved in the respective fields through networking, organization memberships, externships, collaboration with post-secondary institutions. Essential to understand requirements of courses, changes to TEKS, and how to encourage students to pursue related careers. The revised content presented in the TEKS requires teachers to gain further knowledge of current practices in the field. It is important for teachers to know how to articulate the student learning outcomes and how to create rich, engaging activities that result in professional career portfolios.
New CTE TEKS Implementation What does it mean for students? Allows students to see a cohesive meaning and flow through high school coursework. Better prepares students for latest and best industry practice and standards. Potentially more course choices.
Teaching with the Student in Mind Coherent Sequences Teaching with the Student in Mind
CTE Coherent Sequences Students who take a coherent sequence of CTE courses are more likely to complete high school successfully. A coherent sequence of courses is defined by the U.S. Department of Education as a series of courses in which vocational and academic education are integrated, and which directly relates to, and leads to, both academic and occupational competencies. “ 34 CFR 400.4 (b) [Title 34 – Education; Subtitle B
CTE Coherent Sequence Texas Student Data Standards / PEIMS 5 CTE Coherent Sequence Texas Student Data Standards / PEIMS A student is participating in a “coherent sequence” of two or more CTE courses for three or more credits that develops occupational knowledge, skills and competencies relating to a CTE program of study. Used to determine Student Indicator Code for CTE participation. Coherent sequence taker is coded as a “2” in TSDS for CTE participation.
CTE Coherent Sequence Foundation High School Graduation Planning 5 CTE Coherent Sequence Foundation High School Graduation Planning Four or more credits in CTE that consists of at least two courses in the same career cluster including at least one advanced CTE course which includes any course that is the third or higher course in a sequence. The courses may be selected from all CTE career clusters, career development courses, or approved CTE innovative courses. The final course in the sequence must be obtained from one of the CTE career clusters listed according to the endorsement to be earned.
CTE Coherent Sequence Example Public Services - Education and Training Principles of Education & Training (1) Human Growth & Development (1) Child Development (1) OR Instructional Practices (2) Practicum in Education & Training (2)
CTE Coherent Sequence Example Business and Industry - Marketing Principles of Business, Marketing & Finance(1) Professional Communication(.5) Social Media Marketing(.5) OR Advanced Marketing (2) Practicum in Marketing (2)
Implementing the New CTE TEKS Teaching with the Student in Mind
New CTE TEKS Online Training in Texas Gateway Courses TEKS training modules available for all 16 Career Clusters Each module contains several sections, video, and handouts. Training modules explain changes in the TEKS. Each course will contains a short assessment. You must complete and pass each assessment to pass the course. You must make an 80% or higher to pass the assessments. Limited number of opportunities to retake assessments. Once you complete course requirements, you will earn a certificate of completion. Online TEKS training is available in Texas CTE Resource Center / Texas Gateway Courses to learn more about the new CTE TEKS.
Each Career Cluster TEKS training module will provide a document like this. New CTE TEKS training modules will teach you about the new CTE TEKS, what they are, and what has changed. BUT, they do not tell you how to implement the TEKS or how to use them to create learning activities for your students.
