Opening Question- Answer these questions… (don’t write the question, just the answer) How many stars are there in our flag? How many states are there in the Union? What color are the stars on our flag? What do the stars on the flag mean? How many stripes are there in the flag? What date is the Day of Independence? Independence from whom? What country did we fight during the revolutionary war? Who was the first president of the United States? What do we call a change of the constitution?
The Changing Landscape of the 19th Century 11.2.2: Describe the changing landscape, including the growth of cities linked by industry and trade, and the development of cities divided according to race, ethnicity, and class.
Expansion of Railroads
1. Linked isolated towns and created new towns
2. Cities specialized in a product and distributed it across the country by RR
Quick Write #1 How did the expansion of railroads effect the growth of cities and the economy?
Industrialization 1. Brought wealth to many Americans BUT… Caused severe air and water pollution in cities
Global Warming Is climate change a result of human intervention or a natural part of our planet’s cycle? 95% of scientists believe that it is a man-made issue…but you can’t discount those other 5%.
New Inventions to meet needs of cities 1. Limited space: skyscrapers
Quickwrite #2 How did skyscrapers change the overall look of the cities?
New Inventions to meet needs of cities 2. Transportation: electric streetcar, suburban RR
The Growth of Cities 1. New Northern cities and existing cities grew larger
The Growth of Cities 2. Near canals, major rivers and RR (transportation)
“Give me your tired, your poor Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free, The wretched refuse of your teeming shore. Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me, I lift my lamp beside the golden door!” The Statue of Liberty
Travel – steerage class-cheapest and least comfortable Travel – steerage class-cheapest and least comfortable. One family member at a time. Farmers, schoolmasters, artisans.
Immigration between 1870-1920 1. Urban population from 10 to 54 million 2. Mostly Northeast and Midwest 3. 20 million European immigrants came
Pre-1890: most from northern and western Europe
New Immigrants – after 1890: from eastern and southern Europe
Hitch Nearly 40% of the population of the United States can trace their roots to Ellis Island. Ellis Island – New York Bay: Opened 1892, burned 1897, reopened 1900, closed 1954, then vandalized, Pres. Johnson – Nat’l Monument 1965, restored. Between 1892-1954 it had processed 12 million immigrants.
Ellis Island
New Immigrants Ethnic groups clustered together to preserve culture. Shared language, religion and values. Created social clubs and aid societies; built churches and synagogues
Quick write #3 What was one benefit and one drawback of ethnic groups clustering together in cities?
Tenements and Transportation Better Transportation led to… Crowded in cities Middle and upper class moved to suburbs
Angel Island Chinatown – Angel Island, preserve own culture, West Coast (S.F.), came for gold, worked on RR, Americans resented, lead to Chinese Exclusion Act of 1882.
African Americans 1890-1910: 200,000 moved to cities in north and west Tried to escape racial segregation Found job discrimination