A Tale of Two Cities
Victorian Prose Prose Novel, magazines, word Dickens Problem, problem Oliver Twist
About Charles Dickens -loved, people Characterization - Oliver Twist - A Christmas Carol - David Copperfield - A Tale of Two Cities - Great Expectations Nobility Debtor, factory Blame-shifter, society-oriented
About Charles Dickens “Boz.” Write Autobiographical Historical, action, least
General Information Omniscient, never Historical, French, critical Less, say, do, modern London, England Paris, France
Characters Bastille, Darnay Darnay, marriage Renounces, family Darnay, love Banker Wine-shop Knits Servant Grave robber Lucie
Characters Spy Solomon, Carton Wrong Uncle Nickname Letter Murders Daughter Main Carton
Part 1 Three Manette, together
Book One Contrast, change, sacrifice General, present Message Themes Resurrection Fate, guillotine, fate, both Death, not, rest
Book One, Chapter Two Pathetic, inner, change, character, beginning Differs, not, not Resurrection, inverted, wrong, ambiguous, message
Book One, Chapters 3 and 4 Narrator, dead, dig, life, graves, slowly Loyal, concern, sympathizes Lucie, not, innocence Foil, governess, normative Darkness, love
Book 1, Chapter 5 Code, danger, organized, set Blood Change Together not
Book 1, Chapter 6 Rescues, supernatural Light Female, connected England, France Mirror, mirror Dark Good Unity quick
Book 2, Chapter 1 Mirror Bank, prisons, death, prison Lower, backwards Guillotine Foreshadows, death
Book 2, Chapters 2-4 Courts - death - Darnay Redeemer - unable -love - powerful Love - darker
Book 2, Chapters 5-6 - control - Lion - credit - “Memory” + Carton Godparents - blonde
Book 2, Chapters 7-10 - excess - water + life Taxes - cold - mirror - cupid - love - mental
Book 2, Chapters 11-14 - Lucie - not - Carton - cries Tells - Catholic - not, better - personality
Book 2, Chapters 15-24 - water - hair, hatred - Fate - reformed Daughter, combines - cleanse Itself - Four, Armageddon - magnetic, France
Book 3, Chapters 1-5 - family - vengeance - redemption, love Why Trusts - child Powerless - ironic Opposite Evil, lower
Book 3, Chapters 6-12 Parallel - equal Inverted - not - insanity - dark - lost - power - Arthur
Book 3, Chapters 13-14 Christ - “sins” Justice - never
Themes- Resurrection - Alexander + Emotionally + forgiveness - Charles Darnay + three + sacrificial death + memory
Themes- The Necessity of Sacrifice - Sydney Carton + Christ-figure - sins - live - Charles Darnay + comforts, old life + his safety + honor, health
Themes- Love vs. Hate, Love - family 1. life - Romantic - friends > Darnay + vengeance - bond
Themes- Love vs. Hate, Hate - Revolution + Symbol + families - Defarges - aristocrats - conquers
Motifs Doubles Darkness ? Life - Bastille
Symbols - blood - freedom - foreshadows - die - fate + three - cruelty