How to Use the TEKS There is no user’s guide or teacher’s manual to accompany the TEKS Everybody’s been using them to his or her best ability Our purpose is to deepen everyone’s understanding of our CTE TEKS in order to expand informed instructional decision making Credit to The University of Texas Dana Center
Structure of the TEKS: Four Parts Introduction Strands (Foundation Areas) Knowledge & Skill Statements Student Expectations
Structure of the TEKS: Four Parts Introduction Strand Strand K & S K & S K & S SE SE SE SE SE SE SE SE SE Credit to The University of Texas Dana Center
Credit to The University of Texas Dana Center Structure of the TEKS INTRODUCTION Provides a brief overview of fundamental concepts and real world applications of the subject matter at a particular grade or course level Introduction: Description of content of course and key information about the standards; often includes general information about the subject area. Credit to The University of Texas Dana Center
Credit to The University of Texas Dana Center Structure of the TEKS STRANDS Strands are Broad Categories in Foundations Subjects (not found in CTE) Mathematics Strands (K-5) Mathematics Strands (6-8) Science Strands (K-8) Credit to The University of Texas Dana Center
Structure of the TEKS KNOWLEDGE AND SKILL STATEMENTS Broad concepts or skills to be learned These should NEVER be separated from the Student Expectations Knowledge and Skill Statements Broad statements of what students must know and be able to do End with “the student is expected to” Credit to The University of Texas Dana Center
Credit to The University of Texas Dana Center Structure of the TEKS STUDENT EXPECTATIONS WHAT the student is expected to do to demonstrate understanding of the concept or skill taught These should NEVER be separated from the Knowledge & Skill statements Student Expectations Directly related to the knowledge and skill statement More specific about how students demonstrate their learning Begin with a verb Credit to The University of Texas Dana Center
Structure of the TEKS [Bracket] The Introduction BOX the Strands (Not Found in CTE TEKS) Underline The Knowledge & Skills Statements Circle the Student Expectations
[Bracket] the Introduction Did you note any particular information that would be especially important for a teacher to know before offering this class? Highlight that information
Underline the Knowledge & Skills Statements
Circle the Student Expectations
Circle the Student Expectations Why don’t we separate the Knowledge and Skills Statements from the Student Expectations? In order to teach to the standards, we must consider both the Knowledge and Skills statement and Student Expectation together. If I am staying true to our norms for the day and I am perfectly honest, I will tell you that it highly possible that I would plan my unit based on reading only these Student Expectations. I would space them out, have them choose a topic, research it, put it together, etc. But when I read the Knowledge and Skill statement, I realize that I need to have my students deliberately applying math, science, English and social studies… which means I should probably know how their social studies teacher encourages them to research, what process of scientific methods of investigation they use in science, etc. Careful consideration of both the Knowledge and Skills statement and Student Expectation is critical. If we don’t consider the Knowledge and Skills statement together with the Student Expectation, we run the risk of not teaching the appropriate depth of the TEKS.”
Common to all CTE TEKS Students must be able to apply knowledge learned. Content is aligned with challenging academic standards. Content includes relevant technical knowledge and skills. CTSOs are co-curricular activities. Employability skills are included in all CTE courses.
Structure of the TEKS WHAT? SO WHAT? NOW WHAT? Take 2 minutes and 45 seconds to turn to your elbow partner and discuss the following prompts. WHAT? What did you learn as a result of the structure activity? SO WHAT? What is important about what you have learned? NOW WHAT? What actions will you take as a result of your learning?
Now It’s Your Turn!
Copyright © Notice. The materials are copyrighted © and trademarked ™ as the property of the Texas Education Agency (TEA) and may not be reproduced without the express written permission of TEA, except under the following conditions: Texas public school districts, charter schools, and Education Service Centers may reproduce and use copies of the Materials and Related Materials for the districts’ and schools’ educational use without obtaining permission from TEA. Residents of the state of Texas may reproduce and use copies of the Materials and Related Materials for individual personal use only without obtaining written permission of TEA. Any portion reproduced must be reproduced in its entirety and remain unedited, unaltered and unchanged in any way. No monetary charge can be made for the reproduced materials or any document containing them; however, a reasonable charge to cover only the cost of reproduction and distribution may be charged. Private entities or persons located in Texas that are not Texas public school districts, Texas Education Service Centers, or Texas charter schools or any entity, whether public or private, educational or non-educational, located outside the state of Texas MUST obtain written approval from TEA and will be required to enter into a license agreement that may involve the payment of a licensing fee or a royalty. For information contact: Texas Education Agency, 1701 N. Congress Ave., Austin, TX 78701-1494; email: