pTrees predicate Tree technologies provide fast, accurate horizontal processing of compressed, data-mining-ready, vertical data structures. Applications: PINE Podium Incremental Neighborhood Evaluator uses pTrees for Closed k Nearest Neighbor Classification. FAUST Fast Accurate Unsupervised, Supervised Treemining uses pTtrees for classification and clustering of spatial data. 13 12 1 document 2 3 4 5 course Text person Enroll Buy MYRRH ManY-Relationship-Rule Harvester uses pTrees for association rule mining of multiple relationships. PGP-D Pretty Good Protection of Data protects vertical pTree data. 5,54 | 7,539 | 87,3 | 209,126 | 25,896 | 888,23 | ... key=array(offset,pad) ConCur Concurrency Control uses pTrees for ROCC and ROLL concurrency control. DOVE DOmain VEctors Uses pTrees for database query processing.
MYRRH A hop is a relationship, R, hopping from one entity, E, to another entity, F. Strong Rule Mining (SRM) finds all frequent and confident rules, AC. R(E,F) 1 2 3 4 E F 5 Frequency can lower bound the antecedent, consequent or both (ARM: A,CE, Its justification is the elimination of insignificant cases. Its purpose is the tractability of SRM. ct(&eACRe) mnsp) Confidence lower bounds the frequency of both over the antecedent frequency: ct(&eARe &eCRe) / ct(&eARe)mncf The crux of SRM is frequencies. To compare frequencies meaningfully, they must be on the same entity (the focus entity). SRMs are categorized by the number of hops, k, whether transitive or non-transitive and by the focus entity. ARM is 1-hop, non-transitive (A,CE), F-focused SRM (1nF) (note: non-transitivity is difficult to define in multi-hop SRM??) 1-hop, transitive (AE,CF), F-focused SRM (1tF) APRIORI: ct(&eARe) mnsp ct(&eARe &PC) / ct(&eARe) mncf 1. (antecedent downward closure) If A is frequent, all of its subsets are frequent. Or, if A is infrequent, then so are all of its supersets. Since frequency involves only A, we can mine for all qualifying antecedents efficiently using downward closure. 2. (consequent upward closure) If AC is non-confident, then so is AD for all subsets, D, of C. So frequent antecedent, A, use upward closure to mine for all of its' confident consequents. The theorem we demonstrate throughout this section is: For transitive (a+c)-hop Apriori strong rule mining with a focus entity which is a hops from the antecedent and c hops from the consequent, if a/c is odd/even then one can use downward/upward closure on that step in the mining of strong (frequent and confident) rules. In this case A is 1-hop from F (odd, use downward closure). C is 0-hops from F (even, use upward closure). We will be checking more examples to see if the Odddownward Evenupward theorem seems to hold. 1-hop, transitive, E-focused rule, AC SRM (1tE) |A|=ct(PA) mnsp ct(PA&fCRf) / ct(PA) mncf 1. (antecedent upward closure) If A is infrequent, then so are all of its subsets. 2. (consequent downward closure) If AC is non-confident, then so is AD for all supersets, D, of C. In this case A is 0-hops from E (even, use upward closure). C is 1-hop from E (odd, use downward closure).
ct(&eARe &gCSg) / ct(&eARe) mncf 2-hop transitive F-focused (focus on middle entity, F) AC strong if: ct(&eARe) mnsp and C G S(F,G) ct(&eARe &gCSg) / ct(&eARe) mncf 1 4 1 3 1. (antecedent downward closure) If A is infrequent, so are all of its supersets. 1 2 1 1 2. (consequent downward closure) If AC is non-confident, so is AD for all supersets, D. 3. Apriori for 2-hops: Find all freq antecedents, A, using downward closure. For each: find C1G, the set of g's s.t. A{g} is confident. Find C2G, the set of C1G pairs that are confident consequents for antecedent, A. Find C3G, the set of triples (from C2G) s.t. all subpairs are in C2G (ala Apriori), etc. 1,1 odd so down, down correct. 2 3 4 5 F 2,0 even so up,up is correct. 0,2 even so up,up is correct. 