Physical Fitness 66 Days In Row GNFL Best Motivational Speech Ever: Eric Thomas, How Bad Do you Want it (Full Speech) This slide uses action buttons to make a map of your site. The lines joining the action buttons are connector lines. When you rearrange objects that have a connector line, the connectors remain attached to the objects and move with the objects. For more information, ask the Answer Wizard about: Action Buttons Connectors
Coach Lewis Husband Brother Coach/Mentor Coachlewispe follow @Twitter Graduate of: Central High School University of Louisville Indiana Wesleyan Indiana Southeast Current Student Eastern Kentucky University Educational Leadership Coachlewispe follow @Twitter Coach_lewis_ follow @intsagram
Primary goals: To provide opportunities for all students to be active and encourage them to do so. To create a safe and comfortable atmosphere in which it is ok to take risks doing physical fitness activities. To teach/assess NASPE approved core content. Secondary goals: To teach games and leisure activities. To teach appropriate technique for various activities.
On a Typical PE Day you will: Sit down in bleachers for role call Start 4 part Lesson Plan Immediately have Active Time Then have Exercise Time/lesson Planned Activity
This is how your grade will be determined: Daily 6pt Standards Grading Scale Standard 1: 1pt Demonstrates competency in motor skills and movement patterns needed to perform a variety of physical activities. Standard 2: 1pt Demonstrates understanding of movement concepts, principles, strategies, and tactics as they apply to the learning and performance of physical activities. Standard 3: 1pt Participates regularly in physical activity. Standard 4: 1pt Achieves and maintains a health-enhancing level of physical fitness. Standard 5: 1pt Exhibits responsible personal and social behavior that respects self and others in physical activity settings. Standard 6: 1pt 2015-2016 Shawnee Physical Education Syllabus
Grading Continued: Daily Grade 75% +6 points a day 1 points-Being present/prepared/on time 3 points-Being active during active time of class 1 points-Completing lessons satisfactorily 2 points-Effort/Trying/Behavior -3 points-Conduct Mark Tests/Quizzes/Assignments 25%
Eagle Fitness Stations The Eagle Fitness Station will be accessible to all during your daily active time. You will be able to learn and complete traditional exercises to develop your overall fitness. Only people who are exercising will be permitted to enter the Eagle fitness Stations.
Expectations All students are required to be dressed out appropriately for class. Shorts, Sweats, and a t-shirt are preferred. An Eagle uniform is available upon request from the bookstore. Please bring your on water bottle for water. The cost is $10 per item and profits will help improve the quality of the Eagle Physical Education Department.
What I Might Have Missed It is never ok to be seated during Active Time. There is written work to be completed, and it is worth 25% of your grade. Stay with the class at all times! Take good care of the facility. Leave the Weight Locker room the way you found it. Bathrooms breaks will be limited and you are encouraged to bring your own water bottle to class. No Food or Soft Drinks are allowed in the gym. Put all equipment up at the end of class or supervised gym privileges for class will be limited!!! Why Do We Fall - Motivational Video