Assessment Reporting Management System (ARMS) Winter and Spring 2017-18 Welcome to the Assessment Reporting Management System, also known as ARMS. This application within EDS is designed to move paper form processes for state testing to an online platform. This training module includes an overview of ARMS user access and step-by-step instructions for accessing all reported forms. DC and DA Review Required Published December 19, 2017 OFFICE OF SUPERINTENDENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION If you are using a screen reader to view this presentation, please also read the script included in the Notes section.
Users and Assigned Permissions Online system for form processing DCs determine user access within district and schools DC, DA, and SC users are required to review this training prior to being granted access to ARMS Roles assigned by DDSM: ARMS_District Test Coordinator (DC) ARMS_District Administrator (DA) ARMS_School Test Coordinator (SC) ARMS_Principal ARMS_Superintendent Throughout each test administration, districts are responsible for providing specific documentation to OSPI for accountability and security purposes, as well as in unique circumstances which warrant an approval from the state. In the past, this has been documented through paper. ARMS will provide different levels of access to the system for users in the District Test Coordinator (DC), District Administrator (DA), School Coordinator (SC), principal, or superintendent role. DCs control who in the district and school has access to submitting these reports. Any user who will be working in ARMS must be trained on this system by reviewing this PowerPoint, prior to being provided permissions for access. Once this training has been completed, DC users will send a confirmation email to the State Test Coordinator, Kimberly DeRousie. DCs will then contact the District Data Security Manager (DDSM) to add them in ARMS with the appropriate role. DA users can also request access from the DDSM when an email confirmation has been sent to OSPI by the DC, confirming training requirements have been met. DC or DAs with ARMS access may train SC users. Once training has been completed, it is up to the DC to notify the DDSM to provide the SC with access to ARMS. Principals and district superintendents will also need access to ARMS in order to sign off on security reports. However, these users will not be required to complete the training. DCs will need to communicate with these users about the process for signing these forms, detailed later in this presentation. DCs will also be responsible for informing the DDSM of who these users are.
Advantages of ARMS Reduces paper trail Securely transfer student information Report submitted by school to district and district to state Import student files Review reports together or individually Electronic data retention Compile reports and export into single file ARMS will greatly reduce the paper trail required for tracking various information districts submit to OSPI. Forms can be created, edited, and archived all within the same system. Additionally, ARMS will provide a route for transferring secure student information more timely than the SFTP site or secure email, and it subsequently eliminates the need to fax physical documents. ARMS processes reports based on a hierarchy of the users role. As an example, when a SC user is granted permissions for access to ARMS: Reports submitted by the SC will only be sent to the DC for review. The DC will review to determine if the report is complete, if additional information is required, or whether it should be escalated to the state. If additional information is needed, the DC will send the report back to the SC for follow up. Users are notified by email when a form is pending review. This application offers a feature to import student files on certain forms. Examples include loading multiple students who have been impacted by a testing incident or when a modified testing schedule is being requested for a group of students. ARMS also has the ability to compile all individually submitted reports of a form type into a single export file.
Accessing ARMS through EDS 1 Online system for form processing DCs determine user access within district and schools Users are required to review this training prior to being granted access to ARMS 3 2 To access ARMS, you will log into EDS and select “View my applications” ARMS should be the first application listed, see graphic #1. When ARMS is selected you will notice a few tabs along the top of the screen. The tab that serves as the homepage for ARMS is the “Add/Edit Forms” tab. See graphic #2. An overview document, for each form, includes step-by-step instructions for the creation of the report. Reporting forms include: District Administration and Security Report Medical Emergency Exemption Form Modified Testing Schedule Form School Site Administration and Security Report Test Incident Report Test Material Variance Form Test Question Ambiguity Form
Functions of ARMS: Add/Edit Forms Create a new report View, edit, delete reports View reports from past years Check the report status From the Add/Edit Forms page, after selecting a form type, users can: Create a new report by selecting the “Create New Report” button; View, edit, or delete open reports from the buttons to the left of the listed report; and View reports of the same type submitted during previous administrations. Users will also see the status for a report. This status will also inform a user if the report is awaiting further action. After a form has been submitted to the district by a school-level user or submitted to the state by a district-level user, the form will no longer be editable until processed by the requested user. When a report has been processed on the state end, it will no longer show in the open reports section on this page. Users will need to view another tab within ARMS, detailed on the next slide.