4 1 3 1 2 1 Does standard ARM give the same info after collapsing R and S into T via, 1 2 3 4 G T(E,G) E A C T(e,g) = 1 iff (&eARe)g = 1 NO! Standard ARM has A and C both subsets of E (or G) If G=E and S(F,E)=transposeR(E,F) then it is standard ARM? What if G=E=F and T is collapsed? Think about the facebook case (where G=E=people, R and S are directional friendships...? ct(&flist&eAReSf)mnsp mncf ct(&flist&eAReSf & PC) / &flist&eAReSf 1 1 A E R(E,F) 2-hop trans G-foc ct(&fl&eAReSf)mnsp mncf ct(&f&eAReSf & PC) / &f&eAReSf 1. (antecedent upward closure) If A is infrequent, then so for are all subsets. 2. (consequent upward closure) If AC is non-confident, so is AD for all subsets, D. 2-hop trans E-foc ct(PA)mnsp mncf ct(PA&f&gCSgRf ) / ct(PA) 1. (antecedent upward closure) If A is infrequent, so are all subsets. 2. (consequent upward closure) If AC is non-confident, so is AD for all subsets, D. We can for multi-hop relationships from the cards of 1-hop relationships Does this open up a new area of text mining? TDP=2 TDP=1 1 2 3 4 D T 5 A C TDP=2 TDP=1 1 2 3 4 T D 5 A C 1 2 … 9 Term 3 D DTPe k=1..7 TDRolodexCd 1 2 … 7 Pos 3 D DTPe k=1..9 PDCd 1 2 … 7 Pos 9 T DTPe k=1..3 PTCd
RoloDex Model: Relational Model: |0 0| 1 |0 1| 1 |1 0| 1 |2 0| 2 2 Entities many relationships 1 customer rates movie as 5 card One can form multi-hops with any of these cards. Are there any that provide and interesting setting for ARM data mining? Customer 1 2 3 4 Item cust item card 1 5 people 2 3 4 items terms DataCube Model for 3 entities, items, people and terms. 1 2 3 4 Author 5 6 7 People movie 2 3 1 5 4 customer rates movie card 2 3 4 5 PI 2 3 4 5 PI 4 3 2 1 Course Enrollments 1 Doc termdoc card authordoc card 1 3 2 Doc 1 2 3 4 Gene genegene card (ppi) docdoc People term 7 6 5 4 3 Gene 1 2 3 4 G 5 6 7 6 5 4 3 2 t 1 termterm card (share stem?) 1 3 Exp expPI card expgene card genegene card (ppi) Items: i1 i2 i3 i4 i5 |0 001|0 |0 11| |1 001|0 |1 01| |2 010|1 |0 10| People: p1 p2 p3 p4 |0 100|A|M| |1 001|T|M| |2 010|S|F| |3 011|B|F| |4 100|C|M| Terms: t1 t2 t3 t4 t5 t6 |1 010|1 101|2 11| |2 001|0 000|3 11| |3 011|1 001|3 11| |4 011|3 001|0 00| Relationship: p1 i1 t1 |0 0| 1 |0 1| 1 |1 0| 1 |2 0| 2 |3 0| 2 |4 1| 2 |5 1|_2 Relational Model:
ct(&eARe ct(&eARe &g&hCThSg) / ct(&eARe ct(&f&eAReSf) &hCTh) 3-hop Collapse T: TC≡ {gG|T(g,h) hC} That's just 2-hop case w TCG replacing C. ( can be replaced by or any other quantifier. The choice of quantifier should match that intended for C.). Collapse T and S: STC≡{fF |S(f,g) gTC} Then it's 1-hop w STC replacing C. mnsup ct(&eARe S(F,G) R(E,F) 1 2 3 4 E F 5 G A C T(G,H) H Focus on F mncnf ct(&eARe &g&hCThSg) / ct(&eARe antecedent downward closure: A infreq. implies supersets infreq. A 1-hop from F (down consequent upward closure: AC noncnf implies AD noncnf. DC. C 2-hops (up mnsp ct(&f&eAReSf) Focus on G mncnf &hCTh) ct(&f&eAReSf / ct(&f&eAReSf) antecedent upward closure: A infreq. implies all subsets infreq. A 2-hop from G (up) consequent downward closure: AC noncnf impl AD noncnf. DC. C 1-hops (down) ct( 1001 &g=1,3,4 Sg ) /ct(1001) ct( 1001 &1001&1000&1100) / 2 ct( 1000 ) / 2 = 1/2 Focus on F Are they different? Yes, because the confidences can be different numbers. Focus on G. ct(&eARe &glist&hCThSg ) /ct(&eARe &hCTh) ct(&flist&eAReSf / ct(&flist&eAReSf) ct(&f=2,5Sf &1101 ) / ct(&f=2,5Sf ct(1101 & 0011 & / ct(1101 & 0011 ) ct(0001 ) / ct(0001) = 1/1 =1 ct(PA & Rf) f&g&hCThSg / ct(PA) mncnf mnsup ct(PA) Focus on E antecedent upward closure: A infreq. implies subsets infreq. A 0-hops from E (up) consequent downward closure: AC noncnf implies AD noncnf. DC. C 3-hops (down) Focus on H antecedent downward closure: A infreq. implies all subsets infreq. A 3-hops from G (down) consequent upward closure: AC noncnf impl AD noncnf. DC. C 0-hops (up) ct(& Tg & PC) g&f&eAReSf mncnf /ct(& Tg) ct(& Tg) mnsp
