Danyelle Mitchell AET 560 03/17/2015 Randy Howell Communication Plan Danyelle Mitchell AET 560 03/17/2015 Randy Howell
Introduction How to launch the communication plan The technology needed to accomplish the plan How to test its effectiveness and the impact of management’s response to the organizational change How to generate feedback for continuous improvement How to address negative responses or communications about the change How your communication plan can affect organizational change When a change plan is put in place rumors and misinformation may start to spread through the company. “Good communication programs are essential to minimize the effects of rumors, to mobilize support for the change, and to sustain enthusiasm and commitment” (Cawsey, Deszca, Ingols, 2012). This communication plan will present how the communication plan will be launched, the technology needed to accomplish the plan, how to test the effectiveness and the impact of management’s response to the organizational change, how to generate feed back for improvement, how to address negative responses and how to the communication plan affects organization change.
How to launch the communication plan Reasons Phases To infuse the need for change throughout the organization To enable individuals to understand the impact that the change will have on them To communicate any structural and job changes that will influence how things are done; and To keep people informed about progress along the way. As the change unfolds, the focus of the communication plan shifts. (Cawsey, Deszca, & Ingols, 2012, p 319) prechange approval creating the need for change, midstream change and milestone communication, and confirming/celebrating the change success. (Cawsey, Deszca, & Ingols, 2012, p 319) The communication plan will go through 4 phases when launched the phases will happen in store meeting ran by the management of Barnes and Noble.
The technology needed to accomplish the plan The technology needed to accomplish the plan is the Nook tablets and company email. Since employees will be trained on the Nook it is best to used it versus any other device. The company email will be used to stay in communication with each other. Nook Email
How to test its effectiveness and the impact of management’s response to the organizational change Cause- effect diagrams Histograms Control charts Scatter diagrams Pareto diagrams Benchmark and normative data “The operations management area provides useful planning tools and diagnostic aids: Pareto diagrams (which classify problems according to relative importance), cause–effect diagrams, histograms, approaches to the development of benchmark and normative data, control charts (to show abnormal trends), and scatter diagrams” (Cawsey, Deszca, & Ingols, 2012, p 317). These tools will be used to test the effectiveness and the impact of managements response to the organizational change.
How to generate feedback for continuous improvement Surveys When implementing any kind of change it may be helpful to use surveys to generate the feedback that is needed. “Use surveys to capture people’s attitudes, opinions, and experiences at a particular point in time and then possibly track those attitudes over time” (Cawsey, Deszca, & Ingols, 2012, p 311). When using surveys the employees can remain anonymous which may make the employees feel more comfortable and open up more. Surveys can be used to access the opinions of the stakeholders both internal and external on how they feel about the change.
How to address negative responses or communications about the change One on one communications, providing clear feedback and information, using the surveys results for feedback, and making sure everyone is up to date are all ways to address negative responses or communication about the change Barnes and Noble will be having.
How your communication plan can affect organizational change New skills gained Prepare employees for change Communication Bonding The communication plan will have a major affect on the organization change. Barnes and Noble employees will communicate effectively, bond, gain new skills and become prepared for the change that will happen
Conclusion In conclusion I have presented how this communication plan will be launched, the technology needed to accomplish the plan, how to test the effectiveness and the impact of management’s response to the organizational change, how to generate feed back for improvement, how to address negative responses and how to the communication plan affects organization change. This communication should prepare and help guild the employees of Barnes and Noble through the change plan.
References Cawsey, T. F., Deszca, G., & Ingols, C. (2012). Organizational change: An action-oriented toolkit (2nd ed.). Retrieved from The University of Phoenix eBook Collection database.