Pristine Civilization No. 1: Mesopotamia, 3500 B.C.
Tigris & Euphrates River Basins
Results of River Irrigation?
Ancient Egypt and the Nile River
Indus River Civilization; 2,300 B.C.
Yangtze River, China
Yellow River (Hwang-Ho), China
Great Wall; 215 B.C.
New World Civilizations: Olmec, Zapotec, Teotihuacan
Mayan Pyramid Temple; Tikal, 800 A.D.
Mexican Raised Farming
Ancient Metal Tools
Copper Ore and Ancient Egyptian Mineral Sites
Egyptian Bread and Beer Crafts
Giza Pyramids, 2775 B.C.
The Banks of the Nile River
Back to the Drawing Board?
Egyptian Writing and Geometry
Egyptian Planet Reckoning
Egyptian Hieroglyphic Numerals and Calendar