Elementary School Social Studies Elementary School Contacts Meeting December 13, 2017
Today’s Students… Tomorrow’s Citizens Social studies education today… prepares students to be knowledgeable, informed and active citizens tomorrow Civic competence
Department of Social Sciences What Resources Are Available For K-5 Social Studies Instruction? Department Website Textbooks and Online Components Competitions and Contests Monthly Instructional Resources .
Department of Social Sciences Website http://socialsciences Current News Department of Social Sciences is hyperlinked to DOSS website
DOSS Pacing guides Pacing of Social Studies Curriculum Aligned to new textbooks Aligned to NGSSS-SS Benchmarks Aligned to Language Arts Florida Standards Include Suggested Activities and Links Pacing Guides is hyperlinked DOSS website: Pacing Guides
Civics in a Snap K-5 Stand Alone Lessons All inclusive 15 Minutes Support Civics and Literacy The Florida Joint Center for Citizenship Civics in a Snap is linked to DOSS website: Civics in a Snap Lessons
Civics Integration Lessons Units of study for grades 3-5 Unit pre and post tests All inclusive lessons Quiz for each lesson Benchmarks aligned to 7th Grade Civics EOC Test Civics Integration Lessons hyperlinked to
History Labs Stand alone K-5 lessons Literacy Standards Students “Think like historians” Analysis of primary and secondary sources History Labs is linked to DOSS website: History Lab Lessons
Local History Lessons Stand alone lessons Grades 4 and 5 Miami-Dade County and municipalities Analysis of primary and secondary local sources Local History Lessons hyperlinked to DOSS website
Financial Literacy Lessons NGSSS financial literacy standards K-12 all-inclusive lessons 15 day framework Quiz for each lesson 4th nine weeks in pacing guides Financial Literacy Lessons hyperlinked to DOSS website
State-Mandated Programs African American History Character Education Hispanics’ Contributions to the U.S. Holocaust Studies Women’s Contributions to the U.S. State-mandated Programs linked to DOSS website
Competitions Elementary Geography Bee Grades K-5 History Bee Grade 5 Theodore Gibson Oratorical Contest We The People Grades 4-5 Competitions is hyperlinked to DOSS website
Contests Contests throughout the school year Students apply social studies knowledge and skills of writing, research, etc. Announced via Weekly Briefings Prizes Contests hyperlinked to DOSS website
Instructional Resources Commemorate important dates and historical events “Ready to teach” resources: Background Information Lesson Plans PowerPoint Presentations Internet Resources See Weekly Briefings Contests hyperlinked to DOSS website
Which Instructional Materials Have Been Adopted? Grades K-2 Grades 3-5 Social Studies Alive! CORE TEXTBOOKS AND INSTRUCTIONAL RESOURCES
Instructional Materials Grades K-2 Consumable Student Worktexts Leveled Reader Library Teacher Edition (hardcopy) Online Resources Online Access: Teacher and Student Portal Grades 3-5 Hardcover Student Textbooks Set of Placards Online Resources including Teacher Guide Online Access: Teacher and Student Portal
Instructional Materials Grades K-2 Consumable Student Worktexts Leveled Reader Library Teacher Edition (hardcopy) Online Resources Online Access: Teacher and Student Portal Grades 3-5 Hardcover Student Textbooks Set of Placards Online Resources including Teacher Guide Online Access: Teacher and Student Portal
Instructional Materials Issues with orders: Weekly Briefing #21489 McGraw Hill: Grades K-2 800 437 3715 from 7:00 AM to 8:00 PM http://mheducation.force.com/CustomerSupport TCI: Grades 3-5 https://teachtci.desk.com/
Department of Social Sciences 305 995 1982 Robert Brazofsky Executive Director http://socialsciences.dadeschools.net/