Anne, Anja, Seghen, Natascha hotelleriesuisse Anne, Anja, Seghen, Natascha
Some information… Head quarter: Bern Turnover: 2011: 28 Some information… Head quarter: Bern Turnover: 2011: 28.7 mio CHF Employees: around 100 employees
Some information… History and development: Founded in 1882 Umbrella association of the 13 regional hotelier associations and their sections 2975 members and around 2050 classified hotels
Some information… Structure:
Regional associations organisation Delegates assembly Regional associations Executive commitee foundations direction
Some information… CEO: Dr. Christoph Juen, How is the org. financed? Born 1953, studied National Economics in Lausanne, St. Gallen + Stanford. Member of «Economiesuisse» for 12 years. CEO since 2000 Preciously worked at the SECO for 4 years How is the org. financed? Member contribution about 1/3 of the total financing Total revenue of 2011: 28 mio
Some information… Role of the organisation/main tasks: Challenges: Swiss hotel classification Representation of economical and political interest Encouragement of offspring and education Legal advice Representation of interest of the hotel industries in a social partnership Publishing of the magazine «hotel revue» Challenges: Good and innovative staff Prices / rates
Some information… Link with other players: Strategic partners: Suisse tourisme SCH Switzerland travel center AG STF-FST Cooperations Vereinigung diplomierter hoteliers Educational partners: Ecole hoteliere de Lausanne Hotelfachschule thun Hotela (social insurance for members of hotelleriesuisse)
Our opinion: We think hotelleriesuisse is one of the most important organizations for the Swiss tourism industry. 40 percent of the hotels in Switzerland are members of the industry association hotelleriesuisse they represent 60 percent of all beds, They achieve 80 percent of all overnight stays within our country