Do Now Correct any fragments in the following sentences. 1. In the seventh grade every young boy goes out for football. To prove to himself and his parents that he is a man. 2. The small, one-story houses are all the same size and style. With no difference except the color.
Do Now Correct any sentence fragments by adding to the sentences below. 1. After the receptionist led the family to the table. 2. Being that Leonel Messi scored two goals in the last three minutes of the match.
Suspense How do author’s create suspense?
Suspense - the point of view of the narrator - the descriptions and words used - by describing the character’s emotions
H.P. Lovecraft Bio Insert video here.
“The Outsider” 1. As you read lines 1-21, begin to collect and cite text evidence. Circle the words that describe the narrator in lines 1-9. Underline the words that describe the narrator’s surroundings. In the margin, write your impression of the narrator based on his description of himself and his surroundings. 2. In lines 10-21, how do the narrator’s statements about his background and his description of his surroundings create suspense? Support your answer with evidence. (Think about how this changes the mood of the story). Define “accessible” on page 22.
Lines 22-40 3. In lines 22-40, underline details about the narrator’s upbringing that seem strange or unusual. 4. Discussion: Does the information the narrator shares about himself make him more or less reliable. Explain.
Lines 41-100 5. In lines 41-100: Underline the reason the narrator gives to attempting to escape form the castle and restate in the margin. Circle every use of the word slab in lines 67-83. In the margin, explain what image it calls to mind. Underline the text in lines 84-100 that describes where the narrator finds himself after scaling the tower. 6. In lines 67-100, what vivid words help to create the feeling of suspense? Define putrid, assailed, and prodigious.
Lines 101-133 In lines 101-133 Underline the text that creates suspense by building anticipation. Circle text that describes the narrators confused mental state. In the margin, state how the narrator and his fear continue to build suspense. 8. In lines 118-133, what impressions do you form of the narrator’s mental state? In what ways does his unreliability increase suspense? Use explicit text evidence.
Exit Ticket Is our narrator reliable? Why or why not? *hint: think about his confusion
Lines 134-160 9. In lines 134-160, Circle each use of “I” in the text. Underline the narrators contradictory statement in lines 134-138, and in the margin, restate what he says. In lines 147-160, circle phrases the describe the actions of the partygoers. 10. In lines 147-160, why does seeing the events in these lines from the narrator’s point of view limit your understanding of what is actually happening? Cite text evidence.
Lines 161-182 11. In lines 161-182, Underline the text that describes the sound the narrator makes. In the margin, explain why he made that sound. Circle vivid words and phrases the describe what the narrator sees. 12. In lines 174-182, how does the descriptions create suspense?
Lines 183-225 13. In lines 183-225, what has the narrator discovered about himself? What supernatural elements become clear? Record your ideas in the margin. 14. Reread lines 221-225. With a small group, discuss whether you were surprised by the revelation of the end of the story.
After Reading 1. Go back and make sure you answered 1-14. 2. Answer the short response on page 30. Make sure to use plenty of evidence to support your answer!
Exit Ticket Who tells a more suspenseful story, Lovecraft or Poe? Explain your answer.