Leadership in ANCIENT EGYPT
Each level of society is connected to the Pharaoh Earthly leader; considered a god HIGH PRIESTS AND PRIESTESSES Served gods and goddesses NOBLES Fought pharaoh’s wars MERCHANTS, SCRIBES, AND ARTISANS Made furniture, jewelry & fabrics for pharaohs & nobles, & provided for other needs PEASANT FARMERS AND SLAVES Worked in the fields and served the pharaoh
Early Dynastic (2920-2575)- unification of upper and lower Egypt into a single Kingdom by Pharaoh Narmer Old Kingdom- (2575-2134 BC)- development of despotic Pharonic dynasties- construction of Pyramids 1st Intermediate- (2134-2040 BC)- Chaos and disunity Middle Kingdom- (2040-1640 BC)- reestablishment of Kingdom with Thebes as political center- beginning of powerful cult of Amun 2nd Intermediate- (1640-1530 BC)- Hyksos invasion New Kingdom- (1530-1070 BC)- Imperial period (Valley of the Kings) Late Period- (1070-332 BC)- decline of Kingdom; conquest by Alexander the Great
OLD KINGDOM KINGDOM NEW KINGDOM MIDDLE KINGDOM NEW KINGDOM Pharaohs organized a strong central state, were absolute rulers, and were considered gods. Egyptians built pyramids at Giza. Power struggles, crop failures, and cost of pyramids contributed to the collapse of the Old Kingdom. Large drainage project created arable farmland. Traders had contacts with Middle East and Crete. Corruption and rebellions were common. Hyksos invaded & occupied the delta region. Powerful pharaohs created a large empire that reached the Euphrates River. Hatshepsut encouraged trade. Ramses II expanded Egyptian rule to Syria. Egyptian power declined.
You can find the Pharaoh by looking for one of his 3 crowns. Deshret – The Red Crown of Lower Egypt Hedjet– The White Crown of Upper Egypt
Look at the Pharaoh on the left PSCHENT – The Double Crown
water So who was the Pharaoh? One of the names of the Pharaoh was “He who makes hearts live” The Pharoah held the power over the greatest force in Egypt water
Succession To keep the pure line of succession, a Pharaoh passed on the throne to the eldest son born of the Principal Queen, or Great Royal Wife Each king was usually keen to demonstrate to his subjects that he was the “chosen” heir The Pharaoh owned all of the land, people, and possessions in Egypt Any personal wealth enjoyed by Egyptians people was considered a result of the generosity of the King.
Pharaoh means, "Great House." Role of the Pharaoh Pharaoh means, "Great House." In ancient Egypt, the Pharaoh had many roles in his kingdom. He watched over the law courts and was the chief of the temples. He was an army leader and controlled trade expeditions. He supervised the water system and stored the grain.
Role of the Pharaoh Ancient Egyptians believed that each living pharaoh was a living god. They believed that each pharaoh was the human form of Horus. The pharaohs were very important to Egypt because they pleased their gods so good fortune would come to Egypt. The pharaohs were transported from place to place on a chair carried by servants.
King Menes <NARMER> C 3100 BC 1st dynasty (of 30 dynasties) King of Upper Egypt United Upper & Lower Egypt Combined two crowns White crown for Upper Egypt Red crown for Lower Egypt + =
Menes Ancient Egypt’s form of a civilization began with King Menes. He created the city of Memphis because of its location. It would be easy to defend against any attacks. During his reign he expanded his kingdom and developed commercial trade links.
ZOSER <DJOSER> c. 2650 BC 3rd Dynasty of the Old Kingdom Responsible for world's 1st known monumental stone building: Steppe Pyramid at Saqqara Little known about Djoser, but Steppe Pyramid suggests that Egypt politically stable-- successful economy Architect Imhotep, a priest and advisor first architect known by name in history
Djoser Imhotep came up with the idea of the step pyramid. The pyramids design consisted of six giant steps and contained many chambers and secret tunnels. It is believed that during Djoser’s reign, he extended the Egyptian Southern Border all the way to the Nile’s First Cataract. He left behind the legacy of the step pyramid, which was the basis of all other pyramids to come.
Khufu <Cheops> 2551-2528 Created largest pyramid at Giza 4th Dynasty Full name, Khnum-Khufwy, means ‘[the god] Khnum protect me.’ Believed he was protected by higher power Gave him confidence/foresight to build the Great Pyramid. Khufu’s father, King Sneferu, taught him the art of pyramid building.
