ESERO-UK Tim Peake in-flight call 14 April 2016 Allan Clements, ESERO-UK Manager Welcome to the teachers and pupils in Oslo and Warsaw and it is good to link up with my ESERO colleagues Joran and Jakub. The National partners in the UK include DfE and the UK Space Agency In this short presentation I want to talk about the work of the ESERO in the UK and also talk about the Tim Peake Primary Project.
ESERO-UK is part of STEM Learning which operates the National STEM Learning Centre and Network, and other projects supporting STEM education. Today we are here in York and have over 80 primary school teachers thinking about how to engage with pupils about STEM careers. We are of course looking forward to the live link up with Tim.
Using a space context to support STEM teaching and learning 7000 teachers trained 200000 resource downloads ESERO-UK was formed in 2009 and this is our key aim; Note it is not about just teaching the space content of the school curriculum. One of our earlier objectives agreed with funders was to collect space resources and promote them to teachers. Here you see our website where you can access resources. The slide shows the resources associated with Tim peake’s flight to the International space station. In total we have over 500 resources on line as well as a physical collection in our library here at York.
Tim Peake Primary Project Over the last year we have been carrying out the Tim Peake Primary Project.
Tim Peake Primary Project Space Ambassador Network CPD Principia Education Activities 1350 Primary Schools Our network of over 50 space ambassadors work directly with the schools. Space Ambassadors can have space and education backgrounds.
Working scientifically is a big part of the primary science curriculum in the UK
Working Scientifically at St George’s school
Gisburn Primary School using the lander activity from a Rosetta Resource
Mars Rover Landing challenge at Willow Primary School
Reading corner and learning through play.