How to integrate quotes into your response To look smarter and build a stronger argument
Why have quotes in your response? Because I have already given you one! That you had to respond to! So you may as well use it. To make you look smarter through association (all of these quotes come from well-known people). To help guide your response and give it better structure.
1. Include who said/wrote it Including the name of the author is extremely important to lend credibility to your response It also makes you seem more reliable. You can have the author's name either at the beginning or at the end, it doesn't really matter What matters is that the name flows well with your argument.
2. Pick a dialogue tag that helps to highlight the context of the quote A dialogue tag is a verb that describes how or why someone said something For instance, if it's an argument, you can say 'argues' For example, you could write: Ms. van D. argues that her students “could be doing better.” If you want to change the focus of the quote, you could use a different dialogue tag Ms. van D. persuades her students that they “could be doing better.” Writing 'said' every time becomes very boring
3. Make sure to include a comma (,) if it's necessary There are a few different ways that you can integrate a quote Ms. van D. always talks about “how amazing K-pop dance stars are.” Yesterday, Ms. van D. said, “look at how amazing K-pop dance stars are.” “Look at how amazing K-pop dance stars are,” Ms van D. often says. NOTICE WHERE THE COMMAS ARE?? WHY?
4. If you change any wording, use square brackets [ ] YOU MUST RESPECT AND RECOGNIZE THE ORIGINAL INTENTION OF THE QUOTE Do NOT change the meaning of the quote If you want to increase the flow of your writing, you can change a few words in the quote “Look at how amazing K-pop dance stars are.” Ms. van D. says that “K-pop dance [idols]” often “amaz[e]” her.
5. You can pick out key words in the quote IF THE QUOTE IS TOO LONG, JUST PICK OUT A FEW KEY WORDS TO SUPPORT YOUR IDEA For example, you can write: Ms. van D. often watches “amazing K-pop dance stars.” OR: K-pop dance stars, according to Ms. van D., are “amazing.” Just make sure that you keep the original meaning of the quote intact
Your Turn Write a full sentence, including the name of the author for the following quote in the 3 ways outlined below “Anyone who has never made a mistake has never tried anything new.” (Albert Einstein) Use the full quote Change a word or two in the quote (use [ ] brackets) Use only a few important words