The Brown Course Scheduler will be found on the Registration Menu after you log into the Secure Area of Banner Web.
You can use multiple search options to find the courses youre looking for.
The Search Results include all course information in one easy to read pane. You can also see if a course requires an instructor approval to register.
You will see a warning message if you dont meet the prerequisites or restrictions applied to a course.
You can select the Smart Search checkbox to search only for courses for which you meet the requirements. You will still be able to see courses that are full or require instructor permission.
You can add courses to your cart prior to the registration period. The cart will be saved so you can use the Register Cart button when your registration time is open. Registered courses appear in the cart as you continue to use this add to cart/register cart function throughout registration period. You can use the buttons to print your cart, clear the unregistered courses to build a new schedule, or share your cart with others. Using the Register Cart button is the equivalent of check out. The registration transaction is NOT complete until you register.
You will be able to add your schedule to your personal calendar with the iCal Export button.
-Summary- This new application was developed by CIS and has had significant input from Brown students, faculty and administrative staff. The Suggestions? link will still be open for comments. Feel free to use it to point out any future suggestions or issues with regards to functionality The application is scheduled to be released in mid-March, and will be available to students for registration for the Summer and Fall 2010 terms. Questions regarding the use and functionality of the Course Scheduler should be ed to A list of FAQs can be found by selecting the Help button in the search criteria window. Please use this as a reference source for your search questions. Textbook information for courses will be coming on or about July 1. The Look Up Classes link and traditional methods of adding/dropping classes through Banner Web are still available to you. Use of the Brown Course Scheduler is an alternative method of searching and registering for classes. REMINDER: Adding a course to your cart does NOT register you for the course. When your registration time opens, you will need to select the Register Cart button to complete the registration process.