Functions of ARMS: View Forms View all forms pending or submitted Search options for finding specific forms Exportable extract of form Another tab within ARMS is the “View Forms” page. This page holds archived information on any saved report. On this page, you can view all forms pending or submitted, as well as their statuses. Drop-down menus allow you to select specific criteria to narrow your search. Some options within the drop-down menu may not be applicable for certain forms. Districts can export the information from the saved or submitted forms to an Excel file for record retention on a local drive. The option to generate an export file will become available once a form type has been selected. You may only generate an export file for one form type at a time. Select the “Export” button to download the Excel file through your browser.
Functions of ARMS: General Processing of Reports 4 Save your work anytime Signatures required for submitting to the state Status changes based on school, district, and state action Email notification to OSPI 1 5 2 As you are creating a report, please note that the information can be saved at any time. However, the system will automatically save information when you have begun to fill the form out. Image 1 shows the message that will appear when you have saved a report. When a new report is created, it will require a signature from the appropriate school or district-level user. For example, the DC creates a District Administration and Security Report which requires the Superintendent to sign off. The staff required to sign the form must select the existing report in the open reports list for review and electronic signature. See image 2 for an example of the signature feature. The signing user can then submit the report for OSPI review, or request further information from the DC or SC. For certain forms, users have the option to retain the completed report within the district. Image 3 previews the buttons that will appear when a form is signed and completed. If you are unsure about the steps to submit a report, make sure to review the overview documents on the Add/Edit Forms page. Users will notice messages displaying at the top of the page when attempting to save or submit a report. The message may be confirming the selection, providing a warning to the user, or identifying required fields that have not been completed. An example of this is displayed in image 4. As forms are processed by SCs or DCs, the status of the report will update based on its location in the chain of custody. A DC might set the status to request further information from the SC. Once submitted, the state may review and set the status of the report (dependent on the type of form). See image 5. Statuses include: Additional Info Required from SC – the DC can set this status and send the form back to the SC for review. The SC will need to submit for signatures again. OSPI Review Pending Additional Info from the DC – OSPI has reviewed the report, but needs more information from the district before making a decision. Approved – the information in the report is approved and no further action is needed. Not Approved – the report is not approved. DCs will need to contact the State Testing Coordinator for more information. Pending District Score Review – the state’s decision on the report will be dependent on a score review by the school district. This report is specific to Test Incidents. Pending State Score Review – the state’s decision on the report will be dependent on a state-conducted score review. This report is specific to Test Incidents. This system allows users to receive automatic email notification of incoming requests or information and provide feed back in real time. We will now go into more detail on the how and why of the available forms. 3
District Administration and Security Report Document that training and security protocols were followed Respond to all questions Note any exceptions Superintendent approval required The purpose of the District Administration and Security Report is for district staff to document whether training and test security protocols were followed, and to note any exceptions. The information included in this report should accurately reflect the School Site Administration and Security Reports and Test Security Staff Assurance Reports that are processed at the school, as well as any other documents submitted to the state. This report must be submitted to OSPI no more than 5 business days after the conclusion of each test administration. Select the test window and assessment from the drop-down menus at the top of the page. The primary task for completing this online form is responding to the list of questions that pertain to the security of testing and test materials, scheduling, and training. All of the items must be answered by selecting the “Yes”, “No”, or “Not Applicable (N/A)” radio buttons. Users may want to reference the Professional Standards and Security, Incident, and Reporting Guidelines while filling out this form for detailed information on security protocol and timelines. Any “No” response must be explained in the “Note any exceptions” section of this form. Attach any documentation that supports your request. Choose a file from your computer by selecting Choose File, then attach the file by clicking Attach Document. The file should now appear in a table within this section of the application. This is not required. Once all the required fields have been filled, you must submit the report for signatures. DCs must receive approval of the District Security Report by the district superintendent before a signature can be added. The superintendent will receive an email with a link to the form when the DC submits for signatures. After signing, the superintendent will send the form back to the DC. The DC will then submit to OSPI. Note: DAs and SCs do not have access to this form.
