POINT OF VIEW Point of view is the perspective from which an author tells a story. Whose voice tells the story or gives us the crucial information we need to understand what is happening?
Recognizing the Point of View First-person point of view- story is told by one of the characters Uses pronouns such as I or we Usually participates in much of the action Third-person point of view- story is told by a narrator who stands outside the story Uses pronouns such as she, he, and they Can report the thoughts and feelings of all the characters or just one
Third Person Limited: one character's perspective Omniscient: the narrator knows the thoughts and feelings of all of the characters in the story
I had a very busy weekend! On Friday, my son played in 2 baseball games. He pitched in the first game and his team won! On Saturday, my family and I went to the beach. We went fishing and kayaking, it was a beautiful day! Then, on Sunday, I graded papers for 5 hours. Afterwards, we went back to ballpark where my son played in 2 more games. His team won the tournament!