Ancient River Valley Civilizations
ANCIENT EGYPT Nile River Mummies Pharaohs Rameses King Tutankhamen Hieroglyphics
Egyptian Civilization Egyptian civilization arose after Mesopotamia. Geography: It was centered around the Nile River.
The Nile River
Nile River Provided fish Supported plants and animals Two rivers, Blue Nile and White Nile, join to make the Nile River. World’s longest river Flows south to north Floods watered the land and provided fertile soils for crops to grow. LONGEST RIVER IN THE WORLD---4, 150 MILES LONG (some sources say 4, 135—all the way up to 4, 160 miles) (debated between Nile and Amazon as to which one is longest) *Provided transportation, water for bathing, drinking water for people and animal *Delta marshes no harbors for invaders
Shows were the Blue Nile begins.
The Sahara Desert. Largest desert in the world. Egypt is naturally protected from enemies because it was surrounded by deserts, rivers, deltas, and cataracts (rapids). Located in northern Africa, south of Mediterranean Sea, west of Red Sea (connect with Israelites). DEFENSES: Nile delta, Sahara Desert, Eastern Desert, Nile cataracts
Delta A river delta is a landform that forms at the mouth of a river, where the river flows into an ocean, sea, estuary, lake, or reservoir. Deltas form from deposition of sediment carried by a river as the flow leaves its mouth In addition to the delta and deserts, Egypt has mountains around it as well. (Mt. Sinai and Mt. St. Catherine)
Pyramids Pyramids were tombs for the kings. The most famous are the Giza pyramids (shown to left). These were built in 3500 B.C.E. How old are they? Why would a pharaoh’s body need protection? From floods, grave robbers, wild animals What supplies did pyramids hold? Those that the pharaoh might need in the spirit world such as clothing, furniture, jewelry and food
Nobody knows exactly what lies inside a blocked shaft of the Great Pyramid. It has 3 doors barring the way to a queen’s 4,000 yr old sarcophagus. In the early 2000s, scientists sent a small robot into the shaft to take a look at the “Queen’s Chamber.” However, the doors did their work well. Not even the robot could squeeze past.
Political: Egyptian Pharaohs Egyptians were led by Pharaohs, who were priest-kings. The most famous pharaoh is King Tut. Using computers, this image was reconstructed using his remains. Eventually, Egypt was divided into 2 kingdoms (Upper and Lower). Early period – there were village chefs. 2 kingdoms – Lower Egypt and Upper Egypt --- both ruled by a king or a pharaoh. First woman ruler was Hatshepsut.
No one is sure what happened to Tut (fall or murdered) No one is sure what happened to Tut (fall or murdered). He played only a small role in Egypt’s history. He captured people’s imaginations after a British imaginations after a British archaeologist, Howard Carter, found his tomb in A.D. 1922. Tomb contained the king’s mummy and incredible treasures, including a brilliant gold mask of the young pharaoh’s face. Carter’s find was a thrilling discovery b/c most royal tombs in Egypt had been looted yrs ago. Tutankhamun
Click on picture of him – website of virtual tour of his tomb
Tutankhamen on the throne
Abu Simbel was built by Ramseses II
Egypt’s Religion They believed in many gods and goddesses and in life after death for the pharaohs. (Polytheistic)*** Hapi – main god Isis – main goddess Book of the Dead Book of the Dead was a collection of spells, incantations, magic, etc. Life after death was at first only for pharaohs
Mummies Egyptians who could afford to do so would have themselves mummified. They believed in a better afterlife if their body was preserved.
Mummification Process Took out all of the internal organs, except the heart because it was believed to be the intelligence and emotion of the person. Organs were put in canopic jars, that were put in the tomb with the mummy. Brain was taken out through the nose because it had no significant value. he body was packed and covered with natron (a salty drying agent). Then the body was left for 40-50 days.
Egyptians wrote in hieroglyphics Made up of sound and picture symbols Only scribes (men) were taught to write
What did Egyptians write on? Papyrus Also used to make baskets, sandals and river rafts Early Egyptian contributions: geometry, papyrus, and hieroglyphics
The Great Sphinx is located on the Giza plateau, about six miles west of Cairo. According to an ancient Greek myth, a sphinx slew all people who could not answer its riddle: “What walks on four feet in the morning, on two at noon, and three in the evening?” Oedipus answered the riddle: “Man crawls as a baby, walks an adult, and uses a cane in old age.” The sphinx then killed itself. 7 wonders of the ancient world were: the Hanging Gardens of Babylon, the Temple of Artemis, the Lighthouse of Alexandria, the Mausoleum at Halicamassus, the Statute of Zeus at Olympia, the Great Pyramid at Giza, and the Colossus of Rhodes. Assign students to find pictures to create their own “Seven Wonders of Ancient Egypt” booklet or diorama
Egyptian Social Classes Higher on the pyramid – the more money you had; Middle class ran businesses and sold goods.; farmers made up large part of population; unskilled workers carried cargo from boats to market. Diets of bread, beer, veggies, and fruits; father was head of family; girls learned to sew and cook from mothers; boys learned farming and other trades from fathers; children did not attend school and played various games.
Egyptian Economy Although Egypt looks really sophisticated, the economy is a traditional economy based on farming and trade. Egyptians traded up and down the Nile, with Mesopotamians and sometimes with the Indus Valley (in Pakistan)