Vocabulary Geography Prehistory Anthropology Culture Archaeology Artifact Historian Nomad Animism Domesticate Civilization Polytheistic Pictogram City-state Cultural diffusion Silt Delta Dynasty Pharaoh Mummification Hieroglyphics Demotic papyrus Ziggurat Cuneiform Criminal law Civil law Barter economy Money economy Monotheistic Covenant Prophet Diaspora
Civilization Begins Prehistory – 3000 B.C. 32 questions
Understanding Our Past * Archaeologists learn about the human past by studying artifacts, or objects made by people, such as tools, weapons, pottery, clothing, and jewelry. (Pre-History, before writing) * Historians reconstruct the past by studying written evidence such as letters or tax records and visual evidence such as photographs or films. Must evaluate information for reliability
Geography, the study of people and their environments * Geographers study five major themes Location, where a place is on the surface of the Earth Place, physical and human characteristics of a location Interaction, how people have shaped and been shaped by the places where they lived Movement, movement of people, goods, and ideas Region, places with similar unifying physical, economic, or cultural features
Sungir, Russia, buried some 25,000 years ago The Dawn of History *Old Stone Age or Paleolithic age, until about 10,000 BC The people were know as hunter gatherers or nomads People made tools, digging sticks, spears and axes from natural materials Learned to build fires and wear clothing Developed spoken languages Religions began Sungir, Russia, buried some 25,000 years ago
*New Stone Age or Neolithic Age….11,000 years ago *Humans learned to farm, a development that transformed the way people lived Planting seeds and domesticating animals * By about 5,000 years ago, the advances made by early farming communities led to the rise of civilizations. Social hierarchy Accumulation of personal property New technologies
Beginnings of Civilizations *Cities, first rose in river valleys Water Farming Renewable soil Animals Transportation
*Eight basic features common to most early civilizations: Cities In fertile areas producing a food surplus Well-organized central governments Needed to maintain order and the surplus Divine Right Bureaucracy developed Complex religions Polytheistic, believing in many gods Controlling the natural forces and human activities People created ceremonies, temples and priests to intervene with the gods on behalf of the people Job specialization Artisans, priests, farmers, weapons maker and soldiers Marduk God of Thunder
Features Social classes Arts and architecture The importance of the persons job ranked them socially Arts and architecture Temples to the gods Places for the rulers Public works to benefit the city Defensive walls, irrigation systems, roads and bridges Writing Pictograms Leaders needed to keep records
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First Civilizations (3200 B.C. – 500 B.C.) Ancient Kingdoms of the Nile Egypt and Nubia * Egyptian civilization is divided into three main periods: Old Kingdom (2700 to 2200 BC) Egyptian pharaohs organized a strong centralized state Built majestic pyramids Pharaoh was a God Middle Kingdom (2200 to 1800BC New Kingdom (1800 to 100BC
Egyptian Civilization Egyptians worshiped many gods and goddesses. * Amon-Re sun god, Osiris and Isis They also believed in life after death * Developed special skills for preserving the bodies of the dead. Mummification, for the trip into the after life Valley of the Kings Tutankamun
Hieroglyphics Picture writing * Rosette Stone Demotic and Greek Kept records and histories of their culture on Stone, Clay and Papyrus
Egyptian Scientific Advances Mathematics developed geometry to survey fields Medicine diagnosing illnesses, complex surgery and medicines Astronomy developed a calendar which we use today Engineering to build the pyramids and irrigation systems. Romans later used Egyptian engineering in their buildings
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City States of ancient Sumer Sumer, the oldest civilization of the Middle East Developed in *Mesopotamia means “between the rivers” On fertile land between the Tigris and Euphrates rivers. *Epic of Gilgamesh, oldest works of literature XI
City States * Few natural resources, built great cities of clay Built *ziggurats pyramid temples Sumerians made the first wheeled vehicles Each of which had its distinct social hierarchy The ruling family, leading officials, and priests at the top Small middle class of artists and merchants Peasant farmers and slaves at the bottom
Sumerian Culture Women had rights as in Egypt but not as many * The Sumerians invented the earliest form of writing, known as cuneiform A form of picture writing Made great advances in mathematics and astronomy. 360 degrees and base 6 numbers
Sumerian Religion * Polytheistic Gods controlled every aspect of life More pessimistic than Egyptians The Bull-man is a demon. He is a man above the waist and a bull below the waist. He also has the horns and the ears of a bull. He helps people fight evil and chaos. He holds the gates of dawn open for the sun god Shamash and supports the sun disc. Ishtar is the morning and evening star (the planet we call Venus), and the goddess of love and war. She is shown as a woman standing on a lion, generally holding several weapons.
Invaders, Traders and Empire Builders *Mesopotamia’s location at a geographical crossroads opened it to a succession of invaders The Babylonians Hammurabi, king of Babylonia * Published the Code of Hammurabi on a stone pillar The world’s first major collection of laws Both civil and criminal Improved irrigation and trained his army
Darius I - Darius the Great (521-486 BC) The Persian Empire * Darius organized the empire Provinces headed by a satrap Based taxes on what each could afford Built roads Kept moving his royal capital Uniform weight and measures Introduced coinage Tolerant of the customs and cultures under their control Darius I - Darius the Great (521-486 BC)
Effects of Warfare and Trade * Spread ideas and technology around the Mediterranean (cultural diffusion) Hammurabi’s Code of laws Iron-working from the Hittites Phoenician alphabet Used 22 symbols for consonant sounds Greeks added symbols for vowels (p. 109)
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The World of the Hebrews By 1000 B.C., the Hebrews had set up the kingdom of Israel in the Fertile Crescent of Mesopotamia. Moses led from Egypt to Canaan (Palestine) the promised land King David united the feuding tribes King Solomon built Jerusalem and an impressive temple to God Israel divided, Israel in the north and Judah in the south Nebuchadnezzer destroyed the temple and exiled the Hebrews Israel lived under a series of rulers
Covenant with God They would obey commandments and worship Him alone *Covenant with God They would obey commandments and worship Him alone.....God would protect and Cannan would be theirs forever * Monotheistic One true god all knowing, all powerful and everywhere * The Chosen People Covenant with Abraham Renewed with Moses God’s laws are set down in the Ten Commandments and the Torah *Believed in Prophets or spiritual leaders who interpret God’s will Preached a strong code ethics Saw their leaders as men not gods who must obey god’s law
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Next up Ancient India and China The End Next up Ancient India and China