Primary and secondary research L.O. – What types of research can we use to create a successful media product?
You can utilise learning from Unit 2: Pre-production and planning for this task What aspects of Unit 2 do you think you could use when focusing on primary and secondary research?
A reminder: Primary research: The original research that is carried out by you, so things like audience surveys, questionnaires, textual analysis of media texts etc. Secondary research: The use of information that someone else has already collected (so if you were to have used some existing research or theory). This could be audience figures produced by BARB or information found on IMDB
What is qualitative and quantitative research? Primary Research What is qualitative and quantitative research?
Gather information about the media you are producing for Understand Audience Opinion Textual Analysis Qualitative Finding out about other’s opinions, attitudes and ideas as well as developing your own.
TV Ratings Number of Users Box Office Ratings Circulation Figures Audience Surveys Quantitative Looking at numbers, figures, statistics and percentages in order to find numerical information
In pairs or groups of three make a list of at least five quantitative methods for primary research and five qualitative methods for primary research pick the most appropriate method to find out information about audience response to the type of digital media product that you focused on in the researching media products activity you did This link can give you extra information about qualitative and quantitative data and how it can help in the research of media products: search-marketing-124436
Sources of information Secondary Research Sources of information
In pairs you need to investigate one or two of the following: Use these websites to help you: Audience analysis organisations Public archives Media databases Press archives Content libraries Social media libraries Outline the positives and negatives of using these types of sources when researching information for the digital product that you were analysing in the conventions of a digital media product activity
Extension activity: Pick one company or organisation from within the source type you were investigating and complete a short report outlining: the name of the organisation and what it does how it can be accessed by researchers what types of information can be researched assessment of the validity and reliability of information offered by the source