* ct(&iCUi) ) ct(&f&eAReSf) ct( &f&eAReSf &h&iCUiTh ) 4-hop S(F,G) R(E,F) 1 2 3 4 E F 5 G A C T(G,H) H U(H,I) I Focus on G? Replace C by UC; A by RA as above (not different from 2 hop?) Focus on H (RA for A, use 3-hop) or focus on F (UC for C, use 3-hop). Another focus on G (the main way) mnsup ct(&f&eAReSf) mncnf ct( &f&eAReSf &h&iCUiTh ) / ct(&f&eAReSf) ... R(E,G) 1 2 3 4 E G 5 A Sn(G,G) S1(G,G) U(G,I) C I F=G=H=genes and S,T=gene-gene intereactions. More than 3, S1, ..., Sn? &iCUi))+ (ct(S1(&eARe mncnf / ( (ct(&eARe))n * ct(&iCUi) ) &iCUi))+... ct(S2(&eARe &iCUi)) ) ct(Sn(&eARe If the S cube can be implemented so counts can be can be made of the 3-rectangle in blue directly, calculation of confidence would be fast. 4-hop APRIORI focus on G: mnsup ct(&f&eAReSf) mncnf ct(&f&eAReSf &h&iCUiTh) / ct(&f&eAReSf) 1. (antecedent upward closure) If A is infrequent, then so are all of its subsets (the "list" will be larger, so the AND over the list will produce fewer ones) Frequency involves only A, so mine all qualifying antecedents using upward closure. 2. (consequent upward closure) If AC is non-confident, then so is AD for all subsets, D, of C (the "list" will be larger, so the AND over the list will produce fewer ones) So frequent antecedent, A, use upward closure to mine out all confident consequents, C.
ct(&f&eAReSf) ct( &f&eAReSf &h(& )UiTh ) / ct(&f&eAReSf) S(F,G) R(E,F) 1 2 3 4 E F 5 G A C T(G,H) H U(H,I) I V(I,J) J 5-hop Focus on G: mnsup ct(&f&eAReSf) ct( &f&eAReSf &h(& )UiTh ) / ct(&f&eAReSf) mncnf i(&jCVj) 5-hop APRIORI focus on G: 1. (antecedent upward closure) If A is infrequent, then so are all of its subsets (the "list" will be larger, so the AND over the list will produce fewer ones) Frequency involves only A, so mine all qualifying antecedents using upward closure. 2. (consequent downward closure) If AC is non-confident, then so is AD for all supersets, D, of C. So frequent antecedent, A, use downward closure to mine out all confident consequents, C.
ct( &f(& )ReSf) ct( &f(& )ReSf &h(& )UiTh) / ct( &f(& )ReSf ) 6-hop S(F,G) R(E,F) 1 2 3 4 E F 5 G A C T(G,H) H U(H,I) I V(I,J) J D Q(D,E) The conclusion we have demonstrated (but not proven) is: for (a+c)-hop transitive Apriori ARM with focus the entity which is a hops from the antecedent and c hops from the consequent, if a/c is odd/even use downward/upward closure on that step in the mining of strong (frequent and confident) rules. Focus on G: ct( &f(& )ReSf) mnsup e(&dDQd) ct( &f(& )ReSf &h(& )UiTh) / e(&dDQd) i(&jCVj) ct( &f(& )ReSf ) mncnf e(&dDQd) 6-hop APRIORI: 1. (antecedent downward closure) If A is infrequent, then so are all of its supersetsbsets. Frequency involves only A, so mine all qualifying antecedents using downward closure. 2. (consequent downward closure) If AC is non-confident, then so is AD for all supersets, D, of C. So frequent antecedent, A, use downward closure to mine out all confident consequents, C.
Given any 1-hop labeled relationship (e. g Given any 1-hop labeled relationship (e.g., cells have values from {1,2,…,n} then there is: 1. a natural n-hop transitive relationship, A implies D, by alternating entities for each specific label value relationship. 2. cards for each entity consisting of the bitslices of cell values. E.g., in netflix, Rating(Cust,Movie) has label set {0,1,2,3,4,5}, so in 1. it generates a bonafide 6-hop transitive relationship. In 2. an alternative is to bitmap each label value (rather than bitslicing them). Below Rn-i can be bitslices or bitmaps R3(C,M) R2(M,C) 1 2 3 4 M C 5 A D R4(M,C) R5(C,M) R0(M,C) R1(C,M) R0(E,F) Rn-2(E,F) Rn-1(E,F) F 2 3 4 5 1 E A ... D E.g., equity trading on a given day, QuantityBought(Cust,Stock) w labels {0,1,2,3,4,5} (where n means n thousand shares) so that generates a bonafide 6-hop transitive relationship: E.g., equity trading - moved similarly, (define moved similarly on a day --> StockStock(#DaysMovedSimilarlyOfLast10) E.g., equity trading - moved similarly2, (define moved similarly to mean that stock2 moved similarly to what stock1 did the previous day.Define relationship StockStock(#DaysMovedSimilarlyOfLast10) E.g., Gene-Experiment, Label values could be "expression level". Intervalize and go! Has Strong Transitive Rule Mining (STRM) been done? Are their downward and upward closure theorems already for it? Is it useful? That is, are there good examples of use: stocks, gene-experiment, MBR, Netflix predictor,...
