University of the Highlands and Islands STEM Team Dr Samantha Clark STEM Development Manager
University of the Highlands and Islands STEM Hub The University of the Highlands and Islands STEM Team are based in the STEM Hub, An Lòchran, Inverness Campus We aim to inspire children aged 5 – 19 to engage with STEM subjects We offer interactive, curriculum tied modules to schools across the Highland region The modules are tailored to the individual needs of each school. We are currently funded by SSE to promote the British Science Association CREST scheme.
University of the Highlands and Islands STEM Hub Modules are interactive, curriculum tied and where possible linked to real University of the Highlands and Islands research!
University of the Highlands and Islands STEM Hub
University of the Highlands and Islands STEM Hub STEM Hub modules have been specifically altered for rural school challenges The Sphero Module has been specifically designed to hit all computing level 1 & 2 learning outcomes without the need for a computer! Sessions have been designed to work with composite classes
University of the Highlands and Islands STEM Hub The STEM Hub can also be used FREE of charge for after school clubs The CoderDojo club is run by STEM Ambassadors Interacts with pupils aged 6 to 16 on Tuesday evenings and holidays The club has interacted with around 900 people since it started August 2016
University of the Highlands and Islands STEM Hub We aim to improve: Improve capacity by providing schools with access to inspiring modules and resources. Improve confidence through teacher CPD and working with PGDE students. Improve STEM culture by building meaningful relationships with schools. Capacity + Confidence + Culture = Sustainability
Dr Alessio Gusmeroli STEM Conference May 2 2017 My World of Work Live! Dr Alessio Gusmeroli STEM Conference May 2 2017
About MyWoW Live! Designed to engage and inspire young people to consider careers in Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths. Menu of bookable workshops Focus on young people in P7-S3. All activities are designed to provide a short, sharp burst of STEM inspiration and signpost to connected activities locally.
Digital Studio
The mind is not a vessel to fill but a fire to kindle Plato ~400 AC
World Economic Forum TOP 10 skills Complex Problem Solving Critical Thinking Creativity People Management Coordinating with others Emotional Intelligence Judgement and Decision Making Service Orientation Negotiation Cognitive Flexibility Source: The Future of Jobs and Skills, 2016
Digital Studio offer examples
Laboratory for digital skills – focus on coding/ tech / digital making - creativity
LEGO Mindstorms EV3 a tool to convey STEM careers messages ~ 61 workshops delivered to Highland pupils this year
Digital Studio offer FUN! CHALLENGING! CREATIVE ACTIVITIES! Not only LEGO Python, Arduino, Java, Raspberry Pi, scientific sensors FUN! CHALLENGING! CREATIVE ACTIVITIES!
Work with local schools Started in September 2016 – coordination with Highland Council 94 workshops (0.8 per day), 42 schools, 97% P6-P7 2156 pupils 260 teaching professionals
Feedback from pupils 274 surveyed pupils (44% male, 52% female) “Science is more fun now” “I want to be an engineer now!” 88% think that working in Science and Tech is more exciting now 97% think is now more likely that they will study science subjects in school 274 surveyed pupils (44% male, 52% female)
Feedback from teachers 97% stated that they learned something new with us 80% stated that their motivation and enthusiasm in teaching STEM subjects has increased “I did not know there were so many job opportunities every year within STEM.” “Gave the children a very practical and enjoyable experience. These experiences are worth hours spent in the classroom” 120 surveyed teachers
Future priorities Work with secondary schools (only 2 schools have engaged so far) Two new activities Technology in Agriculture and Careers in Architecture (360 Architecture employer linked) Collaboration with Science Skills Academy – STEM Hub UHI etc and joint work with employers
My World of Work Live! STEM Hub Short, sharp, burst of inspiration about STEM jobs and careers Careers Guidance Service, it’s about jobs in STEM Hands on, interactive, curriculum linked, STEM sessions Building confidence and inspiring the next generation Inverness centre Target schools are within 1 hour of Inverness Broad North of Scotland regional remit Target schools across the Highland region Focus on applied Sciences e.g. space Engineering: satellite manufacturing Focus on broad STEM subjects e.g. space activity: curriculum linked activities on the solar system
My World of Work Live! STEM Hub Today I got a Discovery CREST Award in programming! Today I learnt how to build a wind turbine with LEGO! I want to be an Energy Engineer!
STEM Hub My World of Work Live! >60% of the schools in the ASG have engaged Alness Academy Charleston Gairloch Grantown Inverness Royal Kingussie Millburn Portree Fortrose Invergordon Inverness High Inverness Royal Culloden Millburn
STEM Hub SDS both
THANK YOU!!!!! STEM Hub My World of Work Live! THANK YOU!!!!!