World Leading Exporters 2016 Pulp, Paper and Sawn Timber Sweden is the world’s second largest combined exporter of paper, pulp and sawn wood products. Exports for sawn wood products have been converted from m³ into tonnes; the factor used is 2 m³= 1 tonnes. The ranking for the different areas, are as follows: Pulp: number five after Canada, Brazil, USA and Chile. Paper: number four after Germany, USA and Finland. Sawn wood: number three after Canada and Russia. Source: Swedish Forest Industries Federation, CEPI, RISI, FAO, National Associations
Sweden’s Share of the World’s: Per cent Source: Swedish Forest Industries Federation, Swedish Forest Agency, RISI, FAO
Forests of the World Oceania 5% 191 Million Hectares Africa 17% 674 Million Hectares Asia 15% 593 Million Hectares Oceania 5% 191 Million Hectares Europe 25% 1,005 Million Hectares (incl Russia) North and Central America 17% 705 Million Hectares South America 21% 864 Million Hectares Total Area in the World: 4 Billion Hectares Source: FAO
Global Use of Wood 2015 *) m3sk = Forest Cubic Meters Source: FAO
Global Paper Production 2016 by Region The world’s total paper production amounted to 411 million tonnes in 2016 (407 million tonnes 2015). This pie chart shows how this production is distributed among the different regions. Asia, which accounts for 47 per cent (191 million tonnes) of paper production is by far the largest paper producer. Europe (107 million tonnes) and North America (82 million tonnes) are also significant producers Source: RISI
Global Paper Production 2016 by Grade Source: RISI 6
Global Pulp Production 2016 by Region The world’s total pulp production amounted to 181 million tonnes in 2016 (179 million tonnes 2015). This pie chart shows how this production is distributed among the different regions. North America accounts for 36 per cent (64 million tonnes) of the global pulp production. Europe (46 million tonnes) and Asia (39 million tonnes) are also significant producers. 76 per cent of the 181 million tonnes of pulp produced consisted of chemical pulp. Source: RISI 7
Global Pulp Production 2016 by Quality The world’s total pulp production amounted to 181 million tonnes in 2016 (179 million tonnes 2015). 76 per cent of the 181 million tonnes of pulp produced consisted of chemical pulp. Source: RISI 8
Production and Exports of Paper 2016 This chart shows paper production and exports by country, the worlds 14 largest producers of paper. The export ratio varies widely from one country to another. For example, the US export a very small proportion of its production, while countries such as Canada, Sweden and Finland are very export-oriented. Sweden is the world’s 11th largest producer and the fourth largest exporter of paper 2016, after Germany, the US and Finland. The worlds total paper production was 411 million tonnes 2016 (2015: 407 million tonnes) and the worlds paper export was 112 million tonnes for the same period (2015: 111 million tonnes). The worlds paper consumption was 411 million tonnes (2015: 407 million tonnes). Total World Production: 411 Million Tonnes (2015: 407 Million Tonnes) Total World Exports: 112 Million Tonnes (2015: 111 Million Tonnes) Source: RISI, CEPI
Production and Exports of Pulp 2016 The chart shows wood pulp production and exports for selected countries, the worlds 10 larges producers of pulp and Portugal number 12, Germany number 13 , Spain number 16 and Uruguay number 14 . In Sweden and most other countries, relatively small amounts of pulp are exported. Instead, the pulp is converted into paper, which is then exported. Sweden is the world’s fifth largest producer and the sixth largest exporter of pulp, after Brazil, Canada, the US, Chile and Indonesia. The worlds total pulp production was 181 million tonnes 2016 (2015: 179 million tonnes) and the worlds pulp export was for 54 million tonnes for the same period (2015: 51 million tonnes). Chinas total pulp production 2016 was 16.2 million tonnes, 10.6 million wood pulp and 5.6 million tonnes of non wood pulp. Million Tonnes Total World Production: 168 Million Tonnes ( 2014: 168 Million Tonnes) Total World Exports: 51 Million Tonnes (2014: 50 Million Tonnes) Source: RISI, CEPI 10
Paper Consumption in Europe Paper Consumption in Europe* 2016 Deliveries from Various Countries and Regions Total consumption of paper in the CEPI-area, 77 million tonnes (2015:77 million tonnes). CEPI countries are as follows Austria, Belgium, Czech Republic, Finland, France, Germany, Hungary, Italy, The Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovak Republic, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden and The United Kingdom. Total Consumption: 77 Million Tonnes (2015: 77 Million Tonnes) * Europe= CEPI Countries Source: CEPI 11