ct(&iABBi &tDBt) / ct(&iABBi) mncf Let Types be an entity which clusters Items (moves Items up the semantic hierarchy), E.g., in a store, Types might include; dairy, hardware, household, canned, snacks, baking, meats, produce, bakery, automotive, electronics, toddler, boys, girls, women, men, pharmacy, garden, toys, farm). Let A be an ItemSet wholly of one Type, TA, and l et D by a TypesSet which does not include TA. Then: 1 Buys(C,T) BoughtBy(I,C,) Items Customers 2 3 4 5 Types (of Items) A D 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 AD might mean If iA s.t. BB(i,c) then tT, B(c,t) AD might mean If iA s.t. BB(i,c) then tT, B(c,t) AD might mean If iA s.t. BB(i,c) then tT, B(c,t) AD might mean If iA s.t. BB(i,c) then tT, B(c,t) AD confident might mean ct(&iABBi &tDBt) / ct(&iABBi) mncf ct(&iABBi | tDBt) / ct(&iABBi) mncf ct( | iABBi | tDBt) / ct( | iABBi) mncf ct( | iABBi &tDBt) / ct( | iABBi) mncf AD frequent might mean ct(&iABBi) mnsp ct( | iABBi) mnsp ct(&tDBt) mnsp ct( | tDBt) mnsp ct(&iABBi &tDBt) mnsp, etc.
ct(&iABBi &tDBt) / ct(&iABBi) mncf Let Types be an entity which clusters Items (moves Items up the semantic hierarchy), E.g., in a store, Types might include; dairy, hardware, household, canned, snacks, baking, meats, produce, bakery, automotive, electronics, toddler, boys, girls, women, men, pharmacy, garden, toys, farm). Let A be an ItemSet wholly of one Type, TA, and l et D by a TypesSet which does not include TA. Then: 1 Buys(C,T) BoughtBy(I,C,) Items Customers 2 3 4 5 Types (of Items) A D 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 AD might mean If iA s.t. BB(i,c) then tT, B(c,t) AD might mean If iA s.t. BB(i,c) then tT, B(c,t) AD might mean If iA s.t. BB(i,c) then tT, B(c,t) AD might mean If iA s.t. BB(i,c) then tT, B(c,t) AD confident might mean ct(&iABBi &tDBt) / ct(&iABBi) mncf ct(&iABBi | tDBt) / ct(&iABBi) mncf ct( | iABBi | tDBt) / ct( | iABBi) mncf ct( | iABBi &tDBt) / ct( | iABBi) mncf AD frequent might mean ct(&iABBi) mnsp ct( | iABBi) mnsp ct(&tDBt) mnsp ct( | tDBt) mnsp ct(&iABBi &tDBt) mnsp, etc.
A thought on impure pTrees (i. e A thought on impure pTrees (i.e., with predicate, 50%ones) the previous analysis using the IRIS dataset was, in hind sight, not fair. The reason it was not fair is that the training set was already re-ordered by class (all setosa's came first, then all versicolor then all virginica) so that level_1 pTrees did not span class boundaries [much]. Take an images as a better example. If the classes are RedCars, WhiteCars, BlueCars, ParkingLot, Grass, Trees, etc., and if Peano ordering is used, what if a class spans Peano squares completely? Just as it we now create pTrees from many different predicates, we could created pTreeSets for many orderings. This would also be a one time expense and would consume much more space, but space is no longer an issue. In fact, with the many more pTrees, our PGP-D protection scheme would automatically be more secure by doing so. So move the first column values to the far right for the 1st additional Peano pTreeSet: Move the 1st 2 columns to the right for 2nd Peano pTreeSet, 1st 3 for 3rd Peano pTreeSet..
