THE 2030 SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT AGENDA AND DECENT WORK AGENDA A1510031: Regional Course on Sustainable Development Goals: Trade Union Policies and Action Plans Praia, Cape Verde, 6th March, 2017 Inviolata Chinyangarara Senior Specialist: Workers Activities, ILO DWT– Pretoria
PRESENTATION OUTLINE Defining the concept of Decent Work, Decent Work Deficits Explain how ILO DWA drives Sustainable Development How DGS cross cutting the 4 pillars of the DWA Goal 8 is our anchor :DWA in SDGs Agenda 8 plus How DWA connects to other SDGS other than Goals 5 and 8 Key features of Goal 8 and how it relates to DWA Explain the relevance of GOAL 5: not isolated to gender but linked to other goals how SDGS can help to reduce gender inequality Show how DWA is embedded in a number of SDG targets Discussions and Conclusion Group Activity
Strategic Objetives of the DWA
Strategic Objectives of the DWA All four strategic objectives are recognized by the ILO as inseparable, interrelated and mutually supportive Failure to promote anyone of them would harm progress towards the other (Declaration on Social Justice 2008)
DECENT WORK AGENDA……Guy Ryder: ILO Director General “Promoting jobs and enterprise, guaranteeing rights at work, extending social protection and promoting social dialogue are the four pillars of the ILO Decent Work Agenda, with gender as a cross-cutting theme”. These are crucial to advancing the entire sustainable development agenda”
Decent Work Agenda Sums up the contemporary mission of the ILO Founded on values and objectives established in the ILO Constitution Concept has captured attention globally as viable objective that can make a significant difference in people’s lives everywhere Concept that can help bring on diverse and sometimes diverging world together A development strategy that reflects people’s aspirations for decent jobs, better opportunities, voice and representation Represents tripartite consensus within ILO as a way to respond to the challenges posed by the globalizing world
What is Decent Work? Work that is productive, gives fair income, security in the workplace and social protection for the family, equal opportunities and treatment, better prospects for personal development and social integration, freedom to organize and participate in decision making
What Are Decent Work Deficits? Employment Gap: Global unemployment reached 197 million in 2015, of which about 75 million are young women and men. On current trends, global unemployment will rise by 13 million people by 2018 About 74.5 million young people [aged 15- 24 years] were unemployed in 2013 Increased numbers of jobseekers Discouraged jobseekers [longer look for jobs] Economically inactive people that prefer not to participate in the labour market
What Are Decent Work Deficits? Vulnerable employment accounts for almost 48% of total employment worldwide 375 million workers are in extreme poverty (below US$1.25 a day) Nearly 2.2 billion people live below the US$2 poverty line and around 80 percent of the world’s extreme poor live in rural areas where most are dependent on agriculture. Informal employment remains widespread in most developing countries Large army of working poor: concept of mass + cheap production for export – the current global model
What Are Decent Work Deficits? Growing gap between level of wages and profits [wage lagging behind productivity] Exploitation of cheap labour to achieve increased profits Neglect for human rights, the protection of workers, right to food, economic and social rights as well as the sustainable use of natural resources The richest 8% of the world’s population earn half of the world’s total income The richest 1% of the world’s population owns about 40% of the world’s assets
What Are Decent Work Deficits? Increased vulnerability and economic insecurity with a rise in unconventional and precarious jobs such as: Part-time employment Self-employment Fixed term work Temporary work On-call work Home-based work Women continue to be disproportionately represented in vulnerable employment
What Are Decent Work Deficits? Rights Gap: Unprotected and exploited workers: Freedom of Association Collective Bargaining rights violated Poor working conditions Child labour: Almost 60 percent of all child labour is found in agriculture, affecting nearly 100 million children Forced labour
Social Protection Gaps Limited social protection measures have worsened economic insecurity and vulnerability: Just about 20% of the world working age population (and their families) have access to comprehensive social protection Limited cover/access to comprehensive social security
HOW DECENT WORK DRIVES SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT DECENT WORK AND ECONOMIC GROWTH: Agenda 2030 places DW for all, and the ILO’s mandate and purpose of social justice at the heart of policies for sustainable growth and development How this will be done? Placing job creation at the heart of economic policy making and national development plans, UNDAFs and DWCPs Resulting in increased decent work opportunities and inclusive growth Jobs focused economic growth is a key drive for sustainable development
HOW DECENT WORK DRIVES SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT Decent job creation in small businesses Promote development-oriented policies that support productive activities, decent job creation, entrepreneurship, creativity and innovation, and encourage formalization and growth of SMEs, including access for financial services How this will be done? Support SMEs through policies that facilitate transition to formality within the framework of ILO R.204 Facilitation of access to finance and right conditions for SMEs to transition to formality Improvement of working conditions in SMEs
