Welcome to Synergy 2013 Chip Casanave Data Access Worldwide
Welcome! State of the company Our priorities Information = the new currency Directions & investments The DataFlex Web Framework Synergy goals
State of the Company We are solid! Strong team, working together globally Exciting, new products coming in 2013
Contributing to our clients success with innovative, high quality business software tools, support and services. Honesty & integrity in all things Respect – treat people fairly and well Our Priorities
Regular, clear, communication Simplicity, openness Driving positive change Building a strong community Building a strong company
The new currency…
Wall Street Journal Ad
Recognition that better information means better business The ever increasing demand for more responsiveness and speed in business depends on people, processes and information The currency of information
Integrate business applications & processes Intra-company and inter-company Desktop, mobile, machine-to-machine Deliver timely, actionable information Anywhere, any time, any device Empower people to… Process and access information easily Make good, fast, information-based decisions Today… the future…
Directions and investments…
Evolve our core technology Expand the capabilities of our tools and your applications Support new platforms as they become important Provide continuity Protect & leverage the value of customers investments Directions & investments
Facilitate information use Enable applications that deliver information any time, anywhere to increase the speed of business and the productivity of people Create, manage and deliver…. The new currency - information
Innovate new ways to develop web business applications Start with the desktop browser Over time, accommodate a variety of web devices Capitalize on the value of customers existing application assets for new web solutions Adopt to changing market and technology opportunities Directions & investments Realization: The DataFlex Web Framework
DataFlex Web Framework Changing the game…
DataFlex Web Framework Innovate… change the game Take a fresh, different approach to building business apps for the web. Simpler to learn; less to learn Build and deploy quality web apps faster Less maintenance over application life-cycles
DataFlex Web Framework Focus… Design a high quality tool for building excellent business applications for the web Do a well defined thing very well Leave it to others to do other things
DataFlex Web Framework Continuity… Enable developers to move to the web with minimum overhead and maximum utilization of existing software assets Familiar, fast up-time
Complete solutions are critical Dynamic AI Studio Visual Report Writer Delivering the new currency involves… Database applications Reporting Interactive query, analysis, dashboards & intelligence In a cohesive, seamless, integrated solution
Visual Report Writer Robust, capable, operational reporting tool Many new and significant features Evolving rapidly with more to come… Unprecedented ease of integration… With Visual DataFlex Windows applications With DataFlex Web Framework applications
Dynamic AI Completes the product suite to deliver integrated, new currency solutions Dynamic AI is a great platform for… Integration of intelligence in applications Developing new areas of business Differentiating applications among competitors Creating new value from corporate data assets
Synergy goals Launch the DataFlex Web Framework Empower you to deliver competitive web business app and the new currency Drive business success - yours & ours Develop new ideas and relationships Have a boot-stomping good time!