Move the last column to the left for the 4th, the last 2 left for the 5th, the last 3 left for the 6th additional Peano pTreeSet. For each of these 6 additional Peano pTreeSets, make the same moves vertically (36 additional Peano pTreeSets in all), e.g., the 25th would be (starting with the 4th horizontal, directly above). For each of these 6
Looking at the vertical expansions of the 2nd additional pTreeSet (the 13th and 14th additional pTreeSets, respectively?) If we're given only pixel reflectance values for GreenCar, then we have to rely on individual pixel reflectances, right? In that case, we might as well just analyze each pixel for GreenCar characteristics. And then we would not benefit from this idea except that we might be able to data mine GreenCars using level_2 only?? Question: How are the training set classes given to us in Aurora, etc.? My question is, are we just given a set of pixels that we're told are GreenCar pixels? Or are we given anything that would allow us to use shapes of GreenCars to identify em? That is, are we given a traning set of GreenCar pixels together with their relative positions to one another - or anything like that? The green car is now centered in a level_2 pixel, assuming the level_2 stride is 16 (and the level_1 stride is 4).
MYRRH pTree-based ManY-Relationship-Rule Harvester RoloDex Model: 2 Entities many relationships MYRRH pTree-based ManY-Relationship-Rule Harvester uses pTrees for ARM of multiple relationships. Supp(A) = CusFreq(ItemSet) Conf(AB) =Supp(AB)/Supp(A) 5 6 16 ItemSet ItemSet antecedent 1 2 3 4 5 6 16 itemset itemset card 1 5 people 2 3 4 items terms DataCube Model for 3 entities, items, people and terms. Customer 1 2 3 4 Item 1 customer rates movie as 5 card cust item card 5 6 7 People 1 2 3 4 Author movie 2 3 1 5 4 customer rates movie card 2 3 4 5 PI 2 3 4 5 PI 4 3 2 1 Course Enrollments 1 Doc termdoc card authordoc card 1 3 2 Doc 1 2 3 4 Gene genegene card (ppi) docdoc People term 7 6 5 4 3 Gene 1 2 3 4 G 5 6 1 3 Exp 7 6 5 4 3 2 t 1 termterm card (share stem?) expPI card expgene card genegene card (ppi) Items: i1 i2 i3 i4 i5 |0 001|0 |0 11| |1 001|0 |1 01| |2 010|1 |0 10| People: p1 p2 p3 p4 |0 100|A|M| |1 001|T|M| |2 010|S|F| |3 011|B|F| |4 100|C|M| Terms: t1 t2 t3 t4 t5 t6 |1 010|1 101|2 11| |2 001|0 000|3 11| |3 011|1 001|3 11| |4 011|3 001|0 00| Relationship: p1 i1 t1 |0 0| 1 |0 1| 1 |1 0| 1 |2 0| 2 |3 0| 2 |4 1| 2 |5 1|_2 Relational Model:
APPENDIX: MYRRH_2e_2r (standard pARM is MYRRH_2e_1r ) e.g., Rate5(Cust,Book) or R5(C,B), Purchase(Book,Cust) or P(B,C) pre-computed BpTtreec 1-counts 3 2 1 2 3 1 BpTtreeb 1-cts 1 P(B,C) (S(E,F)) 1 If cust, c, rates book, b as 5, then c purchase b. For bB, {c| rate5(b,c)=y}{c| purchase(c,b)=y} ct(R5pTreei & PpTreei) / ct(R5pTreei) mncnf ct(R5pTreei) / sz(R5pTreei) mnsp 1 1 4 3 Speed of AND: R5pTreeSet & PpTreeSet? (Compute each ct(R5pTreeb&PpTreeb).) Slice counts, bB, ct(R5pTreeb & PpTreeb) w AND? 2 3 4 5 C (E) 2 1 1 pre-comR5pTtreeb 1-cts 1 R5(C,B) (R(E,F)) B (F) 1 1 Given eE, If R(e,f), then S(e,f) ct(Re & Se)/ct(Re)mncnf, ct(Re)/sz(Re)mnsp 1 If eA R(e,f), then eB S(e,f) R5pTtreec 1-cts 1 2 ct( &eARe &eBSe) / ct(&eARe) mncnf. ... Schema: size(C)=size(R5pTreeb)=size(BpTreeb)=4 size(B)= size(R5pTreec)=size(BpTreec)=4 If eA R(e,f), then eB S(e,f) ct( &eARe OReBSe) / ct(&eARe) mncnf. ... If eA R(e,f), then eB S(e,f) ct( OReARe &eBSe) / ct(OReARe) mncnf. ... 1 R5(C,B) 1 R5pTtreeb&PpTreeb 1-counts 1 P(B,C) If eA R(e,f), then eB S(e,f) ct( OReARe OReBSe) / ct(OReARe) mncnf. ... Consder 2 Customer classes, Class1={C=2|3} and Class2={C=4|5}. Then P(B,C) is TrainingSet: C\B 1 2 3 4 2 1 0 1 1 3 0 1 0 1 4 0 1 0 0 5 1 1 0 0 Book=4 is very discriminative of Class1 and Class2, e.g., Class1=salary>$100K Then the DiffSup table is: B=1 B=2 B=3 B=4 0 1 1 2 P1={B=1|2} P2={B=3|4} C1 0 1 C2 1 0 DS 1 1 P1 [and P2, B=2 and B=3] is somewhat discriminative of the classes, whereas B=1 is not.. Are "Discriminative Patterns" covered by ARM? E.g., does the same information come out of strong rule mining? Does "DP" yield information across multiple relationships? E.g., determining the classes via the other relationship?
