What is the difference between 1st and 3rd Person Narration? Do Now What is the difference between 1st and 3rd Person Narration?
CCQ (Groups A & B: 1-2; Group C: 1-3; Group D: 1-4) (Lines 1-12) What do you think the white horse stands for (symbolizes)? Cite at least one quote from the text to support your answer. (Lines 19-34) What is the central conflict of this story? Why might this be difficult? *hint: What does our narrator want to do or accomplish? (Lines 50-61) What words help you to understand what the horse might stand for (symbolize) in the narrator’s mind? Why might these ideas be important to a young man? (Lines 88-90) What metaphor is found on these lines? What two things are being compared?
Writing What are the similarities and differences between the narrator’s point of view in “The Mixer” and “The Wonder Horse” A: Identify p.o.v. in both stories with text evidence (pronouns). B: Explain how the narrative perspective is similar. C: Cite text evidence to explain the difference between a reliable and unreliable narrator. D: Explain how the narrator’s p.o.v. affects the readers understanding of the story.
Language Critical Vocabulary (page 221) A: Define vocabulary words on flashcards B: Use vocab words in a sentence C: Identify synonyms and antonyms for each vocabulary words D: Answer #1-6
Project Write a short story with a 1st person narrator. Must be at least 4 paragraphs in length. Must have a plot (conflict, setting, climax, etc.) Include descriptive imagery!
Exit Ticket How would the story be affected if it was told from the perspective of the wonder horse?