CENELEC, THE NEW APPROACH AND INTERNATIONAL STANDARDIZATION Symposium United Nations Economic Commission for Europe 23 October 2007 Geneva
CONTENTS The actors European milestones Legal framework The New Approach Basic Principles Advantages Future encouragement The European System CENELEC cooperation with IEC Conclusions
The actors
THE ACTORS OF STANDARDIZATION SYSTEM Electrotechnical standardization (IEC) Dresden Agreement Telecommunications standardization The European Commission (ITU) An that structure guarantees our first success. And I have written in purpose “IN AT LEAST” because: - affiliate countries - as 75% of the standards are identical or based on IEC standards, in most of the cases we will be taking of a higher number… Standardization in all other sectors (ISO) (ISO)
GEOGRAPHICAL DIMENSION 30 Members 27 EU Members 3 EFTA Countries 8 Affiliates 38 Cooperating Partners CENELEC has got 30 Members: They are the National Electrotechnical Committees from the 27 Member countries of the European Union and the other 3 coming from EFTA: this is Iceland, Norway and Switzerland. Within the framework of Wider Europe (the European Commission’s European Neighbourhood Policy), CENELEC has engaged in promoting European electrotechnical standardization in neighbouring countries. We already count 8 Affiliates (in purple on the map): (Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, Serbia, Tunisia, Turkey and Ukraine) 38 Cooperating Partners have joined us over the years.
European milestones
VALUES OF THE EUROPEAN STANDARDIZATION SYSTEM European Internal Market 1973 – Low Voltage Directive: first harmonised standards 1983 – Directive 83/189 (98/34) Recognition of standardization as a useful tool for legislators (ESOs and NSBs) Information procedure 1985 – The New Approach 1989 – Global Approach and CE marking 1973 would have been a key date only with the foundation of CENELEC, but it happened another event that complete that year. The European Commission approved the Low Voltage Directive, which can be called the first New Approach Directive. Is the first time the European legislators define essential requirements and relay on voluntary standards, called in the Directive Harmonized Standards, the technical requirement to guarantee the safety of products. And is the first time that Notified Bodies affix or certificates of compliance with this Harmonized Standards that should be recognized in all the Member States of the EEC. use of voluntary standards gives presumption of conformity. 1980 standardization become a useful tool for legislators increasing the use of standards in support of its policies and legislation. 1985 The establishment of the New Approach. Standardisation has contributed significantly to the support of the completion of the Internal Market in the context of the New Approach legislation, which refers to European standards developed by CEN, CENELEC and ETSI. Standards giving answers to the essential requirements: heath, safety and environment. Furthermore, European standardisation supports European policies in the areas of competitiveness, ICT, public procurement, interoperability, environment, transport, energy, consumer protection, etc. Standardization is defined by the European Commission as the most successful story when talking about co-regulation. (entrust the attainment of the objectives defined by the legislative authority to parties which are recognised in the field)
Legal framework
LEGAL FRAMEWORK Driving forces Jurisprudence “Casis de Dijon”: any product legally manufactured and placed on the market in one Member State shall in principle be accepted also in the other Member States, unless the country of destination can claim the existence of imperative requirements to be complied with for reasons of public health, safety, consumer protection, … Legislative harmonization of detailed technical legal requirements on product safety proved not to be successfully in major product areas.
The New Approach
THE NEW APPROACH Basic principles Broad product scope of NA directives Essential requirements: no technical detail Supported by European standards Conformity assessment using standard modules CE marking based on a system of trust Manufacturer is legally responsible
THE NEW APPROACH Advantages (1) “Soft” regulation and harmonization of the market Prevention of barriers to trade resulting from diverging national technical standards Clearly structured legislation, “easy to use” Up-to-date technical requirements Avoidance of redundancies: no technical specifications in legislation
THE NEW APPROACH Advantages (2) Fast and highly efficient legislative process Timely adoption of technical requirements according to development and innovation Enforcement supported by adequate market surveillance No mandatory application of standards; flexibility for manufacturers to use different technical solutions thus enhancing innovative development
THE NEW APPROACH How the system works (1) NEW APPROACH DIRECTIVES define Essential Requirements for products COMMISSION “MANDATES” express the wish for standardization in the framework of European Policies HARMONIZED Standards are those that provide technical support to the requirements set by Directives. They grant automatic presumption of conformity to the products that have been manufactured following these standards. List of titles published in Official Journal.
STANDARDS ARE VOLUNTARY THE NEW APPROACH How the system works (2) STANDARDS ARE VOLUNTARY Harmonized European standards give presumption of conformity with essential requirements … but remain voluntary! European standardization Bodies elaborate European Standards on the basis of requests “mandates” from the Commission; international standards should be transposed uniformingly at European level, whenever they are in line with relevant directives.
The European system
Principles of Standardization THE EUROPEAN SYSTEM Principles of Standardization Voluntary process Based on Consensus Share of knowledge will develop best possible technical solution Impartial result Increases market access fostering competition
CENELEC national Members THE EUROPEAN SYSTEM CENELEC national Members Represent all national stakeholders: industry, authorities, social partners, consumers Ensure consensus building at national level Appoint national experts to participate in standardization work Commit to implement European standards identically at national level Withdraw conflicting national standards
CENELEC portfolio of Standards THE EUROPEAN SYSTEM CENELEC portfolio of Standards Total number of CENELEC standards at 15 Sept. 2007 = 5.245
STANDARDS (EN/HD) ADOPTION TIME (YEAR 2006) 72,5 % of the CENELEC deliverables are produced in less than 2 years 93 % of the CENELEC deliverables are produced in less than 3 years Indeed, 72,5% of …. So considering the a European Standards is the highest consensus building deliverable and is a very stable document, the process is not so slow. However if there is a need for a specification that is not necessarily a European Standard, CENELEC has got the CWAs (no national representation but direct participation of Industry). This option enables us to react faster to industry needs especially in the case of fast-changing technologies and short life cycle products. This is another way for the system to deal with innovation. Adoption time from stage code of approved NWI until date of ratification
CENELEC cooperation with IEC
CENELEC cooperation with IEC Total number of CENELEC standards at 15 Sept. 2007 = 5.245 15 Sept. 2007
CONCLUSIONS The New Approach : Effective co-regulation is build on principle of confidence Directives adopted by EU member states Harmonized European standards through consensus between all parties concerned Compliance with standards is voluntary Manufacturer remains responsible .
CONCLUSIONS The Commission and CENELEC will continue promoting strong link with international standardisation and to support transposition in the EU
THANK YOU FOR YOUR ATTENTION!! Central Secretariat 35 rue De Stassartstraat B-1050 Brussels Tel: + 32 2 519 6871 Fax: + 32 2 519 6919 Online Info Service: info@cenelec.org Visit our new website: www.cenelec.org