UML: Unified modeling language This language is used for modeling(designing ) and development of object oriented system. Build upon the fundamental of OOPs A language for Visualizing (Abstract Overall structure) Specifying (Design) Construction Documentation Example: Agro-UML, Rational software architecture, visual paradigm for UML My-eclipse
Overview of UML Diagrams Behavioral : behavioral features of a system / business process Activity State machine Use case Interaction Structural : element of spec. irrespective of time Class Component Deployment Object Composite structure Package Interaction : emphasize object interaction Communication(collaberation) Sequence Interaction overview Timing
Use case Diagram: (Use case)A measurable Action Describes the behavior of the target system from an external point of view. (Actor) that play an important role in system like person, organization or external system Dashed oval : collaboration , rectangular : instances of any type of classifier, including classes, objects, or interfaces (Association) a solid between actor and use case
Activity Dashed oval : collaboration , rectangular : instances of any type of classifier, including classes, objects, or interfaces Start node Action End node Control flow Activity diagram describe the flow of control of the target system (like (DFD)
Name of the class Multiplicity 3 Class diagram Shows the classes of the system, their inter-relationships, and the operations and attributes of the classes.
Communication(collaboration) Diagram Dashed oval : collaboration , rectangular : instances of any type of classifier, including classes, objects, or interfaces
Dashed oval : collaboration , rectangular : instances of any type of classifier, including classes, objects, or interfaces Sequence diagram models the communication of objects based on a time sequence. It shows how the objects interact with others in a particular scenario of a use case.
Deployment diagram
Unified Process In 1990 James Rambaugh,booch,jacobson UML Unified method(feature of oops) Unified process A framework for object oriented software development using UML.
Rational Unified Process An unified process develop by IBM RUP is a risk-driven, use-case-based, and architecture-centric, iterative software development process. RUP provides a disciplined approach to assigning tasks and responsibly within a development of software. Its goal is to ensure the production of a high quality software that meets the need of its end user within a predictable schedule and budget UML And supports Iterative, prototype models Good practice on specification Generic process
Inception Elaboration planning modeling communication construction development construction Transition Release production
This phase combine both customer communication and planning INCEPTION Communication for Requirement Customer or stake holder Developer (Analyst) Plan for iteration, resource risk, schedule Rough idea /model
The input for this phase is Inception To refine Elaboration Architectural Model /Executable representation Inception()Basic use case Requirement model Design model Implementation model Deployment model
Software component that make use case functional Construction Software component that make use case functional Architectural Model /Executable representation Developer or programmer Implementation phase Unit test for each module Version 1
Handed over to customer for Beta Testing Transition Handed over to customer for Beta Testing Customer version User manual, trouble shooting, Installation procedure Production phase (Deployment),maintenance