Amelia I am in green team. I am in grade 1. My favourite subject is maths. I am 6 years old. I drive to school. I am in grade 1/2. I go to Christ our Holy Redeemer. I like tennis and swimming. My friends are Alyssa, Constance and Eva. I have three people in my family.
Anzac day Anzac day is a special day because you remember the soldiers who fought for us.
The new playground I liked the new playground because there are more things to play on.
The pocket dogs go on holiday. I like the pocket dogs because Mr Pocket loves them.
MCG! My favorite part of the Royal Botanical Gardens was when we were on the tour with Vicky and we learnt about Aboriginals. I learnt a lot about the MCG as well!
Royal Botanical Gardens! When we went to the Royal Botanical Gardens our tour guide was Vicky. We had lots of fun and we learnt how to make string.
Non renewable and renewable
Mothers day I liked Mother’s Day because my mum liked her presents. We got her a mug and Witchery make–up.
The pocket dogs and the lost kitten Mr Pocket loves Biff and Buff but then they find a lost kitten and Mr Pocket just plays with the kitten.
PowerPoint I enjoyed when we did the Pocket Dogs and Mother’s Day celebrations!
Aboriginal keywords! possum. Aboriginal tools. Humpy. Aboriginal paintings.