HOW DECENT WORK DRIVES SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT Decent Work for ALL: By 2030, achieve full and productive employment and DW for all women and men, including for young people and persons with disabilities and equal pay for work of equal value How this will be done? Macro-economic policies promoting job creation and support demand and investment along with sector focused policies that enhance productivity Policies that increase access to finance for SMEs and facilitation of transition for formality Policies that reduced inequality including social protection measures, wages policies, strengthened labour inspection, increased female participation in labour market and protection of rights to FOA and CB Policies that promote women entry into the labour market (maternity protection and work-family policies)
HOW DECENT WORK DRIVES SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT Youth employment: (YE) By 2020, substantially reduce the proportion of youth not in employment, education or training Worldwide, over 73 M young people (aged 15-24 were looking for work in 2014 What need to be done? Development of strategies to promote YE balancing integrated strategies for growth and job creation with interventions such as job assistance and measures to support youth SMEs Addressing skills mismatch by ensuring training programs are aligned to labour market needs through introduction of vocational training Invest in innovative social protection to improve security for workers in precarious employment
HOW DECENT WORK DRIVES SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT Forced labour and child labour 168M children in child labour Number fallen since 2000 but remains unacceptable 20M people in forced labour worldwide 11m girls and women Majority exploited by private companies or individuals What needs to be done? ILS- which provide a framework for addressing child labour and forced labour- need to be ratified and implemented at national level Multifaceted approaches to end child labour, including legislation, access to education for all children, social protection for families and labour market policies 2014 ILO protocol on forced addressing modern day slavery requires ratification
HOW DECENT WORK DRIVES SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT Safety and health and work Protect labour rights and promote safe and secure working environments for all workers, including migrant workers, in particular women migrants and those in precarious employment Daily 6 400 people die from occupational accidents or disease 2.3 M deaths per year What needs to be done? Urgent action to build global culture of prevention that respects the right to safe and healthy working environment Awareness raising, capacity building on rights and responsibilities for workers and employers Implementation of ILO fundamental rights and standards at national level More attention to be given to vulnerable groups (migrants) to ensure rights protection and working conditions improvement
How Decent Work is linked to SDGs 1. Jobs, Employment, Skills 2. Social Dialogue 3. Rights at Work 4. Social Protection, Health, Safety at Work
How Decent Work is linked to SDGs Goal 1: No Poverty: Limited access to basic services, social discrimination, exclusion, lack of participation in decision making Sustainable jobs, promotion of equality
ILO’S Work in the SDGs – DWA embedded in a number of Goals Goal 13: Climate Action to combat climate change and its impact: Disruption in economies, affecting lives “NO JOBS ON DEAD PLANET”: linked to Goal 15 sustainable management of forests etc
ILO’S Work in the SDGs – Goal 8 plus SDG 8 : Promote sustained, inclusive and sustainable economic growth, full and productive employment and decent work for all 8.3 promote development-oriented policies that support productive activities, decent job creation, entrepreneurship, creativity and innovation, and encourage formalization and growth of micro-, small- and medium-sized enterprises including through access to financial services 8.4 improve progressively through 2030 global resource efficiency in consumption and production, and endeavour to decouple economic growth from environmental degradation in accordance with the 10-year framework of programmes on sustainable consumption and production with developed countries taking the lead 8.5 by 2030 achieve full and productive employment and decent work for all women and men, including for young people and persons with disabilities, and equal pay for work of equal value 8.6 by 2020 substantially reduce the proportion of youth not in employment, education or training 8.7 take immediate and effective measures to secure the prohibition and elimination of the worst forms of child labour, eradicate forced labour, and by 2025 end child labour in all its forms including recruitment and use of child soldiers 8.8 protect labour rights and promote safe and secure working environments of all workers, including migrant workers, particularly women migrants, and those in precarious employment 8.b by 2020 develop and operationalize a global strategy for youth employment and implement the ILO Global Jobs Pact
GOAL 5: Achieve Gender Equality and Empower Women and Girls Goal 5: not isolated but linked to other goals: cross-cutting Look at Goal 5 and other goals in view of how SDGs can address and reduce gender inequality and gaps How are we going to be accountable on gender issues within the context of SDGs?
2030 DEVELOPMENT AGENDA:ILO FOCUS TARGETS Promote inclusive industrialization & significantly raise industry’s share of employment Increase access of SME to financial services and value chains Double agriculture productivity and incomes of small scale food producers Increase productivity and production Increase in number of youth and adults with relevant skills, including technical and vocational skills for employment, decent jobs and entrepreneurship Elimination of gender disparities, ensure equal access
2030 DEVELOPMENT AGENDA:ILO FOCUS TARGETS End abuse, exploitation, trafficking and all form of violence against and torture of children Ensure public access information and protect fundamental freedoms Empower and promote social, economic and political inclusion of all irrespective of age, sex, disability , race, ethnic origin, religion or economic status International support for effective SDGs implementation Partnerships (PPP) CSO Capacity building Support
GROUP WORK!!!!!!!!!!