Drafting Coordinator Reports WLTP-17-09e-rev1 Drafting Coordinator Reports IWG # 17 Geneva, January 2017
GTR 15
Working document ECE/TRANS/WP29/2016/068e (dated April 11, 2016) was used as the benchmark for all work on the GTR after the June 2016 meeting of the GRPE. A number of IWG and Drafting Subgroup meetings were held during 2016. The results of these meetings, culminating in IWG meeting No. 16 in The Hague in October 2016, were incorporated into the GTR. GTR 15 was sent to the UNECE around the October 10 deadline. Mail exchanges between the Drafting Coordinator and Miquel Gangonells of the UNECE resulted in identifying and correcting further minor errors or possible improvements. Finally, on October 28, 2016, the GTR was uploaded as working document ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRPE/2017/7. At this time, I want to express my appreciation for all of the support given to me by Miquel.
On 01.11.2016, DC informed Dr. Kawano that the WLTP GTR was uploaded to the UNECE server. Dr. Kawano was asked that he circulate that information to all interested parties with the additional request that any errors found in the GTR be sent to DC. This was done. Regardless of how often one goes through a document such as a GTR, errors and improvements crop us. As a result, improvements/errors were noted by DC, R. Cuelenaere, C. Lueginger, C. Astorga and M. Nägeli. The contents of these replies have been summarised in informal document GRPE-74-02. Informal document GRPE-74-03 is GTR 15 incorporating the changes from GRPE-74-02 in the form of track changes.
Possible future GTR 15 subjects Consistency in the use of "accuracy" and "precision"; Use of the terms "produced for sale"; Use of "vehicle" in the singular form or the plural "vehicles"; Use of "an individual vehicle" or "the individual vehicle"; Reworking of §6.8. in Annex 4 on Road Load Delta; Reworking of §4.2.1. in Annex 4 on Test Vehicle Preparation; Proposal from Japan on vector components (see paragraph in Annex 4:
Evaporative emissions GTR
GTR: The evaporative emissions GTR was modified on numerous occasions. The final GTR was sent to the UNECE as working document ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRPE/2017/3 in late October 2016. Technical report: A technical report was written by those responsible and modified by DC according to UNECE writing guidelines (formatting, typeface, etc.). This was sent to the UNECE on December 31, 2016. See GRPE-74-04.