Vocabulary AVID
Daily Reading and Writing Please answer the writing prompt below. Then, read your reading materials silently until time has ended.
Vocabulary Review: Meticulous Although Jennifer was a meticulous student, she still had difficulty organizing her essay. It took a special, meticulous kind of person to accomplish the undertaking, someone with brains, patience, and nerves of steel.
Vocabulary Review: Urbane "I perfectly agree with you," said the other, with an urbane bow. The year 2011 was particularly tough for the usually gracious and urbane president.
Vocabulary Review: Sagacity This man is married to a handsome woman, whose fidelity he has perpetually been doubting from no cause except his own sagacity. In fact, Aleck commented duly upon his own sagacity in conceiving that idea.
Vocabulary Review: Edify Once in the year let us meet here, to compare experiences, resolve difficulties, and to comfort and edify one another in our work. It can edify the readers with the history of remarkable piety and virtue.
Vocabulary Review: Muse Readers are invited to muse about the parenting style of members of their most- disliked political groups. My muse is also capable of connecting two or three completely unrelated concepts, and combining the elements in unexpected ways.
Brainstorm Cornell Notes Binders Agenda What do you need to make Cornell Notes helpful? What ways do you like to check your Cornell Notes checked? Binders What ways do you like to get your binders checked? Agenda What ways do you like to get your agenda checked? Are we all comfortable with backwards time planning? What are topics that you would like to learn more about that typically doesn’t get addressed in school? Motivation, Depression, Relationship Abuse, Stress, Anxiety, Procrastination, Organization, Mental Health, Processing Challenging Situations, Social/Family Concerns, Specific Elements of College, Planning/Goal Setting, Time Management