Pharaoh Senusret I: Patron of the arts The Pharaoh Senusret ruled from about 1971 to 1926 B.C.E. The arts thrived under Senuret’s rule. A lot of Egyptian literature was written during Senuret’s rule including the “Story of Sinuhe” , which tells the story of a young man who hears a plan to kill the pharaoh. The Story of Sinuhe
Pharaoh Senusret I: Patron of the arts Senusret’s greatest achievements were in religious architecture. Senusret’s greatest architectural achievement was the White Chapel, which was made from alabaster, a hard white stone.
Hatshepsut 1490-1469 Hatshepsut rules Egypt “his majesty herself” Married to Thutmose II Regent for Thutmose III Ruled 20 years on her own, as the first female pharaoh Temple at Deir-el Bahri Established trade routes to Punt to make Egypt rich
Thutmose III 1490-1436 Destroyed evidence of his stepmother/ aunt Great military leader “Napoleon of Ancient Egypt” 54 years of rule, Captured over 350 cities Buried in Valley of the Kings
Tuthmosis III He was remembered for is successful military campaigns, largest empire Egypt had seen He had numerous victories against Syria, Libya and Nubia. In his lifetime he married several foreign princesses, apparently for diplomatic reasons. His chief queen was Hatshepsut-Merytre. He established Egypt as a powerful military strength. He died in his 55th year of reigning and was buried in the Valley of the Kings.
Amenhotep IV/ Akhenaten 1353-1335 Changed Ancient Egyptian Religion to Monotheism Took name Akhenaten, means “Servant to Aten” Aten, god & disk of the sun Married to Nefertiti “Father” of Tutankhamun Considered heretic king
Akenaton Today, Akhenaton is remembered for trying to introduce monotheism to Egypt. It is not sure how Akhenaton died but the text two kings, Smenkhkara and Tutankhamen were apparently son’s-in-law to Akhenaton. After his reign Egypt returned back to their old Gods.
NEFERTITI "And the Heiress, Great in the Palace, Fair of Face, Adorned with the Double Plumes, Mistress of Happiness, Endowed with Favors, at hearing whose voice the King rejoices, the Chief Wife of the King, his beloved, the Lady of the Two Lands, Neferneferuaten-Nefertiti, May she live for Ever and Always" Nefertiti was active in the religious and cultural changes initiated by her husband ~Some maintain she initiated the new religion ~She also had the position as a priest(ess)
Tutankhamun 1333-1323 Known as the “Boy King” Married one of his half sisters Helped restore Egyptian polytheism Took throne at Nine years old Died ~ 19 due to a head injury Buried in the Valley of the Kings (KV 62)
Tutankhamen King Tutankhamen helped restore Egypt's old beliefs from when his father tried to make Egypt a monotheistic society.
Tutankhamen Since his tomb had not yet been made, he was laid in a tomb of a member of the nobility. He is famous today because of his tomb found by archaeologists. Some say it was the most important archaeological find in history King Tut curse????
Ramses II Known as Ramses the Great 200 wives 96 sons 60 daughters 1290-1224 Known as Ramses the Great 200 wives 96 sons 60 daughters Lived for 96 years Originally buried in the Valley of the Kings but was moved to avoid looting
Pharaoh Ramses II The pharaoh Ramses II ruled from 1290 to 1224 B.C.E. He is known for his military leadership and building of monuments. He had over 100 wives and 100 children At the age of ten he was a captain in the Egyptian army. Ramses was also a peace maker by signing the first peace treaty with the Hittites in the world.
The Last Great Pharaoh - Ramses III At time of Ramses III the world was going through great upheavals. Two principle wives plus many minor wives Tiye, caused his destruction. Plot to kill him with the aim of placing her son, prince Pentaweret, on the throne. She <and others> stirred rebellion used magic wax images and poison as weapons. Conspiracy failed, traitors arrested but not before Ramses was mortally wounded. Fourteen officials sat in judgment and all the accused condemned to commit suicide. Ramses died before the trial was completed. The Last Great Pharaoh - Ramses III 1187-56 BC
Cleopatra Last Pharaoh of Egypt (51-30 BCE) Portrayed herself as the reincarnation of Isis Allied herself with Julius Caesar, disputably had a child together, Caesarean. After Caesar died, she aligned with Mark Antony in opposition to Caesar Agustus Had 3 children with Antony, lost Battle of Actium, committed suicide by Asp
Discussion Questions In your opinion, was it right for the Pharaohs to rule with absolute power? Explain. Do you think Egypt would be so well known today if Pharaohs did not exist? In ancient Egypt all property belonged to the Pharaohs, would our society be successful if this was true today about the Prime Minister.