CIO G-6 Signal Conference LTG Bruce T. Crawford Chief Information Officer/G-6 6 March 2018
“Unprecedented Opportunities” National Defense Strategy Challenges Reform Opportunities NDAA Policy Rapid prototyping (804) Other Transaction Authority (OTA) Unity of effort: CFT Governance (ITOC) Funding flexibility Enterprise software optimization Peer adversaries continue to evolve TTPs Network complex & fragile Excessive electromagnetic signature in command posts Lack of anti-jamming STRENGTHEN ALLIANCES LETHALITY REFORM ARMY Modernization Priorities Army Network Long-Range Precision Fires Next Generation Combat Vehicle Future Vertical Lift Air and Missile Defense Soldier Lethality Future Network is Mobile, Expeditionary, Resilient, Survivable and protected, intuitive, Standards-based, Interoperable and Sustainable
Network Vision and Priorities NETWORK OF THE FUTURE FLAT FAST MOBILE PROTECTED Hyper-converged: converging multiple networks (~65) into a single security infrastructure with centralized command and control Ability to enable the Army – its Soldiers and Commanders – in decision making (Decide, Orient, Act) Transition from a static environment to at multi domain battle environment enabling unified land operations Ability to see and defend our network People Data Networks Critical Infrastructures The Network…a critical enabler to Unified Land Operations Readiness Fixing what we have to enable the current fight and to prepare for the next fight Modernization Driving institutional change to influence, shape, and leverage the marketplace vice reacting to it Shaping the Force Aligning the force to capitalize on technological advances Leader Development Cybersecurity Policy Transition from focus on compliance to focus on readiness IOT enable the operational commanders Linkage between cybersecurity and cyberspace Baseline Enterprise Initiatives Optimize existing enterprise initiatives to increase capabilities and lethality in the force Optimize IT Resourcing Driving IT efficiencies that reduce risk and increase Operational effectiveness
“Unprecedented Opportunities” Current Army Efforts CIO/G-6 Priorities Cross Functional Teams Network Modernization SFAB Cybersecurity Army Futures Command Future Army Efforts Evolution of Mobile Adhoc Networking Risk Management Framework Space Software Optimization Cloud “Get comfortable being uncomfortable.” -GEN McChrystal (TED Talks 2011)