One of the most important battles in your life!!! Battle of Tours 732 AD One of the most important battles in your life!!!
Early Fights Why no power? Germanic tribes were small Princes within tribes fought each other King Clovis had in fighting Princes divided father’s kingdom further This invasion is happening over years – They are coming!
Moslem/Muslim Control
Charles Martel – The Hammer
Charles Martel background Jailed by stepmother – escaped Fought with surrounding territory – took it Forced Duke of Aquitaine – Eudes to recognize his authority
Abd-ar-Rahman Used troops from Spain Cavalry – from Africa chosen specifically based on skill and valor 80,000 to 100,000s – depending on Arab or Christian writers
Tours to Poitiers
Muslims on the move Duke Eudes attempted to stop Abd-ar-Rahman Did not want to ask The Hammer for help. Why? Did not have enough resources Muslim army sent north - west side of Pyrenees Small group sent east to confuse enemy Eudes arrived too late at Bordeaux Muslims looted and burned Eudes tries to stop them, but is defeated
Charles slow to arrive Why would he be slow to attack the Muslims? Let them destroy his rival Let them get loaded down with loot and have difficulty fighting Get an army together – pay them with church money
Argument against Did not have the resources to fight a drawn out war Had to borrow from the church Frankish warriors would not have been able to contain themselves as they watched Muslims ravage the land Arabs writers thought it was perfectly timed
Frank advantage over previous armies Mohammedans – had lost the desire to die for Allah – wanted loot
Saracen Army Frankish Army Light cavalry Lances Swords Most without shields Little armor Foot soldiers Chain mail Shields Javelin Sword ax
Frank Sword
War hammer – actually Viking but very cool
Saracen Scimitar
Chainmail with whimsical approach
Battle tactics Muslim Franks Fly in on horse Attack Retreat Attack again – different locale? Ran downhill to attack the Franks – Why? Franks Fight off charge Advantage
Triangle phalanx
Human nature The battle lasted for a day or seven? Towards the end of the battle Rumor spread and darkness fell across the Saracen riders The enemy was plundering their plunder The desire to die for Allah was trumped by their desire for loot As Mohammedan went to check their booty – the Franks surrounded them and slaughtered.
Adr-ar-Rahman – The End DEAD The troops left in the night Casualties 375,000 Arabs 1500 Christians (Franks) Do you buy this? What questions would you ask? Why didn’t Charles pursue the Mohammedan?
Most Important result Charles Martel began to be called “the Hammer” Really – Spread of Islam stopped 118 EU