SCSU Technology Update FY05
Technology for Teaching and Learning
Electronic Classroom Support Upgraded 79 e-classrooms and added 19 new classrooms. Installed telephones in all e-classrooms. Installed a standard control system in each room, allowing all functions to be monitored from a single location Designed and deployed individualized instruction manuals for all e-classrooms. Received on-going maintenance and replacement funding for e-classrooms. Installed additional security chains and anti-theft devices.
MediaSite “Rich Media” tool Combines streaming video, PowerPoint, and chat Can be used with a phone bridge Not tied to ITV classrooms
74% increase
Research/Instruction Tools
SCSU is the lead institution for the state on the project SCSU is the lead institution for the state on the project “Minnesota Reflections,” was launched Continue to seek additional grants
§ § drop due to change in database aggregator contracts
§ one of four gate counters was malfunctioning from September through January
Technology for Students
General Access Computer Lab Locations
14 Open Labs (386 Computers) 7 Miller Center Labs (193 Computers) 31 Discipline Related Labs (788 Computers) ---------------------------------------------------------- 52 Total Labs (1367 Computers)
Student Training 95 Software workshops offered on 16 different topics; 649 students attended 44 technology instruction sessions for SCSU courses serving 2,872 students 298 Library instruction sessions, 7,372 students attended
* *Stateview & Lawrence Hall added
OS Change Comparison
Technology for Faculty and Staff
29.5% 70.5%
College Support Technicians Have at least one college technician in every college Regular meetings of all campus technicians Listserv for campus technicians Working to develop common procedures, standardize e-classroom support Discussion of common problems, sharing of knowledge, etc.
Training/Workshops CIS: 9 different software products, 46 different topic areas, focused primarily on Microsoft products, adding Microsoft Office Specialist (MOS) Certification and testing center IMS: 15 different software products, 51 different topic areas, many on aspects of Desire2Learn Efforts to standardize and cross train to provide improved support
Other Information Technology Resources
Software Licensing Agreements Campus Microsoft Agreement Additional Microsoft licensing SharePoint portal services Norton Antivirus agreement Campus and home use Through MnSCU: Adobe/Macromedia – volume pricing ESRI Geographical Information Systems (ArcView) $7–10K annual cost Developed software plan for campus-wide use
Security Four stages of virus protection Consistent level of Spam Spam filtering at the SCSU gateway connection Virus filtering at the SCSU gateway connection Server antivirus on the mail server Client antivirus on local computers Consistent level of Spam Percent of Inbound E-mail identified as Spam has ranged from 72% – 80%, with an average of 78% Increase from the 66% average in FY04
Network Uptime Uptime was 99.73% in FY05 compared to 99.80% in FY04 Down an average of 2 hours per month total, three-quarters due to equipment or technical malfunctions Only down 1 hour for the year due to security, virus, or denial of service
Wireless Network Access Funded primarily by student technology fees Coverage of 94% of campus Number of registered users up from 552 in FY04 to 1,474 in FY05 Wireless service reviewed by the legislative auditors and the report was favorable
Campus Wireless Coverage FY04 FY05
Web Services Approximately 98% of sites have migrated to the new server environment Content management software is now used by 70 departments to make updates to 90 sites Results/recommendations of the first SCSU Web audit are due December 2005 Web Council continues to review suggestions and address policy issues
Technology Committees Technology and Pedagogical Resources Teaching Learning Technology Roundtable Student Technology Fee Committee Technology Master Plan committees
Thank you!