MYRRH_2e_3r Rate1(Cust,Book) or R5(C,B), Purchase(Book,Cust) or P(B,C) Sell(Cust,Book) or S(B,C) Cust,c. Rates book,b as 1, and c Purchases b, likely c Sells b at term end For bB, {c| R1(c,b)=y & P(c,b)=y} {c| S(c,b)=y} ct(R1pTreeb & PpTreeb & SpTreeb) / ct(R1pTreeb & PpTreeb) minconf 1 R1(C,B) 2 3 4 P(B,C) B C 5 S(B,C) 1 R5(S,C) 2 3 PHC(B,S) B S 4 C 5 Rate5(Student,Course), PurchHardCov(Book,Stu) If a student, s, rates any course as 5, then s Purchases a HardCover book. 3e_2r 3e_3r Students who buy b and courses using b, student enrolls in the course? {(s,c)| Buy(s,b)=y & Text(b,c)=y){(s,c)|Enroll(s,c)=y}. cnt(EpTreeSubSet(BpTreeb×TpTreeb))/(cnt(BpTreeb)*(cnt(TpTreeb)>mncf 13 12 1 book 2 3 4 5 course Text student Enroll Buy 13 12 1 book 2 3 4 5 course Text student Enroll Buy offering Location If s enrolls in c, And c is Offered at L And L uses Text=b, Then s Buys b 4e_4r Any 2 adjacent relationships can be collapsed into 1: R(c,b) and P(b,e) iff RP(c,e). By doing so, we have a whole new relationship to analyze Given c, {b|R(c,b)} is List(PR.c) For b in List(PR,c), {eC|P(b,e)} is List(PP,b) Therefore {e|RP(c,e)}=ORbListPR,cPP,b 1 R(C,B) 2 3 4 P(B,C) B C 5 1 RP(C,C) 2 3 4 5 C
PTc = ORbListTcPb PEc = ORsListEcPs ETs = ORcListEsTc PT=PURCHASE_TEXT(S,C) 1 E=ENROLL(S,C) S=STUDENT 2 3 4 5 C=COURSE PTc = ORbListTcPb also PTs = ORbListPsTb P=PURCHASE(S,B) 1 E=ENROLL(S,C) 2 3 4 B=BOOK S=STUDENT 5 C=COURSE T=TEXT(C,B) Let Tc=C-pTree of T for C=c with list={b|T(c,b)} PE=PURCHASE_ENROLL(C,B) 1 2 3 4 B=BOOK C=COURSE T=TEXT(C,B) PEc = ORsListEcPs also PEb = ORsListPbEs P=PURCHASE(S,B) 1 ET=ENROLL_TEXT(S,B) 2 3 4 B=BOOK S=STUDENT 5 ETs = ORcListEsTc also ETb=ORcListTbEc Interesting 2-hop examples? Good 2-hop transitive relationships to study include: WebpageWasVisitedByCustomerPurchasedItem. (earlier rendition of 3 that may or may not be useful?): If {g} is the consequent of no confident rules, then no superset C of g is either. So it would make sense to consider singleton C's first. g we can replicate Sg and AND it into R making T. If ct(&eATe)=ctTA is small and the conf is high, ct(&eARe) is small also. If ctTA is small, then ctTB is smaller BA. So we can start with A=E and work down. As soon as we find A too small, then we need not look at any of its subsets... In general, how can we speed up 2-hop Apriori? PTreeSet ANDs? Better algorithm?