Medical Exemption from State Testing Exemption from Federal Accountability assessments Must include physician’s note, attendance records Pull student record from CEDARS Medical Exemptions are completed when requesting that a student with a significant medical emergency be exempted from participation in state testing due to a unique circumstance. Please note that this form can only be used for the federal accountability assessments and will not substitute for a graduation requirement. The ability to select an assessment or grade level not required for federal accountability has been removed from the online report. Select the school of the student you are requesting a medical exemption for from the drop down at the top of the page. When a test window is selected, this will impact the available assessments to select from, which in turn affects the available content and grade level selections. The user will need to provide student information. Having the student’s SSID handy will assist you in this process, as entering the SSID in the Students Information section of the report should automatically pull the student information from his or her CEDARS record. If the student does not have a CEDARS record, you can manually enter the student’s first and last name. Fill in a response to all questions and required fields regarding the test window and student. A valid medical exemption request must include a physician's note that details how the medical condition impacts a student’s ability to access the state assessment and supporting documentation from the school, including the student’s attendance record. These documents must be attached or the report cannot be submitted to the state. Choose a file from your computer by selecting Choose File, then attach the file by clicking Attach Document. The file should now appear in a table within this section of the application. Incorrect uploads can be removed by selecting the Delete button next to the file name on this table. Once completed, the form can be submitted for signatures to the DC. If all the necessary information has been entered, the DC may submit the form for state review. SCs do not have access to this form.
Modified Testing Schedule Allows testing: Outside school day Outside test window At an alternate site For specific grade and test Detail reasoning for request Provide dates and time for original and new schedule In the case of extraordinary circumstances limiting a student’s ability to participate in state assessments, districts can request a Modified Testing Schedule to allow testing to take place outside of the standard school day, the state mandated testing window, or at an alternate testing site. You can setup an alternate site to register students under the WAMS > Pre-ID > Alternate Test Site Registration application. The Modified Testing Schedule is requested for a specific school, assessment, and grade level. Users will select these options from the drop-down menus at the top of the page. When a test window is selected, this will impact the available assessments to select, which in turn affects the available content and grade level selections. Enter a response within the text box asking for the circumstances substantiating the request for a Modified Testing Schedule. Please provide as much detail as possible so that OSPI can determine if there is sufficient cause for changing the testing schedules. Provide the school’s beginning and end dates and start time from the original approved testing schedule, as well as the new requested schedule dates and start time, within the calendar application. The modified dates must exceed the original scheduled dates. Attach any documentation that supports your request. Choose a file from your computer by selecting Choose File, then attach the file by clicking Attach Document. The file should now appear in a table within this section of the application. This is not required. If all information has been finalized in the report, you can submit the form for signatures. The report must be submitted to the state by the DC. SCs do not have access to this form.