Paper Consumption in Europe 2016 by Grade Total consumption of paper in the CEPI-area, 77.4 million tonnes (2015: 77 million tonnes). CEPI countries are as follows Austria, Belgium, Czech Republic, Finland, France, Germany, Hungary, Italy, The Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovak Republic, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden and The United Kingdom. Total Consumption: 77.4 Million Tonnes (2015: 77 Million Tonnes) Source: CEPI 12
Raw Materials in European Papermaking 2016 The total paper production within the CEPi-countries amounted 91 million tonnes during 2016. The graph shows the raw material use in CEPI. CEPI countries are as follows Austria, Belgium, Czech Republic, Finland, France, Germany, Hungary, Italy, The Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovak Republic, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden and The United Kingdom. Total Paper Production: 91 Million Tonnes (2015: 91 Million Tonnes) Source: CEPI
Recovery of Paper Products 2016 Per cent of Consumption World 59 The recovery of paper products varies widely from country to country. Among the reasons for these differences are the market potential for the collected material and the efficiency of each country’s national and local collection organisations. Globally, the average recovery rate in 2016 was 59 per cent. Despite extensive very sparsely populated areas, Sweden has one of the highest recovery rates in the world. 1.2 million tonnes of paper were collected in 2016. This gives a collection ratio – volume of waste paper collected as a percentage of paper consumption – of 72.0 per cent. Definitions Collection means utilisation plus export minus import of recovered paper and the changes of recovered paper stock by mills and recovered paper merchants Recycling rate means percentage of recovered paper utilisation compared to the total paper consumption Paper consumption means domestic deliveries plus import of paper 20 40 60 80 100% *Europe is EU28, Norway and Switzerland Source: RISI, CEPI
Global Production of Sawn Softwood 1960-2015 Source: FAO
Production of Sawn Softwood 2014 Worlds Leading Producers Total World Production: 2014: 310 Million m3 Source: FAO
Exports of Sawn Softwood 2014 World Leading Exporters Total World Exports 2014: 109 Million m3 Source: FAO
Consumption of Sawn Softwood 2015 per Capita Source: FAO
Structure of the Paper Industry 2016 66 % of the Swedish Paper Mills has a production capacity which exceeds 100 000 tonnes per year. In Europe 38% of the mills have the same capacity. Within CEPI: 22 % of the paper mills has a production capacity less than 10 000 tonnes per year. The mills with a capacity lower than 100 000 tonnes per year are primary found in Italy, Germany, Spain, Poland and France. Most of the mills with a capacity larger than 300 000 tonnes per year 10 000 – 100 000 tonnes per year are found in Sweden, Finland and Germany. Germany, Italy, France, Spain and Poland are the countries with the largest number of mills. CEPI countries are as follows Austria, Belgium, Czech Republic, Finland, France, Germany, Hungary, Italy, The Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovak Republic, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden and The United Kingdom. * Europé = CEPI countries Source: CEPI
Paper Consumption per Capita 2016 The width of each bar is proportional to the population of each region/country. In average, each person consumed 57 kg of paper during 2016. Paper Consumption kg/capita North America 213 EU 158 Rest of Europe 52 Japan 209 China 78 Korea, Taiwan Hong Kong, Singapore & Malaysia 155 Rest of Asia 17 Oceania 114 Latin America 46 Africa 8 Source: RISI
Net Trade of Paper 2016 by Region The Nordic Countries and North America are the world’s leading net exporters of paper. The rest of Europe, however, is the world’s largest net importer of paper. Asia is also a large net importer. Total production of paper 2016: 411 Million Tonnes (2015: 407 Million Tonnes) Million Tonnes Source: RISI
Net Trade of Pulp 2016 by Region Latin America, North America and the Nordic Countries are the three largest net exporters of pulp during 2016. The rest of Europe and Asia are two large net importers of pulp. Total Production 2016: 181 Million Tonnes (2015: 179 Million Tonnes). Milllion tonnes Source: RISI
Global Production of Paper 1961-2016 Source: FAO, RISI