Let ASL be {6,7} and CPW be {1,2} stride=10 level-1 val SL SW PL PW setosa 38 38 14 2 setosa 50 38 15 2 setosa 50 34 16 2 setosa 48 42 15 2 setosa 50 34 12 2 versicolor 1 24 45 15 versicolor 56 30 45 14 versicolor 57 28 32 14 versicolor 54 26 45 13 versicolor 57 30 42 12 virginica 73 29 58 17 virginica 64 26 51 22 virginica 72 28 49 16 virginica 74 30 48 22 virginica 67 26 50 19 SL SW PL rnd(PW/10) 4 4 1 0 5 4 2 0 5 3 2 0 5 3 1 0 0 2 5 2 6 3 5 1 6 3 3 1 5 3 5 1 6 3 4 1 7 3 6 2 6 3 5 2 7 3 5 1 7 3 5 2 Making 3-hops: Use 4 feature attributes of an entity. For IRIS(SL,SW,PL,PW). L(SL,PL), P(PL,PW), W(PW,SW) Let ASL be {6,7} and CPW be {1,2} SW=0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 S 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 PW 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 P 1 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 5 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 7 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 PL=0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 PL=0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 L 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 5 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 6 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 7 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 SL
ct(&bAPb &cDEc) / ct(&bAPb) minconf 2-hop transitive rules (specific examples) E(S,C) P(B,S) 1 2 3 4 B S 5 C A D AD: If bA P(b,s), then cD E(s,c) is a strong rule if: ct(&bAPb) minsupp ct(&bAPb &cDEc) / ct(&bAPb) minconf 2-hop Enroll Book If a student Purchases every book in A, then that student is likely to enroll in every course in D, and lots of students purchase every book in A. In short, P(A,s) E(s,D) is confident and P(A,s) is frequent PJ(C,I) PD(I,C) 1 2 3 4 I C 5 A D 2-hop Purchase Dec/Jan AD: If iA PD(i,c), then iD PJ(c,i) is a strong rule if: ct(&iAPDi) minsupp ct(&iAPDi &iDPJi) / ct(&iAPDi) minconf If a customer Purchases every item in A in December, then that customer is likely to purchase every item in D in January, and lots of customers purchase every item in A in December: PD(A,c)PJ(c,D) conf and PD(A,c) freq. B(P,I) O(E,P) 1 2 3 4 E P 5 I A D 2-hop Event Buy AD: If eA O(e,p), then iD B(p,i) is a strong rule if: ct(&eAOe) minsupp ct(&eAOe &iDBi) / ct(&eAOe) minconf If every Event in A occurred in a person's life last year, then that person is likely to buy every item in D this year, and lots of people had every Event in A occur last year: O(A,p)B(p,D) conf and O(A,p) freq.
ct(&eAOe &mDTm) / ct(&eAOe) minconf 2-hop stock trading T(S,M) O(E,S) 1 2 3 4 E S 5 M A D AD: If eA O(e,s), then mD T(s,m) is a strong rule if: ct(&eAOe) minsupp ct(&eAOe &mDTm) / ct(&eAOe) minconf If every Event in A occurs for a company in time period 1, then the price of that stock experienced every move in D time period 2, and lots of companies had every Event in A occur in period 1: O(A,s)T(s,D) conf and O(A,s) freq. (T=True; e.g., m=1 down a lot, m=2 down a little, m=3 up a little, m=4 up a lot.) T(C,M) O(E,C) 1 2 3 4 E C 5 M A D AD: If eA O(e,c), then mD T(c,m) is a strong rule if: 2-hop commodity trading ct(&eAOe) minsupp ct(&eAOe &mDTm) / ct(&eAOe) minconf If every Event in A occurs for a commodity in time period 1, then the price of that commodity experienced every move in D time period 2, and lots of commodities had every Event in A occur in period 1: O(A,c)T(c,D) conf and O(A,c) freq. B(P,I) F(P,P) 1 2 3 4 P 5 I A D AD: If pA P(p,q), then iD B(p,i) is a strong rule if: 2-hop facebook friends buying ct(&pAFp) minsupp ct(&pAFp &iDBi) / ct(&pAFp) minconf F(p,q)=1 iff q is a facebook friend of p. B(p,i)=1 iff p buys item i. People befriended by everyone in A (= &pAFp denoted FA for short ) likely buy everything in D. And FA is large. So every time a new person appears in FA that person is sent ads for items in D.
