Understanding and Achieving Performance Measures Timing is Everything!
Tracking Outcomes—by the Quarter When tracking your outcomes, timing is very important. Performance Measures must be met during specific quarters, based on the entry and exit date of each student. Recidivism, Literacy and Numeracy Gains, Degree or Certificate, Placement, and Retention—let’s look at when they are measured.
Tracking Outcomes The timeline below shows: YouthBuild Program – the length of a program varies Exit Quarter – the quarter in which student exits program Follow-up Period – the next 3 quarters YOUTHBUILD PROGRAM EXIT QUARTER FOLLOW-UP Q1 Q2 Q3 START
In the past, HUD grantees measured their outcomes at exit. DOL measures outcomes over a longer timeframe. Some measures may not count until the end of the third quarter of follow-up. YOUTHBUILD PROGRAM EXIT QUARTER FOLLOW-UP Q1 Q2 Q3 START DOL goals measured
Measured one year from start date DOL PERFORMANCE MEASURE Recidivism Applies only to students who enter as youth or adult offenders. A student who has parole/probation revoked or is convicted of a new offense within one year from the Enrollment Date increases your recidivism rate. A student who is arrested or convicted for the first time while in the program will not be counted as part of the program’s recidivism rate YOUTHBUILD PROGRAM EXIT QUARTER FOLLOW-UP Q1 Q2 Q3 START Recidivism Measured one year from start date
Measured one year from start date DOL PERFORMANCE MEASURE Literacy & Numeracy Gains Applies to students who are Basic Skills Deficient (below 9th grade level) in math, writing or literacy Students must take at least one Basic Skills test within 2 weeks of enrollment (or use a score that is up to 6 months old) Students must raise one level in math, writing or literacy within the first year Grantees must use only Department of Education approved basic skills tests Gains of students who exit unsuccessfully can only be counted if achieved before the exit date YOUTHBUILD PROGRAM EXIT QUARTER FOLLOW-UP Q1 Q2 Q3 START Literacy & Numeracy Measured one year from start date
Degree & Certificate Attainment DOL PERFORMANCE MEASURE Degree & Certificate Attainment Students can earn a degree or certificate at any point while active in the program. Successful exits are allowed 3 quarters after Exit Quarter to obtain degree or certificate Unsuccessful exits must obtain a degree before exiting to be counted YOUTHBUILD PROGRAM EXIT QUARTER FOLLOW-UP Q1 Q2 Q3 START Student 1: Exits April 1 Student 2: Exits June 15 Both students have until March 31st to get a degree or certificate
Placement in Education or Employment DOL PERFORMANCE MEASURE Placement in Education or Employment The exit quarter determines when a placement must be attained. Student must be placed or still in a previous placement within the 1st quarter of the Follow-up period Measure counts any one day of placement within the 1st quarter of the Follow-up period Only successful exits can be placed YOUTHBUILD PROGRAM EXIT QUARTER FOLLOW-UP Q1 Q2 Q3 START Student 1: Exits April 1 Student 2: Exits June 15
Student gets placed May 3 DOL PERFORMANCE MEASURE Placement in Education or Employment (continued) While a student may get placed IN the Exit Quarter, it doesn’t count unless they are still placed on the first day of the first quarter following The student may be placed in one job/education program in the Exit Quarter and another in the 1st Quarter of Follow-up YOUTHBUILD PROGRAM EXIT QUARTER FOLLOW-UP Q1 Q2 Q3 START For original placement to count, student must retain placement into the first quarter of Follow-up Student gets placed May 3
Retention of Placement DOL PERFORMANCE MEASURE Retention of Placement Student must be placed (education or employment) in Quarter 1 after exit and retained in Quarters 2 and 3 The original placement does not have to be the same as Quarters 2 and 3. It does NOT count as soon as they have a quarter with no placement YOUTHBUILD PROGRAM Goal: All students placed in 1st Quarter, also have placement in 2nd and 3rd EXIT QUARTER FOLLOW-UP Q1 Q2 Q3 START
Follow-Up Overview Only successful exits require Follow-Up Follow-Ups must be entered in the MIS for the first three quarters after the exit quarter Stay in frequent contact with students in order to ensure continued success During the Follow-Up period you will be tracking outcomes and supportive services
Tracking Outcomes Review Each student’s outcomes are tracked based on his/her enrollment date and exit quarter. The timing of enrollment, exit and achievement affects your ability to meet your performance goals. In order to accurately report outcomes, you must build solid policies and procedures that align program practice and data management.
Exit Students After a student leaves your YouthBuild you should exit the student from the MIS There are three types of exits Successful Unsuccessful Exit for Other Reasons
Exit Students Successful exit standards are determined by YOU You need an exit policy that allows you flexibility to meet the needs of individual students It may take some students longer than others to meet your requirements and be ready for placement Graduation and Exit are not always the same date An internship is a service Subsidized employment is a service
Continually Review QPR Review QPR to check data entry and gauge progress towards goals Don’t wait until the day the QPR is due to check your data Data checks are built into every step
Help! MIS HelpDesk 866-680-0855 or email missupport@youthbuild.org Community of Practice www.workforce3one.org/page/communities