The way to serve University Students & Alumni GRADNET PORTAL The way to serve University Students & Alumni You do not sell cars without wheels, why sell education without books (eBooks)
BLENDED LEARNING + ON-CAMPUS FACE-TO-FACE LEARNING EXPERIENCE + ONLINE & TECHNOLOGY-ENHANCED EDUCATION = UNIVERSITY BLENDED T&L STRATEGY In at least 90% of modules, there is some form of ONLINE ACTIVITY taking place, MOSTLY COMMUNICATION (2016 staff & student surveys) In truly blended learning modules, some form of independent online learning activity should take place, not just loading assignments or extracting passive learning material placed online by a lecturer
BLENDED TEACHING Intensive training in the optimal use of LMS (i.e. Blackboard) and how to get programmes online Online assessments training and production assistance of audio and/or video Training programme for transformation of curricula and T&L Lecturers need to be familiar with LMS and eReader
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VALUE PROPOSITION Does not interfere with university systems Always upgraded Fully automated, shortest route from source to user, suppliers preference Real time MIS on student use (within PIA Act) Low initial and running cost- various cost recoveries Copyright and print management Customized for specific needs Source of information for students & Alumni Dynamic and permanent security Low maintenance Benefit generator for students, alumni & institution