ct(&aAAOa&gCB'g)/ct(&aAAOa)mncf ct( AOa=4)mnsp How do we construct interesting 2-hop examples? Method-1: Use a feature attribute of a 1-hop entity. Start with a 1-hop, e.g., customers buy items, stocks have prices or people befriend people then focus on one feature attribute of one of the entities. The relationship is the projection of that entity table onto the feature attribute and the entity id attribute (key) e.g. Age, Gender, Income Level, Ethnicity, Weight, Height... of people or customer entity These are not bonafide 2-hop transitive relationships since they are many-to-one relationships, not a many-to-many (because the original entity is the primary key of its feature table). Thus, we don't get a fully transitive relationship since collapsing the original entity leaves nearly the same information as the transitive situation was intended to add. Here is an example. If, from the new transitive relationship, AgeIsAgeOfCustomerPurchasedItem, Customer is collapsed we have AgePurchaseItem and the Customer-to-Age info is still available to us in the Cust table. The relationship between Customers and Items is lost, but presumably, the reason for mining, AgeIsAgeOfCustomerPurchaseItem is to find AgePurchaseItem rules independent of the Customers involved. Then when a high confidence Age implies Item rule is found, the Customers who are of that age can be looked up from the Customer feature table and sent a flyer for that item. Also, in CustomerPurchaseItem, the antecedent, A, could have been chosen to be an age-group. So most AgePurchaseItem info would come out of CustomerPurchaseItem directly. Given a 1-hop relationship, R(E,F) and a feature attribute, A of E, if there is a pertinent way to raise E up the semantic hierarchy (cluster it) producing E', then the relationship between A and E ' is many-to-many, e.g., cluster Customers by Income Level, IL. Then AgeIsAgeOfIL is a many-to-many relationship. Note, what we're really doing here is using the many-to-many relationship between two feature attributes in one of the entity tables and then replacing the entity by the second feature. E.g., if B(C,I) is a relationship, and IL is a feature attribute in the entity table C(A,G,IL,E,W,H), then clustering (Classifying) C by IL produces a relationship, B'(IL,I), given by B'(il,i)=1 iff B(c,i)=1 for 50% of cil, which is many-to-many provided IL is not a candidate key. So from the 1-hop relationship, CB(C,I)I, we get a bonafide 2-hop relationship, AAO(A,IL)ILB'(IL,I)I. ct(&aAAOe)mnsp ct(&aAAOa&gCB'g)/ct(&aAAOa)mncf I B(C,I) 1 C A IL 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 I B'(IL,I) IL ct( AOa=4)mnsp ct(AOa=4 &g=3,4B'g )/ct(AOa=4 )mncf C ct( 010)mnsp ct(010 &100&110)/ ct(010) mncf 1 mnsp 0 / 1 mncf Bil=2 = Bc=3OR Bc=5 Bil=1 = Bc=2 Bil=3 = Bc=4 4 5 I AO(A,IL) 1 ct(&cC(A)Bc)mnsp ct(&cC(A)Bc &IC)/ct(&cC(A)Bc)mncf ct( Bc=3 )mnsp ct(Bc=3 &0011)/ct(Bc=3 )mncf A ct( 0101 )mnsp ct(0101 &0011)/ct(0101 )mncf So these are different rules. 2 mnsp 1 / 2 mncf
ct(&aALa&cCPc)/ct(&aALa) mncf stride=10 level-1 val SL SW PL PW setosa 38 38 14 2 setosa 50 38 15 2 setosa 50 34 16 2 setosa 48 42 15 2 setosa 50 34 12 2 versicolor 1 24 45 15 versicolor 56 30 45 14 versicolor 57 28 32 14 versicolor 54 26 45 13 versicolor 57 30 42 12 virginica 73 29 58 17 virginica 64 26 51 22 virginica 72 28 49 16 virginica 74 30 48 22 virginica 67 26 50 19 SL SW PL rnd(PW/10) 4 4 1 0 5 4 2 0 5 3 2 0 5 3 1 0 0 2 5 2 6 3 5 1 6 3 3 1 5 3 5 1 6 3 4 1 7 3 6 2 6 3 5 2 7 3 5 1 7 3 5 2 Method-2: Use 3 feature attribute of an entity. Start with an Entity (e.g., IRIS(SL,SW,PL,PW). Take 3 attributes SL,PL,PW; form 2 many-to-many relationships L(SL,PL) and P(PL,PW) in which a cell value is 1 iff there is a IRIS sample with those values (Could also cluster IRIS on SW first then add PL and PW, so that the key, IRIS-ID is involved.) Let ASL be {6,7} and CPW be {1,2} ct(&aALa) mnsp ct(&aALa&cCPc)/ct(&aALa) mncf ct(00000100)mnsp ct(0000 0100 & 0000 0100)/ct(0000 0100)mncf 1 mnsp 1 / 1 mncf PW=0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 5 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 7 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 PL=0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 So, with very high confidence, SL[55,74] PL PW[5,24], however the support of this rule is very low. What about the 1-hop version? (aA)(SLPWaC) sup conf=ct(ORaASLPWa&pTreeC) / ct(ORaASLPWa) PW=0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 SL=0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 5 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 6 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 7 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 conf=ct( 0110 0000 & 0110 0000) / ct( 0110 0000) conf= 2/2 = 1 Supp=2 PL=0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 SL=0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 5 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 6 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 7 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 What's the difference? The 1-hop says "if SLA then PW will likely C. 2-hop says "If all SL in A are related to a PL then that PL is likely to be related to all PW in C." These are different. 2-hop seems convoluted. Why? 2-hops from one table may always make less sense than the corresponding direct 1-hop. How do you mine out all confident (or all strong) rules?