“EPICAC” By Kurt Vonnegut
QUESTION GENERATOR After reading “EPICAC” by Kurt Vonnegut, take a few minutes to generate at least THREE open-ended questions. NOTE: Consider using the key words from our standard(s) about the central idea / theme to develop your questions.
How will I be assessed? Complete the feedback form. Ask questions. When contributing to the conversation, follow these guidelines: Complete the feedback form. Ask questions. Respond to questions. Cite Evidence from the text. FOUR requirements: 50 points THREE requirements: 40 points TWO requirements: 30 points ONE requirement: 20 points NO requirements: 0 points
ROUND 1 Why does the narrator decide to tell the story of EPICAC?
ROUND 2 What effect does the dialogue have on the audience?
ROUND 3 How does EPICAC’s poetry impact the development of the story?
ROUND 4 What makes EPICAC seem more human than the narrator himself?
EXIT SLIP What message or lesson is Vonnegut attempting to convey through the story of EPICAC? *Support your response with textual evidence and elaboration.