School Site Administration and Security Report Document that training and security protocols were followed Respond to the questions and note any exceptions Submit to DC for review and retention The purpose of the School Site Administration and Security Report is to document whether training and test security protocols were followed at the building-level and to note any exceptions. This form is created by the SC only. The information included in this report must accurately reflect the information from the Test Security Staff Assurance Reports submitted by TAs and other school staff who support the test administration. To create the report, you will select your school, the test window, and the assessment from the drop-down menus at the top of the page. The primary task for completing this online form is responding to the list of questions that pertain to the security of testing and test materials, scheduling, and training. All of the items must be answered by selecting the “Yes”, “No”, or “Not Applicable (N/A)” radio buttons. Users should reference the PIRG, also referred to at the PIRG, while filling out this form for detailed information on protocol. Any “No” response must be explained in the “Note exceptions and attach documentation” section. Attach any documentation that supports your request. Choose a file from your computer by selecting Choose File, then attach the file by clicking Attach Document. The file should now appear in a table within this section of the application. This is not required. The SCs will submit this form to their principal for review and signature. Once the principal applies signature, the report will be sent back to the SC, who will submit it to the DC. All users will receive email notification when the form is ready for their review. The DC uses information from this report to finalize the District Security Report for submission to the state. The Staff and School level reports are retained locally
Test Incident Report Report prohibited behaviors Can be created by SC Pull student record from CEDARS Select incident category Provide description and action taken Retain or submit to OSPI Test incidents are behaviors prohibited because they may have an impact to student’s score results, give students an unfair advantage, or compromise test validity or test content. Whether intentional or by accident, failure by staff or student to comply with administration rules constitutes a test incident that needs to be documented and reported. Detailed information on Test Incidents can be found in the Professional Standards and Security, Incident, and Reporting Guidelines (PIRG). As these incidents typically occur at the school-level, an SC role is available to support the creation of the Test Incident Report at a school level. However, a signature is required from the DC who will ultimately decide to either retain the report locally in district or to submit it to the state. DCs decide whether or not a school level SC users have access. Users will select the options from the drop-down menus at the top of the page. When a test window is selected, this will impact the available assessments to select, which in turn affects the available content and grade level. The user will need to provide student information. If adding multiple students, a downloadable Excel template is available under the Student section of this feature. Fill the template out, select “Choose file”, and then select Upload Student List. The information associated with the students SSIDs will be automatically pulled from CEDARS. If adding individual students, you may enter the SSID, select add student, and the name will be pulled from CEDARS. Otherwise, if the SSID is unknown or the student does not have an SSID, you may enter the first and last name and grade, then select add student. Enter the role and name for any adults involved in the incident. In the Incident Initiated By section, select from the category that best fits the situation being reported. Many of the options will ask for supplementary information as well. As an example, the test incidents section is shown on this slide with an expanded dropdown list that is backfilled in yellow. In the case no option fits within the context of the incident, you can choose Other under the related category and provide a brief explanation. Under the Detailed Description of Issue and Local Action Taken sections, describe the events that occurred to cause the incident and any steps taken at the local level to resolve it. Provide as much detail as possible. Attach any documentation that supports the incident. Choose a file from your computer by selecting Choose File, then attach the file by clicking Attach Document. The file should now appear in a table within this section of the application. This is not required. Ensure that all information entered is accurate. If all looks correct, SCs must submit to the DC by selecting submit for signatures. If created by the DC, the DC will still need to select the Submit for Signature button and sign to complete the form. Email notification is sent to the appropriate users when the report is submitted for review. As per the information within the PIRG, the DC will either hit Submit to OSPI button or the Retain form in District button.
Test Material Variance Form Document missing or damaged materials from shipment Include: Content, Test Form, Barcode, Grade, Student info (when applicable), and comments The Test Material Variance Form is used to document any discrepancies representing shortages in the quantity or damage of materials. SCs may use this online report to document the issue and report the details of the situation to the DC. The DC will use this form to report the situation to the state. Prior to completing this form, you will need the barcode of the materials in question, the grade level, content, test form (i.e., standard print, large print, braille), and student information (if applicable). Fill in the required fields. The comment box allows for a brief description of what has occurred and why this report is being submitted to the state. You may add multiple test material variances to a single report for a given administration by clicking the Add button. The X button next to the listed material variances will allow you to delete any material variance that has been added to the form. Attach any documentation that supports your request, with the recognition that secure test content may not be photocopied. Choose a file from your computer by selecting Choose File, then attach the file by clicking Attach Document. The file should now appear in a table within this section of the application. This is not required. Ensure that all information entered is accurate. If all looks correct, SCs may submit for review by the DC by selecting Submit for Signatures. DCs must also submit for signatures even if creating the form. Users will be notified by email when a report is ready for review. DCs must sign the form, then hit Submit to OSPI.
