Session 2 Introduction II What is Linguistics? What kinds of linguistics are there?
The Tutorials These take place as follows Thursday HG 215 Friday 9:15 – 10:00 HG 214 Intro to Ling © FAM2
A brief digression: Library tutorials Intro to Ling © FAM3
Library tutorial taster 1 Introduction to library research will help you understand the differences between library catalogs, and databases select information sources appropriate for a particular need understand the various steps in the research process know standard research techniques for searching library catalogs and electronic databases
But now back to Intro to Ling Intro to Ling © FAM5
What we discussed last week: What is language? What are the elements that make language what it is? What types of language can we study? What are the components that language consist of? Intro to Ling © FAM6
What we found: Language is used to convey information is a conventionalised sign system is always systematic and rule-governed is creative is a means of group-definition Language can structure thinking structure reality structure relationships be used to perform actions Language changes over time and place Intro to Ling © FAM7
What language consists of Individual signs groups of signs combinations of grouped signs content to convey, reference to the world compositions of combined grouped signs the style we use to convey a message Intro to Ling © FAM8
2. Linguistics: Study of Language 2.1 A basic division © FAM9 Language as an entity systematic idealised not affected by performance limitations Theoretical Approach Intro to Ling
Limitations in performance and reception Example: multiple embedding The mouse the cat the dog the woman the man adored called chased ate stole the cheese the mouse stole the cheese the cat ate the mouse the dog chased the cat the woman called the dog the man adored the woman Intro to Ling © FAM10 The mouse the cat the dog the woman the man adored called chased ate stole the cheese
2. Linguistics: Study of Language 2.1 A basic division © FAM11 Language as an entity systematic idealised not affected by performance limitations in use in actuality in context/situations performance- related Theoretical Approach Practical/ applied Approach Intro to Ling
2.2 From Language… © FAM12 Elements of languageUse/Variations of Language sign graphic elements speech sounds physical manifestat -iion personal variation writing systemsound system local / regional variation building blocks for words construction elements meaning of words social variation grammar combination rules for phrases and sentences temporal variation text / discouse combination of sentences turns in a conversation realisations limited durationlong-term change Intro to Ling
2.2 … to Linguistics © FAM13 Theoretical /MicrolinguisticsMacrolinguistics sign Graphology Phonetics physical manifestat -iion personal variation Phonology local / regional variation Morphology construction elements Semantics social variation grammar Syntax temporal variation text / discouse Text linguisticsPragmatics realisations synchronicdiachronic Psycholinguistics Neurolinguistics Dialectology Sociolinguistics Sociology of Language Historical linguistics Intro to Ling
The Interdisciplinary Nature of Linguistics Intro to Ling © FAM14 computer science computational linguistics psychology languageacquisition / loss psycholinguistics clinical sciencesspeech therapy neuro-biology neurolinguistics law forensic linguistics pedagogy/didacticsapplied linguistics literature(s) stylistics /narratology socio-historical studieshistoricallinguistics anthropology anthropologicallinguistics / language anthropology sociology sociolinguistics/sociologyof language philosophy language philosophy
2.3 Focus of this course 1.Sounds of language: Phonetics and Phonology 2.Building blocks for words: Morphology 3.Word meaning: Semantics 4.Combination rules for phrases and sentences: Syntax 5.Beyond the sentence/ turns in conversation: Pragmatics 6.Language in Use: an overview © FAM15 Intro to Ling
Sounds of language I: Phonetics production of speech sounds where in our mouths with what elements, etc. describing speech sounds technical vocab for succinct description groundwork for next chapter develop a system for written representation learning to transcribe Intro to Ling © FAM16
Sounds of language II: Phonology speech sounds of specific language relationships between speech sounds possible and impossible combinations Combining speech sounds into units patterns of prominence Intro to Ling © FAM17
Building words: Morphology study of English words word classes/categories elements of English words the use of endings to fit the grammar strategies to create new English words beginnings and endings new combinations other strategies Intro to Ling © FAM18
Word meaning: Semantics What words mean Layers of meaning objective vs. subjective meaning Meaning relations overlap of meaning Sameness of meaning opposite meanings Beyond word meaning imagery Sequences Intro to Ling © FAM19
Combination rules: Syntax combining words phrase structures rules for generating well formed phrases. Combining phrases clause and sentence structures acceptable sequences of phrases in clauses Changing sequences questions and embedded clauses Functional analysis vs. structural description Intro to Ling © FAM20
Language in Context: Pragmatics Meaning and situations directness vs indirectness the force of what is said How we manage to communicate the Cooperative Principle (CP) what imply / what we infer Intro to Ling © FAM21
Thats it for today… …see you next week when we will be looking at… © FAM22 The Study of speech sounds Phonetics Intro to Ling