The Internet2 Commons Jonathan Tyman John Krienke Cheryl Munn-Freeman OSU/OARnet Bob Dixon Megan Troyer Gabe Moulton Commons Management Team
The Internet2 Commons Mission Promote and facilitate remote collaboration throughout the Internet2 research and education community by means of innovative and integrated, standards-based Internet technologies. Build on useful technologies to create collaboration services that are: sustainable, scalable, affordable.
DVI Vision of the Commons Jonathan: Right now WAVE3 is the only Vendor listed as such on this slide…are we in danger of not mentioning our current partners, Polycom and Radvision by lising Wave3 as an independent technology? What about ConferenceXP for instance? Wave3 could fit under SIP and also under Collaboration Tools……I vote for its (Wave3’s) removal, with a verbal mention. john k2: I added “Application Sharing” simply because we needed a longer red bar to fit “Collaboration Tools” horizontally john k2: Presence, IM Whiteboard DVI Vision of the Commons Data Sharing The Internet2 Commons Middleware Application Sharing H.323… Collaboration Tools SIP Voice over IP Voice & Videoconferencing Tools VRVS AG MPEG2 DVTS, HD
The Internet2 Commons Videoconferencing Service Goals: Accelerate adoption of Remote Collaboration Respond to member input Promote open-standards Make it sustainable, scalable, and affordable The mission of the Internet2 Commons is to promote and facilitate remote collaboration throughout the Internet2 research and education community by means of standards-based, integrated Internet technologies. Make it EASY for the user Train 100+ site coordinators Make it all work…for 10cents/port minute…
H.323 Multipoint Videoconferencing Commons H.323 service offers: mature technology, accepted standards, multiple vendors, installed base Advanced features in multiple MCUs Ad hoc/scheduled conferencing Streaming/archiving of conference Display options galore Firewall traversal Diagnostic tools, and… Help! when you need it…and before.
Next steps for the Commons VRVS – about Communities… …and bringing them together tcyun
Communities and Technologies VRVS
Communities and Technologies Access Grid Vic.rat Groups venues sense of common place
Communities and Technologies Access Grid Access Grid – sharing spaces
Communities and Technologies MPEG2 Quality Videoconferencing Low latency Mature Free clients P2P or Multicast Michael Tilson Thomas, NWS - Ann Doyle photo by R. Andrew Lepley
NID Innovative Integration of Internet Technologies H.323 via the Internet2 Commons (Interactive 768k) VBrick Appliance (Multicast 6MB) HD streaming MPEG2 (20MB) VBrick Stream Player (Multicast 5MB) Windows Media (Unicast 512k and 3Mb) inSORS Access Grid (Multicast) Quicktime (Multicast) DVTS (30mbps)