Top 5 Javascript Frameworks
Introduction JavaScript is used for both server- and client-sides to design amazing interfaces, enrichment web-apps with multiple functions and features, real time modification of web pages, and much more.
Top JavaScript Frameworks Angular.JS React.JS Vue.JS Ember.JS Meteor.JS
Angular.JS In 2016, the AngularJS had hit the market after a long wait. As soon as it entered the market, it gained a very quick popularity. Currently it is regarded as the most used JS framework for Single Page Applications (SPAs) development and it also takes pride in having the largest community of developers. AngularJS is also known as an MVW(Model-View-Whatever) framework. The most common benefits for startups and mid-sized companies include easy app testing, two-way data binding and quick code production.
React.JS ReactJS is more of a library than a JavaScript framework. Its popularity can be stated by Facebook and Instagram, which proves the fact that it can handle high-traffic applications. It is one of the fastest growing JS framework with about 1000 contributors on Github.
Vue.JS Vue 2.0 is said to be faster than React and Angular 2.0. Introduced in 2016, Vue.JS proved to be the a great choice for development of cross-platform solutions. It could also make for a firm base for high-profile single page applications (SPAs) and provide beneficial solutions to the cases involved in them.
Ember.JS Ember was considered the best JavaScript framework for web/online applications back in 2015. Today it has a huge online community that provides regular updates and wide appliance of best practices involved in JavaScript. Like Vue.JS and Angular.JS, Ember also features two-way binding, where both view and model are taken into consideration simultaneously.
Meteor.JS Meteor is a boon for back-end developers as it comes preloaded with tons of features. The best of them include front-end rendering, business logic and database management. Its ecosystem has shown a significant growth right after its release in 2012. This full stack platform enables fast end-to-end mobile and web development in JavaScript.
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