Test Question Ambiguity Form Report errors on state assessments Do not copy – follow chain of custody Provide TA name Give a general description of error Enter paper booklet page and item number OR online test item and session ID If a situation occurs were an item has been identified as having a potential error, school and district staff must follow the chain of custody in securely escalating the situation to the state. TAs must notify the SC, SC must notify the DC, and the DC must notify the State Test Coordinator. Do not copy or share the problem with anyone other than with designated staff. This online report is used to document the ambiguity and report the details of the situation to the state. It also can be used at a school level to securely transmit the information to the DC. Select the test window, assessment, content, and grade of the student who reported the ambiguity from the drop-down menus at the top of the page. Provide the name of the TA who originally communicated the error. Provide a general description of the ambiguity or error. If the ambiguity occurred within a paper-pencil test booklet, you will need to provide the page number and test item number. If it occurred during the online test, you will need to provide the test item number and the session ID of the test session. Attach any documentation that supports your request, with the recognition that you are not to photocopy or take photos of secure test content. Choose a file from your computer by selecting Choose File, then attach the file by clicking Attach Document. The file should now appear in a table within this section of the application. This is not required. Once completed, the DC will sign off on the report. If all appears to be correct and following security protocols, select the Submit to OSPI button.
Certification of Training Once training has concluded, an email certifying that training was completed must be submitted for user access to ARMS. DCs contact the State Test Coordinator: DAs contact your DC. DCs contact the State Test Coordinator DCs and DAs contact your DDSM for access after certifying training SCs contact your DC. The DC will request permissions through the DDSM Prior to being permitted access to the ARMS application, it is required that all staff with the SC, DA, and DC user roles be trained. Once training has concluded, notification must be sent to the appropriate person for access to be granted. The email must certify that the ARMS training was completed and include the date of completion. The only exception to accessing ARMS without completing the training is for principal and superintendent users. DCs will contact the DDSM for principal and superintendent access. SC user role access to ARMS is determined by the DC. It is the responsibility of the DC or DA to provide SC training, using the state created ARMS training PowerPoint. Once training has concluded the SC will request permissions to access ARMS by emailing the DC. The DC will notify the DDSM for SC user access. Since the DC or DA is the primary support for questions from a staff with the SC user role, it is important that the DC and/or DA have prior access to ARMS to best be able to support questions. DA user role access is determined by the DC. It is the responsibility of the DC to provide DA training, using the state created ARMS training PowerPoint. Once training has concluded, the DC will email the State Test Coordinator at The DC or DA will contact the DDSM for access. If the DC is unable to address the questions of the trained DA, the question should be forwarded to the Assessment Operations Team at Once a DC has completed the ARMS training, the DC will contact the State Test Coordinator by email at, acknowledging that on X date ARMS training was completed. Questions from a staff with the DC user role, should be directed to the Assessment Operations Team at
Contact Information OSPI Assessment Operations for assessment policy and test materials Assessment Operations 360-725-6348 or 800-725-4311, press option 3 OSPI Assessment Analysts for student data issues OSPI Assessment Analysts: 360-725-6109 OSPI Customer Support for technical and password issues within EDS OSPI Customer Support: 1-800-725-4311, press option 1 AIR Help Desk for Technical, Network, and password issues within AIR systems AIR Help Desk: 1-844-560-7366 District Security Manager for accessing the ARMS application For questions or assistance with using ARMS, contact the Assessment Operations office by email at or by phone at 360-725-6348 or 800-725-4311 and press option 3. For assistance with issues pertaining to student data, contact the assessment analysts at or 360-725-6109. For technical assistance in EDS, contact the OSPI Customer Support office at and 1-800-725-4311 and press option 1.
Revision Log: Updates to the Module after December 8, 2017 are noted below. Slide Section Description of Revision Revision Date If updates are necessary, they will be included in this slide and the PowerPoint will be reposted to the WCAP Portal. An announcement will be sent to districts in the WAW newsletter.