MLA Formatting and Citation
Modern Language Association Founded in 1883 What is MLA? Modern Language Association Founded in 1883 Most common format in academic writing MLA is an abbreviation for Modern Language Association. It was founded in 1883 and has become the most common format in academic writing. MLA is is used mostly by scholars, graduates, and professional writers. It is a type of format in writing that gives people the opportunity to reference their sources better, and also protect them from plagiarism.
How to format MLA: Typed on an 8.5 X 11 inch paper 12 pt. font 1-inch margins on all sides First line of each paragraph indented one half-inch from the left margin Body text of the paper should be double spaced Only one space after periods or other punctuation marks Number all of your pages in the upper right hand corner (page numbers should be a half inch from the top of the paper and in line with the right margin) *Note-- MLA format changes – important to check their website for updates occasionally Here is a list in detail of how a paper should be formatted in MLA. One thing to take note of is to always check the most recent guidelines of MLA, because it does change a lot over time. Rules in MLA Handbook for Writers of Research Papers, 7th Edition
For example, as shown on this Paper, it should be typed on 8 For example, as shown on this Paper, it should be typed on 8.5 X 11 inch paper with 12 pt. font . There are 1-inch margins on all sides. The first line of each paragraph should be indented half-inch from the left margin. The page number has to be ½ from the top right hand corner, aligning with the margins.
Again, here is another picture that shows exactly how to outline your paper, and where to input your information and the title, Etc. Your name on the top left, following your instructor's name, the course number and date. The title should be centered. *NOTE Depending on your instructor, the page number is not always required to be on the first page.
How to cite in-text using MLA citation style: Parenthetical documentation (with parenthesis) in the paper. Cite sources in-text when quoting, paraphrasing or summarizing AND on the Works Cited List Example: Using the author’s name in text: Crystal argues that “text messaging was never meant to be a means of communication between individuals”(229). (period after parenthesis) Using the author’s name in citation when NOT mentioned: “Text messaging was never meant to be a means of communication”(Crystal 229). MLA Citation was created so that writers can reference their sources by using parenthetical documentation, which means “with parenthesis”. When you cite your sources in the body of your paper, you want to use the author’s last name and page number.. as shown on the board.
BOOKS Lastname, Firstname. “Article Title”.Title of Book. City of Publication: Publisher, Year of Publication. Print. Page range (if available). WEBSITES Last name, First name (if available). "Article Title." Website Title. Publisher of Website, Day Month Year article was published.Web.Day Month Year article was accessed.<URL>.
Quiz Time! 1. What does MLA stand for? Modern Language Association 2. Should your heading be single-spaced or double-spaced? 3. What size must your font be? 4. How wide must your margins be? 5. What size paper must you use if you are printing your paper? Modern Language Association Double Spaced 12 pt. Font 1 inch Modern Language Association 8’5 x 11
Quiz Time A D In-text citation FALSE 6. When you directly quote from, summarize, or paraphrase an outside source, what must you do? 7. When documenting one author in reference in a text, which is correct? a) This point has been argued before (Frye 197). b) This point has been argued before. (Glenn Frye, 197) c) This point has been argued before. (Frye 197). d) This point has been argued before (Frye, 197). 8. T/F When you use quotations in the text, you place the citation before the last quotation mark. 9. When documenting one author by name in a text, which is correct? a) Frye has argued this point before (Frye 197). b) Frye has argued this point before. (197). c) Frye has argued this point before. (Frye, 197). d) Frye has argued this point before (197). In-text citation A FALSE D
WORKS CITED Eckert’s, Ken. “MLA Format: Title Pages & Works Cited.” Dr. E’s Course Blog Site. WordPress, May 29, 2014. Web. <> Redd, Stacy. “What is MLA Format?”. Accredited Business, 2013. Web. 2013 <> Russel, Tony. Alen Brizee, Elizabeth Angel. Russell Keck. “MLA Formatting and Style Guide”. Purdue Owl. Web. <>
WORKS CITED pictures .