Bonita Vista Middle School California Standards Test (CST) What is it, and Why does it Matter? California Standards Test (CST) What is it, and Why does it Matter?
Every student in California takes a test to see if they have learned the necessary knowledge and skills for their grade level. We take the California Standards Test, or CST
Learning Target Learning Target By the end of todays presentation all students will know how many more questions they need to answer correctly on the CST in Math and English to move up One Proficiency level !
There are FIVE Proficiency Levels on the CST The goal of every student is to reach the level of Proficient or Advanced on the CST. 350 & Above 300 To & Below Read 180 & Math Support to help you reach proficiency
The Goal of BVM is to reach……..
When we reach Mr. Balanay will SHAVE HIS HEAD!!!
To achieve this goal, we want Every Student to raise their score by at least one proficiency level.
Today, you will determine how many more questions you need to answer correctly in Math and English to move to the next proficiency level on this years CST. Learning Target Learning Target
CALIFORNIA STANDARDS TEST Student Action Plan 1. What is your current Proficiency Level for the ELA CST? _____________________________ 2. Write your 2009/2010 ELA Cluster Scores (the Number Correct) in the appropriate columns below. Cluster 1 Word Analysis and Vocab. Development (13 possible) Cluster 2 Reading Comprehensi on (17 possible) Cluster 3 Literary Response And Analysis (12 possible) Cluster 4 Written Conventions (16 possible) Cluster 5 Writing Strategies (17 possible) Total Number Correct ( 75 possible) Add the number you got correct in each Cluster above for a total Raw Score: Raw Score = __________ of 75 possible.
Proficiency Level 0-27 correct Far Below Basic correct Below Basic correct Basic correct Proficient correct Advanced Total Raw Score Raw Score 5. How many more questions do you need to answer correctly to move up to the next level? _______________ 6. What is the next level? __________________ This should be your goal for the CST.
ELA CST GOAL STATEMENT For the ELA CST, my goal is to score ___________________ by (Proficiency Level Goal) answering at least _____ more questions correctly. I CAN DO IT!
Student Action Plan 1. What is your current Proficiency Level for the Math CST? __________________________________ 2. Write your 2009/2010 Math Cluster Scores (the Number Correct) in the appropriate columns below. Cluster 1 Ratios, Proportions, Percentages, Neg. Fractions (15 possible) Cluster 2 Operations & Problem Solving w/ Fractions 10 possible) Cluster 3 Algebra & Functions (19 possible) Cluster 4 Measurement & Geometry (10 possible) Cluster 5 Statistics, Data Analysis, and Probability (11 possible) Total Number Correct (65 possible) 3. Add the number you got correct in each Cluster above for a total Raw Score: Raw Score = __________ of 65 possible.
Proficiency Level 0-19 correct Far Below Basic correct Below Basic correct Basic correct Proficient correct Advanced 5. How many more questions do you need to answer correctly to move up to the next level? _______________ 6. What is the next level? __________________ This should be your goal for the CST.
Math CST GOAL STATEMENT For the ELA CST, my goal is to score ___________________ by (Proficiency Level Goal) answering at least _____ more questions correctly. I CAN DO IT!
Top Ten Test Tips 1.To do our best, we need our rest! 2.Feed your body, and you feed your brain! 3.Believe and Achieve! Face it and Ace it! 4.Dress for Success! 5.Read directions then make corrections!
Top Ten Test Tips Top Ten Test Tips 6.Read the rest, then choose the best! 7.Erase any stray marks! 8.An Educated Guess, will help you pass the test! 9.Keep your answer sheet neat! 10.Youre not done, til youve answered every one!
Together, We Can Do It! Together, We Can Do It! Go Crusaders!