Unit 3 Week 1 Head, Body, Legs Vocabulary Review
attached stuck to or joined to something Synonyms- fastened, connected, tied, joined non example (something it is not) disconnected, not joined, separate The balloons are attached to the string. My hair is attached to my head.
swung moved back and forth Synonyms- sway non example (something it is not) still He swung the bat so hard that it cracked. She swung for two hours at the park.
gasped Took in a loud and fast breath Synonyms- breathe, gulp, inhale, pant non example (something it is not) Billy gasped when he saw his new bike. The woman gasped with surprise when she saw the gift.
breathe To take air into your lungs and send it out again Synonyms- exhale, inhale non example (something it is not) The boy will breathe out and blow the candles. Fish breathe through their gills.
delicious tasty or tasting very good Synonyms- yummy, tasty, good non example (something it is not) horrible, unpleasant, yucky The cupcakes my mom made were delicious.
frantically nervously, in an excited and worried way Synonyms- nervously, worriedly, excitedly non example (something it is not) calmly, peacefully The woman ran frantically to catch the bus before it left.