4th Grade Social Studies First semester review
Chapter 1: What is Geography? Vocabulary: Region: an area that shares a feature Environment: includes all surroundings Geography: study of the people and places on Earth Key Points North Carolina has 3 regions (western, central, and eastern North Carolina)
Unit 1: North Carolina’s Geography
Lesson 2: Land and Climate Vocabulary Cape: point of land that sticks out into water Climate: usual weather of a place Elevation: the height of the land Key Points NC has high mountains in the west and low land near the coast. A long chain of barrier islands separates the coast from the ocean NC has 4 seasons but each region has a different climate
Lesson 3: Water and Resources Vocabulary Sound: body of water Natural resources: things from nature that people use Mineral: something mined from the ground NC has many different bodies of water and they’re all important natural resources. Wood, soil, rocks, and minerals are useful natural resources too.
Lesson 4: People and the land Vocabulary Erosion: wearing away of the Earth’s surface by wind/water Wetland: low area of land that has water on or near the surface Vocabulary Cont. Pollution: anything that harms the environment Conservation: the careful use and protection of resources such as plants, animals, and water
Unit 2: Regions of NC
Lesson 1: The Coastal Plain Vocabulary Plateau: Port: Rural: Urban: Key Ideas: NC’s 3 major regions are the Coastal Plain, the Piedmont, and the Mountain region