Who We Are The Child Abuse Prevention and Counselling Society (CAPCS), through the Mary Manning Centre, is the primary provider of therapy and victim services for children and youth in Greater Victoria who have experienced sexual abuse.
Who We Are Mary Manning Centre (MMC) serves over 200 children and families every year. Mary Manning Centre is Victoria's only non-profit agency dedicated to treating child victims of sexual abuse.
Mission Statement The organizations primary mission is: to prevent abuse through community education and advocacy and to respond to the needs of children, youth and families who experience or are affected by sexual abuse and other forms of maltreatment.
FACT! Sexual Abuse can happen to anyone. 60% of all reported sexual assaults are against children.
If it wasnt for my counsellor at the Centre, I wouldnt be here – I was so close to suicide. I was so, so ready. I was knife-to-my-throat ready. My counsellor helped me to work through what I was going through and love myself again. A 13 year old client What children, families and colleagues have to say about Mary Manning Centre:
Our History The Society was founded by Mary Manning, who, together with therapist Rita Milot, began providing counselling services to child survivors of sexual abuse in As a result of this pioneering work, thousands of people - children, youth, and families - have been helped to heal and recover from the effects of child sexual abuse. In 1995, in recognition of her founding role, the agency at which services are provided was named The Mary Manning Centre.
Our Staff Is Our Greatest Strength The clinical team at the Mary Manning Centre consists of: – Victim assistance & intake workers – Child & family therapists All have Masters level credentials in counselling and/or art therapy.
Victim Services Victim assistance is available for child and youth victims, witnesses, and family members throughout their involvement in the criminal justice process. Victim services provide support and information about the criminal justice system proceedings including court preparation, police and court accompaniment, follow up and referral.
Counselling Children & youth participate in individual counselling sessions which may include their parent/caregiver. All children & youth receive prevention education while in counselling, and group counselling is offered based on availability and client need.
Our Recent Accomplishments Recipients of the RCY Award of Excellence for Service Delivery March 2008:Justice Institute Training provided to provincial victim service workers titled: Working with Child and Youth Survivors of Sexual Assault/Abuse November 2008-International Symposium on Child Sexual Abuse co- partnered with Pacific Centre Family Services
Our Recent Accomplishments April 2009: Mary Manning Centre & Victoria Police co-hosted a meeting with community partners to advocate and create ORCA-an organized response to child abuse May 2009: Hosts for Community Prevention planning with partner agencies
FACT! For years the Mary Manning Centre had a referral list of children, waiting 3-6 months for counselling. After much provincial advocacy by Mary Manning Centre, increased core funding became available in 2008, across the province and the referral list has nearly diminished. Fundraising is needed yearly for 1/3 of our annual budget
FACT! As a result of the elimination of the referral list, many children who receive counselling immediately appear to resolve their issues in less time. Parents say that they feel supported by receiving help when they need it the most.
FACT! When referral lists were long, the advocacy on behalf of children and families to eliminate the waiting list had an unforeseen result of 33% less referrals in When core funding was provided in 2008, and waiting lists eliminated, referrals went up 50% from that one time record low.
FACT! YOU CAN HELP: Donate to the Society Become a member Take part in society fundraisers Use your influence to educate your friends, family and the government on how they can help prevent child sexual abuse.
The things I learned help me to be more aware of my daughters behaviours and feelings, and in turn, made me more aware of my own. It also gave me tools to help my daughter myself. A parents feedback What children, families and colleagues have to say about Mary Manning Centre:
WAYS You Can Help! Becoming a member of the Society Making a direct donation to the Society Participating in our Planned Giving or Sponsor a Child program Volunteering your time to an agency project or one of our board committees.
Please contact our office at or or more information on any of our programs and how we can help.