Literary Elements
Setting • The setting is where and when the story takes place • Setting may include geographical location, time period, and social characteristics (such as a middle class suburb)
Character Protagonist – Main character • Antagonist – Character or force that causes conflict for the main character • Foil – Character that provides a contrast to the main character
Which one is which?
Plot • Structure/order of events within a story • Propels the story forward
Theme • The main message, lesson about life, or idea of the piece
Point of View: First Person • Narrator is a character in the story who can only reveal personal thoughts and feelings, and what he/she sees or is told by other characters. “Hansel walked ahead of me. I made sure I dropped breadcrumbs behind me as I went, since my bumbling brother couldn’t be counted on to find his way home from the outhouse, let alone from the middle of the woods.”
Point of View: 3rd Person Objective Narrator is an outsider who can only reveal what they see or hear. Can tell us what is happening, but not the thoughts and feelings of characters. “Hansel walked ahead of Gretel. Gretel dropped breadcrumbs behind her as she went. Ahead of them, an old witch waited.”
Point of View: Third Person Limited • Narrator is an outsider who sees into the minds of one character “Hansel walked ahead of Gretel. Gretel dropped breadcrumbs behind her as she went, knowing that her bumbling brother couldn’t be counted on to find his way home from the outhouse, let alone from the middle of the woods.”
Point of View: Omniscient • Narrator is “god-like” and all knowing • Narrator can see into the minds of all characters “Hansel walked ahead of Gretel; after all, he knew he belonged in the front because Gretel was just a girl. Gretel dropped breadcrumbs behind her as she went, knowing that her bumbling brother couldn’t be counted on to find his way home from the outhouse, let alone from the middle of the woods Ahead of them, an old witch waited, her stomach rumbling at the thought of what a delicious dinner the two plump children would make.”
Foreshadow • Author drops subtle hints about events to happen later in the story (< only write this) Everything the light touches is our kingdom. A king’s time as ruler rises and falls like the son. One day, Simba, the sun will set on my time here, and will rise with you as the new king.
Conflict A struggle or problem a character must overcome Climax: the most exciting point of the story Resolution: where the conflict/issue in the plot is resolved at the end of the story