A League Salute to… Champions for the Environment! + April 29, 2014
League of Women Voters ® of the Akron Area Nature is just enough; but men and women must comprehend and accept her suggestions. Antoinette Brown Blackwell, first U.S. woman ordained minister ( )
League of Women Voters ® of the Akron Area bore they treated with consideration; not attempting to improve it, they never desecrated it. Willa Cather, Author ( ) … [Native Americans] ravaged neither the rivers nor the forest… The land and all that it
League of Women Voters ® of the Akron Area We were bred of earth before we were bred of our mothers… We cannot live without the earth or apart from it, and something is shriveled in a man's heart when he turns away from it and concerns himself only with the affairs of men. Marjorie Kinnan Rawlings, author ( )
League of Women Voters ® of the Akron Area conservation must be dynamic, changing as conditions change, seeking always to become more effective. Like the resources it seeks to protect, wildlife Rachel Carson, author of Silent Spring (1962) and mother of the modern environmental movement
League of Women Voters ® of the Akron Area that all of us share. It is not only a mirror of ourselves, but a focusing lens on what we can become. The environment, after all, is where we all meet, where we all have a mutual interest. It is one thing Lady Bird Johnson, First Lady,
League of Women Voters ® of the Akron Area priceless and irreplaceable resources without regard for the future of our children and people all around the world. We are living beyond our means. As a people we have developed a life-style that is draining the earth of its Margaret Mead, anthropologist ( )
League of Women Voters ® of the Akron Area The wilderness holds answers to more questions than we have yet learned to ask. Nancy Newhall ( ), author of the text to accompany Ansel Adamss photos
League of Women Voters ® of the Akron Area Economy and environment are the same thing. That is the rule of nature. Mollie Beattie ( ), first woman to head U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service
League of Women Voters ® of the Akron Area so that we can bequeath our children a sustainable world that benefits all. We owe it to ourselves and to the next generation to conserve the environment Wangari Maathai ( ), first African woman to win the Nobel Peace Prize, 2004
League of Women Voters ® of the Akron Area Nature shrinks as capital grows. The growth of the market cannot solve the very crisis it creates. Vandana Shiva (b. 1955), Indian environmental activist and eco-warrior
League of Women Voters ® of the Akron Area [Sustainability:] Its the right thing to do, its the smart thing to do, its the profitable thing to do. L. Hunter Lovins (b. 1950), author and promoter of sustainable development
League of Women Voters ® of the Akron Area bite you consume. Everyone, everywhere is inextricably connected to and utterly dependent upon the existence of the sea. …the ocean touches you with every breath you take, every drop of water you drink, every Dr. Sylvia Earle, author of The World Is Blue, 2009
League of Women Voters ® of the Akron Area better managed and better understood for the important ecosystem services they provide. Rachel Kyte, World Bank V.P. for Sustainable Development, 2012 Everyone stands to benefit if the oceans are better protected,
League of Women Voters ® of the Akron Area I personally live and work by this African Proverb – If you think youre too small to make a difference, try sleeping in a room with a mosquito. Believe that you can make a difference; in fact, you do with every single choice you make… Lisa Borden, Climate Mama Interview, 2010
League of Women Voters ® of the Akron Area Complied by LWVAA for private use. Musical accompaniment: Heroes by Ann Reed from the album Hole In the Day