Egypt Dates and Places: 3500-1000BCE Nile River Valley People: Prehistory Prehistory People: Divine rulers Agriculture Hieroglyphic writing system Polytheism Great Pyramids, ca. 2551-2528BCE. Fig. 1-1.
Egypt Themes: Gods Rulers Life and death Offerings Forms: Stone and mud brick construction Natural and conceptual treatments of figures Registers of space Hierarchy of scale Thutmose, Nefertiti, ca. 1353-1335BCE. Fig. 1-34.
Egypt: Predynastic Period Palette of King Narmer, ca. 3000-2920BCE. Fig. 1-22
Egypt: Predynastic Period Example: Unification of Upper and Lower Egypt Divine ruler and gods Symbols of authority Hieroglyphs Hierarchy of scale Composite view Palette of King Narmer, ca. 3000-2920BCE. Fig. 1-22
Egypt: Early Dynastic Period Imhotep, Stepped Pyramid and mortuary precint of Djoser, 2630-2611BCE. Fig. 1-24.
Egypt: Early Dynastic Period Example: Funerary precinct Burial pyramid and temples Pyramid based on mastaba Symbol of king’s godlike power First named artist in recorded history Imhotep, Stepped Pyramid and mortuary precint of Djoser, 2630-2611BCE. Fig. 1-24.
Egypt: Old Kingdom Great Pyramids, ca. 2551-2528BCE. Fig. 1-1.
Egypt: Old Kingdom Example: Funerary precinct with burial pyramids and temples Pyramid symbol of god Re Testifies to king’s power Masonry construction with internal chambers Stone facing reflected sun Great Pyramids, ca. 2551-2528BCE. Fig. 1-1.
Egypt: Old Kingdom Menkaure and Khamerernebty(?), ca. 2490-2472BCE. Fig. 1-27.
Egypt: Old Kingdom Example: Sculpture for king’s temple Home for king’s ka Symbols of rulership Ideal proportions of godlike king Timeless double portrait Typical Egyptian pose Queen’s pose indicates marriage Menkaure and Khamerernebty(?), ca. 2490-2472BCE. Fig. 1-27.
Egypt: New Kingdom Restored view of the temple of Amen-Re, Karnak, begun 15th century BCE. Fig. 1-31
Egypt: New Kingdom Example: Temple complex for god Amen-Re Along Nile River Symbolic architecture and landscape design Pylon temple on symmetrical axis Restricted access to hypostyle hall Restored view of the temple of Amen-Re, Karnak, begun 15th century BCE. Fig. 1-31
Egypt: New Kingdom Thutmose, Nefertiti, ca. 1353-1335BCE. Fig. 1-34.
Egypt: New Kingdom Example: Brief period of monotheism and political change Influential queen Named sculptor Rejection of artistic tradition? Ideal beauty over true likeness Inlaid eyes Thutmose, Nefertiti, ca. 1353-1335BCE. Fig. 1-34.